Wednesday, December 12, 2012



As we sincerely desire to follow the first and second commandment (Lk.10:27) in order to please our Lord, we will discover that humility will be necessary.  David desired this in Ps.131:1.  To love our Lord with everything we have, it is imperative that we understand “You are God and I am not”.  As we come to grips with this fact, we bow before our Creator in an attitude of humility.  This is His desire for us.  Isa.66:1,2   God is our life.  Acts 17:28   Our very existence depends on Almighty God.  Isa.57:15   As God called Isaiah to go to the people, his response was one exalting God’s greatness while realizing his own insufficiency in humbleness.  Isa.6:5 

Scripture gives us examples of men of God who were known for their humility.  Abraham recognized his unworthiness as he spoke to God.  Gen.18:27   What a praise that in our unworthiness, we can still talk/pray to our God!  Moses was known as the most humble man on the face of the earth.  Num.12:3   There are times God has to teach us humbleness through hardship.  Moses had an important question that we need to ask ourselves often.  “Who am I?”  Ex.3:11   The key to our becoming humble is realized as we look at Job.  Job 42:2,6   When we understand that we have tried to take things into our own hands without God, repentance in humility should follow. 

As Mary, the mother of Jesus, came to Elizabeth who was 6 months with her son, she exclaimed, “How has it happened that the mother of my Lord would come to me?”  In other words, who am I?  This was humility.  Lk.1:43   When something really wonderful happens to us, what is our thinking?  To me?  Thank-you, Lord.  Or Yes, I deserve that.  Elizabeth’s son, John the Baptist, had a humble attitude as Jesus came to be baptized by him.  Mk.1:7   John again expressed humility later as John’s disciples had questions.  John’s explanation is in Jhn.3:30.  Paul, the apostle, had a right to be proud.  He was educated at the feet of one of the greatest teachers of the Law, Gamaliel.  When his life was changed to serve the Lord, his accomplishments were great and very numerous as he won souls, established congregations, and wrote many books of the N.T.  Yet Paul knew where it all originated.  It wasn’t him, it was the Lord working in and through him.  In speaking with the Thessalonians in 1 Thess.2:6, Paul states that he did not seek the glory of men.  Seeking the glory of men is opposite of humility, but a common habit today.  He was humble as he spoke to the elders from Ephesus and was probably seeing them for the last time.  Acts 20:19

Jesus is our prime example.  Jesus spoke of Himself as being humble.  Matt.11:29   When we think of who He was – Immanuel (God with us) Matt.1:23 – and the fact that He came to earth to take on a human body just for us –Phil.2:6-8 - to take our sins upon Himself who was perfect—Lk.19:10—how can we not bow before Him in humility to worship our Lord and King.  Not only do our words show humility but our actions do as well.  We find Jesus performing one of the lowliest tasks of a slave as He washed the feet of His disciples.  Jhn.13:16,17

Scripture is full of examples showing humility.  What does this mean for us?  Humility is a requirement for those who wish to please our Lord.  Mic.6:8   We note that repentance is associated with humility in 2 Chron.7:14.  This Scripture promises rewards if we follow these requirements.  Matt.5:3  promises a reward if we have a spirit of humility and realize how really poor we are in a spiritual way.  To be “clothed” is an expression used in several aspects of the Christian life.  We are to be “clothed” (fully clad, covered, engulfed) with humility.  1 Pet.5:5   Not much room is left for arrogance.  Jam.4:6   We all need God’s grace.  We don’t need God’s opposition.

Humility has a great deal to do with our relationship to others.  It is easy to be intimidated by someone who is arrogant.  This isn’t the purpose of a Christian.  Col.3:12-15   This verse is a good recipe for good relationships, whether home, congregation, or neighbors.  Jesus uses a little child as an example of humility.  We can relate to this as we think of little children.  Matt.18:4  

This lesson began with the idea of humility being associated with love of God and others.  It would be difficult to have an honest love for someone if we thought of ourselves as better.  1 Cor.13:4   Pride is not a characteristic of love.

Scripture gives us some important considerations as we examine ourselves in the matter of humility/pride.  Rom:12:3   Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought.  When we realize that everything we have, everything we are, and everything we can do comes from God, what reason would we have to be proud?  1 Cor.4:7  What do you have that you did not receive?  The answer is nothing.

With regard to relationships we are instructed in Phil.2:3 to regard one another as more important than yourselves.  It might be well for us to look around and see where we fail in this capacity.  It is a fearful thing to think that we all probable fail in this.  “I” either have more, know more, can do more, etc.  May the Lord help us change our thinking.

In a discussion of the home Peter sums it up in 1 Pet.3:8.  all of you…be humble in spirit.  This is the essence of good relationships.  Better to be humble now and exalted later than for the reverse to happen.  Matt.23:12  

We have no need of pride.  Let us ever be mindful of the words of Jesus in Jhn.15:5.  …for apart from Me you can do nothing.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Book Review: The Radical Question by David Platt

By David Platt

The radical question is “What is Jesus worth to you?”  David Platt has written two previous books that develop his idea of the church of today, Radical and Radical Together.  In observing the modern day church, it seems that “church” is all about flashy presentations, entertaining programs, and professional speakers.

Is this what is worthwhile to Jesus?  What about living to please Jesus and winning souls to Christ?  What are we willing to give up to accomplish this?   Two important ideas that Platt brings forth is that we were not created to advance self but to deny self.   The cost of discipleship is great but the cost of non-discipleship is greater”.  

Platt brings out the fact that “we need to stop living as though we need more possessions, greater positions, or greater pleasures in this world”.  Platt’s answer is “God has called us to lock arms with one another in single-minded, death-defying obedience to one objective: the declaration of His gospel for the demonstration of His glory to all nations”.
“Church leaders are intended by God not to plan events but to equip people”.  This includes all of God’s people—not just the “preacher”. 

 I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Even though the book of Psalms is in the Old Testament, this book contains so much wisdom that can help a Christian grow in Christ.  Recently we saw how a person must keep sin from their life in order for God to hear and consider their prayers. Ps.66:18   Prayer is talking to God.  Now we want to consider the momentous amount of strength as well as guidance that can come as we let God speak to us through His Word.

Ps.119:105   In our desire of wanting to please Jesus, we need guidance to find our way.  The Word of God is the lamp that lights our way.  Prov.6:22   Whether we are awake or asleep or even when we walk about, God’s Word will be our guide.  Ps.1:2  

We may realize this but to use God’s Word as our guide, we need to read, study, and have it in our hearts.  Ps.40:8   Life can be a slippery path but with the Word of God in our hearts, our steps will not slip. Ps.37:31   Those around us may hear us use Scripture in our conversation.  The use of God’s name may differ from the way they use His name.  We need not to be ashamed nor fear.  Isa.51:7   We can be used as a testimony for our Lord.  Matt.10:32,33

Many times we have to be concerned about the truth or wisdom of what we read.  This is never a concern with Scripture.  Ps.19:7,8   It is perfect, restoring the soul.  It is trustworthy, making wise the simple.   Scripture is right, giving joy to the heart.  God’s commandments are pure, enlightening the eyes.  We can trust God’s Word to be our guide for it is Truth.  Ps.43:3  

David’s prayer was that he could walk in the Lord’s way which was Truth and that he could walk with an undivided heart.  Ps.86:11   How easily our heart can be divided.  We may not even realize it at times.  With media as it is today, our eyes can become a source of a divided heart.  Job 31:1; Ps.101:3; Isa.33:15   Here we have three faithful men of God that realize the danger of looking upon evil. 

What we see can cause us to desire that which would cause us to stumble in our way.  The psychology of advertising is focused on what we see.  Seeing causes desire.  1 Jhn.2:16   When that desire is met, sin occurs and then comes death.  Jam.1:14,15   It is evident that great importance lies in what our eyes feast upon.  Visual images remain with us for a long time so whether it is immorality, excessive desire for belongings, or even showing immodest amounts of skin that tempt the opposite sex with their eyes, let us stay pure with an undivided heart for the Lord.  2 Cor.4:18

Pride can also divide our heart.  We forget that everything we have has been given to us.  1 Cor.4:7   Our achievements take on great importance and we loose the humility that even our Lord had.  Phil.2:8   In the end pride destroys rather than builds up.  Prov.16:18   Nebuchadnezzar learned a lesson in his pride.  Dan.5:20   God had to humiliate him before he recognized that God is the One who is great.  One of the sins listed in 1 Jhn.2:16 is the pride of life.  Paul gives good advice in Rom.12:3

Another heart divider is our friendships.  Jam.4:4   If we choose friends that are in the world, too often they become a stumbling block to us.  1 Cor.15:33   We may have good intentions of standing strong or influencing them for good; but we are warned about the dangers of this kind of situation.  2 Cor.6:14,15   There is no use in placing temptation right in front of ourselves.  God knows best.  We should want to be with those that will cause us to be our very best to God’s glory.  2 Cor.10:5   We can and should be friendly to win them for Jesus; however, Christians should be chosen for our best friends.  Gal.5:9

Our best spiritual food is the Word of God.  This will keep us from a divided heart.  Job.23:12   Scripture was not written by just man’s ideas.  2 Pet.1:21   Scripture is complete with everything we need to be pleasing to our Savior.  2 Tim.3:16  

Let us never depart from it but be careful to do all that is written in it.  1 John.2:3   The seed we sow with honest and good hearts will bear good fruit.  Lk.8:15   As we put away the things of this world that cause us to have a divided heart, let the words of Christ dwell within us with all wisdomWe then can have fellowship with one another and walk together in the Light with our Lord.  1 Jhn.1:7   …the word of our Lord stands forever.  Isa. 40:8       

Tuesday, October 30, 2012



This lesson is not meant to be sad or discouraging.  Rather it should be uplifting and a real encouragement to those in Christ.  Ps. 116:15   Those in Christ are precious in the sight of the Lord.  God created us, loves us, and wants fellowship with us.  God came down and walked with His human creation but later He could no longer walk with them for they sinned. 

Scripture tells us that we are made of dust.  Gen.3:19   This is the way God created man in the beginning.  Job realized this and added the fact that if God so desired, He could gather together His spirit and His breath and return all men back into dust.  Job 34:14,15   (This is what makes us alive.  Gen.2:7; Job 33:4   The breath of the Almighty gives me life.)    

How important it is to realize that kings, rich men, presidents, professors, preachers, as well as the poor, lame, uneducated—whatever circumstance—all will die and return to dust unless Jesus comes first.  Eccl.3:20   Death is a great equalizer.  Our significance is small indeed, except that which is achieved through Jesus to the glory of God.  Ps.89:48   Job reminds us that we came into this world with nothing and we will leave this world with nothing.  We can take neither riches nor possessions with us.  Job 19:25-27

The flimsiness of life is given with several word pictures.  We are as grass and flowers that wither and die.  1 Pet.1:24,25; Ps.90:5,6   We are like a shadow that is fleeting and then goes away.  Job 14:1,2   Job also explains death as man lies down and does not rise until the heavens are no longer…Job.14:10-12   This would be until the end of the world.
Man at his best is a mere breath.  Ps.39:5

Even though our life is just a wisp, great hope can be obtained in the Lord.  Ps.73:25   What a great question!  Whom have I in heaven but you?  David’s desire was for the Lord and not for anything on earth.  Ps.73:26,28   This desire dispels the longing for riches.  Our lives are sometimes filled with earthly desires and the need of material things.  Our spiritual downfall could be found in these things.  1 Tim.6:9   The  mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.  Rom.8:6

We are given hope by our choices.  This was true with the Israelites.  Deut.30:19,20   Even though death occurs, the believer’s hope is not lost.  Ps.146:4.5   Our human body has been of the earth, but we will have a heavenly body.  1 Cor.15:49   Many things we do not understand and cannot explain but we trust in His promises, that they will come to pass.  Jhn.14:2,3   This is all beyond our imagination.  1 Cor.2:9

With the coming of Jesus, death has been abolished and life and immortality has been brought through the gospel.  2 Tim.1:10   Our choice must be righteousness for therein is life.  Prov.12:28   Death has been swallowed up in victory.  1 Cor.15:54   There is no victory without Jesus and His resurrection.  1 Cor.15:17   Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life…We must come to Him.  Jhn.11:25,26   Do you believe this?

Our real citizenship is no longer on this earth.  It is in heaven.  Phil.3:20,21   Even though we live in the world, we are foreigners.  Those around us do not understand the things of the Spirit.  Job 32:8; 1 Cor.2:14   Today we have many living around us that are from varied cultures.  They speak a different language.  They sometimes dress differently.  Their interests are different.  This is the way with a Christian.  We are aliens.  We don’t speak or dress as the world.  Our interest is in the spiritual things of life.  We are getting ready for our new home.

The Old and the New Testaments speak of the hereafter.  Isa.25:8   He will swallow up death for all time…Tears will be wiped away from our eyes.  Isa.26:19   Those in the dust will arise and shout for joy and the earth will give birth to the departed spirits.  Dan.12:2   Daniel gives us the price of a wrong choice.  …But the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.  Our choices in this life will regulate our eternal destiny.

More detailed descriptions are given in the N.T.  1 Thess.4:16-18   What a promise for the future!  And so we shall always be with the Lord.  We don’t know a lot of the details.  If God wanted us to know, He would have been more specific.  It isn’t for us to imagine to the extent of creating false assumptions.  We do know that we must be ready from this hour on.  Those that have no hope because they have not followed Christ in belief and obedience will be grieving.  1 Thess.4:13   Jesus gives us another word-picture in Matt.25:31-33   This is the grand separation of righteous from unrighteous or of those who have followed Christ or not. 

An expression that proves true is:  A person that accepts salvation is born twice but dies once.  The person that does not accept salvation but goes his own way is born once but dies twice.  We determine which we want.  Rev.20:15   We certainly would want our name written in the book of life.  Only we can act.  The way has already been made.  Jhn.14:6

Death is a precious thing for one that is in the Lord for that one is precious in the sight of the Lord. Ps.116:15   May this give us great comfort as we realize that our times are in His hands.  Ps.31:15  



For what do you have a deep longing in your heart?  A young person might have a longing to be able to drive.  Sometimes there is a longing for a soul-mate.  As family grows there might be a longing for a larger home.  Perhaps a longing to see or be with someone that has been away for some time becomes real.  Probably everyone has some longing for some thing or some one.

Ps.42:1   A deep longing for God and spiritual things is expressed as a deer longing for water.  In this time of drought we can picture this great need and desire as steams become dry.  Water is necessary for life.  Water is used as an expression of spiritual food.  Too often our spiritual lives are like dried-up streams.  How deep is our longing for our God and for spiritual food?  Is it like a deer that has been running and stops and pants for water.  Our need is to develop this deep longing for God and His Word as the deer pants for water. 

Ps.42:2   Our thirsty soul cannot be satisfied with things of this world for which we might long.  This longing needs to be much deeper.  Ps.63:1   Our God is a living God.  As we long for Him, He can supply.  Things of this world may suffice for a time but they all will deteriorate or die.  Matt.6:19-21   Our God is not only living, He is everlasting.  Jer.10:10   The Thessalonians were commended because they had turned from idols to a living and true God.  1 Thess.1:9   People make “stuff” or people with a lot of charisma their idols.  This all changes in time and there is no lasting satisfaction.  Go with what can satisfy our thirsty souls forever.  Ps.107:9

Jesus gave us the answer.  Matt.5:6   Blessed (deep-felt joy) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…You mean there is joy when we hunger and thirst for righteousness?  The next phrase answers this question.  For they shall be satisfied.  If we have been extremely hungry or thirsty, what joy there is when we finally are able to have food and water.  We may not have known that feeling to the extreme that some have experienced.  However, to whatever extent, there is joy in finally being satisfied. 

So often we hunger and thirst for the wrong things.  It is our human “self” that we want to satisfy.  Earthly satisfaction is like an attempt to fill a broken cistern.  Jer.2:13   We are satisfied for a short duration and then become thirsty again.  Job called out, Oh that I knew where I might find Him.  Job.23:3   This is the cry of a truly thirsty soul.  Oh that we might have that thirst.

The answer is in front of us if we would but heed.  Jesus gives the answer in Jhn.7:37,38.   If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.  The woman at the well did not understand the kind of water Jesus was talking about.  Jhn.4:13,14   Jesus gave the contrast of earthly water and spiritual water.  Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again.  This was water to fulfill our earthly desires.  Then He presents the water that will be for eternity.  …the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.  What a difference!  We have to make the choice as to which kind of water we will seek to quench our thirst.

When our thirst is quenched in God’s way, we travel on the Way of Holiness as found in Isa.35:6-8,10   This description describes such a change that happens in our lives.  …the unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way;…Our thirst becomes different.  We no longer want to become just like the world.  Rom.12:2   We can sing with David, My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord…This is our thirst.  Ps.84:2,10

Famine for the words of the Lord does exist.  Amos warns of this famine.  Amos 8:11   Again, Jesus has the answer.  Jhn.6:35   …he who believes in Me will never thirst.  If we do not believe (which includes obedience  It would be strange to believe and then not obey the one in whom you believe.), there will be consequences.  Lk.6:25   Woe is not good.  The exclusion of the spiritual will not bring good results.  Jhn.6:27   Work for the food which endures to eternal life. 

This will bring joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment to our souls.  Isa.12:3,4   What a promise is given in Ezek.36:26,27.   Isaiah reaches out to those that thirst with an invitation found in Isa.55:1-3.  …Why do you spend money…for what does not satisfy?  We want and then buy.  It does not last so we throw and want again, then buy.  On and on this goes without satisfaction that is lasting.

As the Word of God ends, the promise is given:  I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.  Rev.21:6,7   We do have some “overcoming” to do on the Way of Holiness but we have this promise if we overcome.  Revelation gives the invitation…let the one who is thirsty come…And again we note the phrase water of life.   Rev.22:17

Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Psalm 37 gives some important admonitions that can apply to us today.  We, like David, have a tendency to be discouraged as we see those that are not following Christ to prosper and receive success and importance according to the world when we do not. 

As David thinks about the prosperity of the wicked, he says to not fret about it and don’t be envious.  Ps.37:1   David may have been writing as he talked to himself.  The “wicked” may not be such to us.  They may be outstanding citizens and considered good people but they are having success that may be in competition with us.  The fact is that they are not in the Lord and we are trying hard to please the Lord.

Psalm 73 shows the deep feeling of frustration in David as he viewed the success of the unrighteous.  A few verses will show this feeling.  Ps.73:12,16,17   Their future will not continue in that prosperity forever.  Ps.37:2   When we fellowship with the Lord and come in contact with Him in worship, then we, too, will understand.  So the first admonition is given to us—trust.  This trust is to believe in, rely on, and depend on.  Our prosperity and success is spiritual.  That is what will last.

Ps.37:3   Too often we want to trust in ourselves.  “We can do it”, we say.  Jer.17:5,7   It is important that we put our complete trust in the Lord.  The wealthy put their trust in their riches.  Prov.11:28   The political powerful trust in their success.  Ps.146:3   The mighty cannot trust in their strength before God.  Deut.28:49,52; Ps.20:7   The intelligent know nothing in comparison to God.  Prov.3:5; Rom.1:22   None of these will gain success forever.  It will only be those who trust in the Lord. 

In times of trouble or discouragement, don’t we need someone with whom we can just pour out our hearts.  God is the one.  Ps.62:8   God doesn’t move.  He is our Rock and He is forever.  Our  mind cannot wander from here and there but must remain steadfast in the Lord for perfect peace.  Darts of trouble may inflict us on the outside but we can have inner peace as we put out trust in Him.  Life doesn’t give us this perfect peace except in the Lord.  This requires complete trust in Him.  Ps.26:3,4   We can lay it all on Him.

The next admonition in this psalm is to delight thyself in the Lord.  Ps.37:4   A person not following the Lord will not find real and lasting joy.  An example of this is found in Isa.58:13,14.  Since the old Law was nailed to the cross (Col.2:14), we no longer observe the Sabbath Day (Saturday).  However, the first day of the week is now the important day for the Christian.  Acts 20:7; 1 Cor.16:2   This first day was very important to the early Christians and continues to be so today.  Heb.10:25   We find joy as we meet together in worship as we encourage one another.

We take joy in pleasing those we love.  The same is true and even more so with our Lord.  Ps.119:35  Where is our delight, our joy?  Ps.1:2   We have great joy in salvation.  Where would we be otherwise?  Ps.35:9   As we trust in the Lord, we are able to enjoy peace and joy because of our hope in the Lord.  Rom.15:13

As delight in the Lord becomes a part of our lives, our desires change.  We will be given the desires of thine heart.  Matt.6:33; Ps.40:8   The desires of our heart are such as pleases our Lord.  We don’t get everything for which we ask.  God knows what we need and what is best for us.  He also knows the timing which is best for us.  Sometimes we just have to wait on the Lord.  Ps.27:14; Jude 21   Our desires become what God wants for us and what He sees as best for us.

Commit thy way unto the Lord.   Ps.37:5   When we commit our ways unto the Lord, we entrust our lives to Him.  We hand over our way to our Lord.  It isn’t “our” way any more.  Prov.16:3   We roll our burdens off of ourselves and on to the Lord for He knows the best way.  1 Pet.5:7   Ruth had a problem and was anxious but Naomi had good advice.  Ruth 3:18   Again we see that important word, “wait”.  Our impatience is overcoming at times.  Ps.55:22   Our “way” includes the manner in which we live and the results thereof.  Every part of our life belongs to the Lord when we are committed.

Ps.37:7   “Rest” is a beautiful word.  How we long for true rest.  Sometimes this word in Hebrew means to keep silent, hold your peace.  As we trust the Lord, delight ourselves in Him, and commit our lives to Him, there is no need to argue with God.  We know His way is best and so we rest in His way.  Ps.62:1,5   Jesus gave us a wonderful promise if we will but go to Him.  Matt.11:28-30   The mercy, goodness, and lovingkindness of the Lord gives us rest for our souls in all that He has done for us.  Ps.116:7 

Isa.48:17,18   God knows best.  We need the words spoken by Isaiah.  If only we would pay attention and listen to let God lead us.  The words, “if only”,  so often come from our lips.  We follow our own ways and fail.  Then, if only we had listened.  God has seen this often in His children.  Deut.32:29; Ps.81:13,14   Jesus sorrowed over Jerusalem because Israel had not listened.  Lk.19:41,42

May we not sorrow over our remorseful “if only”.  Let us with resolve trust in the Lord, find our delight in the Lord, commit our way unto the Lord that we may rest in the Lord.  Life for a Christian does not consist of possessions owned, success in the eyes of men, or anything that confines us to this earthly life but in spiritual possessions and spiritual success.  Rom.14:17; Phil.4:7 


Friday, October 19, 2012

SPARK by Jason Jaggard

SPARK by Jason Jaggard

The title comes from Spark Groups that Jason Jaggard formed (first small and than grew) with the purpose of taking risks to make yourself and better person or the world a better place.  The risks could start very small.  Some guidelines were:  The risk had to be immediate—within 6 days.  The risk needed to be controllable.  In other words, it had to be within your power to do it.  The risk would need to be challenging enough to stretch your comfort zone.  Lastly, the risk should be positive to make your life or the world better.

Each of these guidelines is discussed with many examples, both Biblical and present life, that illustrate and teach these points.  By taking a risk, we can change ourselves or our world—one spark at a time.

How a person’s uniqueness and ability to partner with God qualifies us to serve mankind.  We were created to serve.  We should see opportunities rather than obstacles and not be afraid to take the risk.  Too often we focus on what we cannot do rather than what we can do.  Doing nothing only leads to more nothing.

Saturday, October 13, 2012



Did you ever feel the world was tumbling in on you as you realized you had made a terrible decision.  In fact, you had sinned against God.  Or is sin that grave of a matter to us.  We know that all sin (Rom.3:23) and so what’s the big deal if everyone is doing it.

Our eyes are blinded as passions flare and desires increase beyond our reason.  James explains the progression of sin in Jam.1:14,15.  We must understand just what sin is.  Sin is transgression of God’s law.  1 Jhn.3:4   God is all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere all the time, and He is holy.  God knows us inside out and knows what is best for us and we can trust Him to care for us.  His laws are not grievous.  1 Jhn.5:3   Jesus said His yoke is easyMatt.11:29,30  

Parents, teachers, and even the laws of the land give do’s and don’ts.  So it is with God.  If we fail to do the things that we are told to do, we commit sins of omission.  If we go ahead and do the things we are told not to do, we commit sins of commission.  God loves us and wants us to follow His way but He left it up to our free will.  We choose.  His heart is broken just as a parent’s heart if we fail to follow His way.

David followed the progression of sin as given in James.  As so often happens, he tried to cover his sin with another sin.  Because of a simple story told to him by Nathan, he finally came to grips with his sin and he felt the world crumble around him.  We want to look at parts of two psalms as we look into the heart of David. 

David cries out to God to blot out his sin because of His compassion and lovingkindness. Ps.51:1   It isn’t because of David’s greatness even though he is the king.  It is the greatness and love of God that involves this possibility.  A great teacher was asked to give some deep truth about God.  His answer, “Jesus loves me, this I know, because the Bible tells me so.”  What could be a deeper truth.

God can blot out our sins.  David recognized this as the only way.  Isa.43:25; Ps.51:2   Washing is associated with cleansing.  1 Cor.6:11   This happens as our sins are washed away.  Ps.51:7   Whiter than snow is another picture of our life being made clean from sin.

Ps.51:3   David wasn’t just asking God “to forgive me of my sins”.  He acknowledged exactly what his sin was.  This is essential for our forgiveness and growth.  It takes humility but we must know what sins we have committed, say so, and repent.  An alcoholic must admit that he is one before he can be helped.  We are no different.  Forgive me of my sins—what sins?  This is not a generic situation.  Job 34:32

Ps.51:4   We need to realize that when we sin, we sin against God.  David recognized that fact.  It hurts God and the fact that we have hurt God needs to hurt us.  Joseph was an example of this as he ran from Potiphar’s wife.  Gen.39:9   How we need to think in those terms.  How can I do this to my Lord?  It is too easy to go about our life and never give it a thought.  This grieved David.
Can we feel the pleading of David as he prays in Ps.51:10.  How we all need a clean heart.  Ezekiel mentions an undivided heart.  Ezek.11:19   Our heart cannot be divided—part for the Lord but part for self and the world.  1 Jhn.2:15,16   These things do not produce a clean heart.  Matt.5:8   A clean heart is a pure heart and this brings great joy.  Our thoughts make a difference with our heart and spirit.  Phil.4:8  

An undivided heart has a steadfast spirit. Jam.1:8   Standing fast in the Lord is a requisite of a strong faith, a clean heart, and a steadfast spirit.  1 Cor.15:58   Never would we want to be cast away from the presence of the Lord.  Ps.51:11   Where would we go?  Ps.139:7-10

Ps.32:1   What joy and peace of mind to know that our sin is forgiven.  David experienced that.  We can as well when we become a Christian.  Acts 13:38; Acts 2:38; Col.2:12,13   Sin separates us from God.  Isa.59:2   Our sin could cast us away.

Ps.32:5   Again sin is acknowledged.  It is not hidden.  Of course it couldn’t be hidden from God but we sometimes deceive ourselves into thinking we can.  It is confessed and then, praise God, it is forgiven.  What a blessing to David and to us!

Ps.32:9   Some are as stubborn as a mule and are left with no understanding and consequently, no forgiveness.  Our desire must be to be led, yoked if you will.  We need to be teachable and humble.  God will teach and lead us if we allow it to be.  Ps.32:8   We can then rejoice in the fruit of salvation.  Ps.32:11; Heb.10:22,23       

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



This has been called the “greatest poem in the psalter”.  Certainly it is one of the better known and favorite of the psalms.  Any one who has been in church very long has heard and perhaps said the last verse many times.  However, let us begin with the first part of the psalm.

The psalm can easily be divided into two parts and perhaps three.  The first six verses declare the power and glory of God in His creation.  Ps.19:1   David, the author, uses the Hebrew word for God that means power.  The power of God is shown by His creation.  We speak of the handiwork of some people with thread, yarn, or wood.  Think of the beautiful and intricate creations of God in His work with nature and the heavens.  More amazing, yet, is His creation of life in the human being made in His image.  Ps.139:14  God’s majesty is beyond description.

Ps.19:2   God’s power and glory is consistent throughout day and night.  It continues forever.  Rom.1:20   The man who does not believe will eventually suffer.  Ps.28:5   God’s work is beyond comprehension.  Ps.74:16,17   Isaiah questions Israel in Isa.40:26,27   Isaiah then proceeds to answer his own questions.  Isa.40:28,31

Ps.19:3,4   Whatever language or dialect, people can comprehend the message of God through His creation.  God’s existence, power, and glory is a universal language.  Not only is God universal but God is eternal.  His power and will lasts forever.  Gen.8:22

Ps.19:5,6   Many worshipped the sun in those days.  Even today some tribes do the same.  The sun is pictured as a bridegroom coming out of his tent.  Its size, temperature, and distance is sustained by God in just the right manner as to help us and not destroy us.  The continuity of creation is expressed in Eccl.1:5-7

The psalm now abruptly changes.  A new Hebrew word is used for God.  It now is Lord which is used for God’s counsel and will.  The creation showed God’s power and glory but not how to live. Rom.8:4   Then David begins to enumerate all that the law of the Lord does.  The law is not the do’s and don’ts of the Levitical law but the plan of God and instructions as to how we are to live to fulfill His will and please Him.  Ps.19:7   God’s law is perfect.  It was given for man’s well-being.  It is given through the inspiration of the Scriptures.  2 Tim.3:16   His plan of salvation is given as well as the manner of life that will please Him.  Prov.6:23   God’s law is given in such a way that even the simple can have understanding.  Ps.119:130

Ps.19:8   We can’t always trust the laws of our land.  As people become corrupt, so do our laws.  God’s laws are right.  Neh.9:13   In Paul’s dilemma he delighted in God’s law.  Prov.30:5   Eyes see in the light.  Eph.1:18   God’s Word is light.  Prov.6:23

Ps.19:9   Our fear of the Lord is not horror, terror, or dread.  We love the Lord and know that He loves us.  We also know His power so we hold great respect with awe at His glory and grace.  Samuel enjoined the people to fear the Lord.  1 Sam.12:24   Many times we question the judgments of men but never those of the Lord.  Rev.16:7

Ps.19:10   A man’s wealth in that day was determined by gold.  The Word of the Lord is worth much more than material riches.  How difficult it is to remember that for a man that is desiring success and wealth .  Ps.119:127; Jam.2:5; 1 Tim.6:10

Honey was considered a luxury and was not only wonderful to the taste but also had medicinal purposes.  Honey dripping from the comb was considered the most pure.  This is likened to the instruction of the Lord.  Ps.119:103

Ps.19:11   The directions of life are given by the Lord.  Some are given as warnings.  Prov.16:25   Keeping the Lord’s directions bring reward.  Isa.3:10,11   Our faith brings rewards now and eternally.  Heb.11:6; Jam.1:25   We must lay hold and not lose what we have worked for that our reward will be full.  2 Jhn.8

Ps.19:12,13   Sometimes we don’t understand or realize our sins.  A sinful habit may have been committed so many times that it is “normal”.  We don’t think of it as sin.  Other times we suppose that they are hidden and no one knows.   We need to say with Job, Teach me…show me where I have been wrong.   Job 6:24   This takes humility.  Then we need to act upon it.  Repent and change.

Acknowledging a sin and then continuing in it is a presumptuous sin.  We know but we do anyway.  This can have control over us.  Heb.10:26; Rom.6:12   Sin is powerful but we can have victory over sin for greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world.  1 Jhn.4:4; 2 Thess.3:3

Ps.19:14   Perhaps we have recited this verse many times but have we considered what we were praying—and yes, it is a prayer.  May it ever be on our lips and in our hearts.  What we say and do comes from the heart.  Prov.23:7   David knew that sin could not dwell in his heart for God to listen to his prayers.  Ps.66:18,19

As children of the Lord, we need to find out what pleases Him.  Eph.5:8-10,17   It is not enough to just know what pleases our Lord.  We must do it.  Josh.1:8   The Lord is our strength.  Ps.18:2   He will provide us with the strength we need.  Eph.1:19   Job knew of his Redeemer.  Job 19:25   As we make our words and our ways acceptable to our Lord, may we ever meditate on the gift of grace given to us by the blood of Jesus.  1 Pet.1:18-21                 


Thursday, September 13, 2012

D - Gems from Psalms - 4


Ps.31:15   The Lord upholds all things in His hands.  Heb.1:3   Is it any wonder that our times are in His hands.  Often this verse is considered as the singular of time as when the Lord will take us.  It is plural.  All events of life are in God’s hands.  God created all things and He then sustains all things.  Rev.4:11; Acts 17:26   So not only times are set but places as well.  It was all in hopes that men would seek and find the Lord.  Acts 17:27   Our very existence is in His hands.  Acts 17:28   We live and move and have our being in His hands.

Even though our lives are in His hands, He did give us free will.  We make a choice with our own will but it is secondary to God’s will.  God can work through our choices.  He can take a poor choice and make it into something good for His purpose and to His glory.  One example is the life of Joseph.  His attitude of pride caused his brothers to make a bad choice in attempting to get rid of him.  Gen.50:20   Not only did these choices work out for the good of individuals and family.  It led to the good of a nation.

Job had spoken to God out of turn when God began asking him question after question in the 38th through the 41st chapters of Job.  Of course Job has to give up as he has no answers for God except in Job 42:2.  Job admits that God can do all things and no purpose of yours can be thwarted.   Nebuchadnezzar came to the same conclusion as he was brought back as a normal human being.  Dan.4:35   He does according to His will and no one can ward off His hand.

Christ suffered agony and finally death on the cross.  God had predetermined this plan and had the foreknowledge that it would take place even though it was performed by the wickedness of the Jews and Roman soldiers.   Acts 2:23; Acts 4:27,28   This was the only way that man could be redeemed.  Christ knew this was God’s will as He prayed in the garden.  Lk.22:42   It fulfilled the purpose that God had for mankind.  Our times are in His hands as we are able to accept Jesus as our Savior and serve Him.  This was the purpose of Christ.  Lk.19:10

God has His purpose and will see that it is carried out.  Isa.46:10,11   God is not happy with disobedience and He acts accordingly.  Jer.23:20   If we love Him with obedience (1 Jhn.2:5), then He will cause things to work together for goodRom.8:28  

As we think about our times in His hands, we are shown the great love that He shows toward us that He may be glorified.  Rom.11:33-36   From Him and through Him and to Him are all things.  This love is beyond our comprehension.  Rom.8:38,39

Because God has given us free-will, He may permit us to do things that send us in the wrong direction.  He does not cause it to happen.  Adam and Eve had such perfect conditions.  All was in place for a joyous walk with God.  They had just one stipulation—don’t eat of this one tree.  They were given free will.  Either they could obey or they could eat—and they ate.  Consequences followed.  Their disobedience separated them from God.  Our sin also separates us from God.  Isa.59:2   God does not cause us to sin.  A change can be to God’s glory.  Our weakness becomes His strength.  2 Cor.12:9  

God can prevent or permit.  He permitted nations to go to their own destruction.  Acts 14:16   We do not want to go about life in our own decisions but if the Lord wills.  Jam.4:15   God can direct us through His Word and our prayers for He is all-knowing and ever present with us.  Prov.3:5

We will all suffer troubles, pain, and death with either our loved ones or ourselves.  We cannot blame God for these.  He set in order natural law as well as free-will.  Many of these tragedies happen because of sin ( not living within God’s law), but also because of  carelessness, ignorance, etc.  God has his choice and power to permit or prevent.  Many of these tragedies can be turned into a blessing for us or for others.  Whatever happens, a Christian must trust God and serve Him with faith that is put into action.  Jam.2:17

God does not wish for any of us to perish.  2 Pet.3:9   God not only loves us but sees us in a very special way.  Matt.10:29-31   Not only is pain removed in death but Isaiah tell us that the righteous are taken away from evil.  Isa. 57:1,2   Even our death is precious in the sight of the Lord.  Ps.116:15   We can take confidence in death.  2 Cor.4:16-18   

As the events in our lives carry on with joy and success or with problems, pain, and/or death, God is with us and knows.  We cannot loose our faith in discouragement and despondency but fight the good fight of faith so that we may lay hold of eternal life as Paul so aptly stated in 1 Tim.6:12.  Our hope in eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord, ties us down to reality.  Heb.6:19   Our hope is that anchor of the soul. 

As we realize that our times are in God’s hands, may not only our life now be lived in the Lord, but may we prepare that when the time comes, our death will be in the Lord.  Rev.14:13   So the final admonishment is in Rev.2:10.


Saturday, September 8, 2012



Ps.23:1   This psalm is one of the best known and loved of the psalms.  It gives hope and comfort to many and well it should.  The Lord is my shepherd.  Who could be a better and more trusted shepherd than my Lord?  The Lord is all-powerful (omnipotent) and all-knowing (omniscience).  God knows our needs even before we ask.  Phil.4:19   He is able to protect and provide in times of trouble and temptation.  Ps.84:11,12   We can trust God to lead us in the right way.

The Lord IS my shepherd.  The Lord is not only presently my shepherd but will continue to be my shepherd in time to come.  As long as I willingly follow Him, He will lead me.  He is everywhere at all times (omnipresent).  There is no waiting for God to hear me for He knows when I am in trouble.  God is there.  Ps.139:1,2; Prov.15:3   God fills the earth.  Jer.23:24   No better shepherd could ever be found.

The Lord is MY shepherd.  This is personal.  He cares for me as an individual.  Eph.2:4   When we read “us” we don’t stop to take into consideration that I am included in “us”.  The same is true in Rev.1:5.  The Lord shed His blood for me and loves me and will be my shepherd to lead and protect me.

The Lord is my shepherd.  David, probably the author of this psalm, was a shepherd.  He knew the responsibility that belonged to a shepherd.  Each shepherd had his own call for his sheep.  The sheep of two shepherds could be intermingled but when one shepherd called his sheep, his own sheep separated from the others and followed their shepherd.  Jhn.10:3-5   How well do we know the voice of our shepherd?  It comes through His Word.

We have only one shepherd.  Jhn.10:11   The real shepherd will protect his sheep while one who is just a servant will face a beast who would kill the sheep and then run away.  Jhn.10:12,13   We want to be sure we are following the right shepherd.  Our shepherd is Jesus and His Word.  Matt.7:15; Acts 20:29

Sheep are helpless creatures.  The shepherd is their protector.  Isa.53:6; Rom.3:10   We have all strayed to our own way; but we have a shepherd that is fully aware of our weakness and He wants us to return to Him.  Ps.119:176   Jesus spoke of the lost lamb—just one out of a hundred—and yet He found that one that was lost.  We are important to our shepherd—every one of us.  Lk.15:4-6   Heaven contains thousands of angels and yet when just one comes to Jesus, they all rejoice.  Lk.15:7   The tenderness of our shepherd is shown in Isa.40:11.  The shepherds of the people of Israel had not kept their responsibility.  Ezek.34:4-6   We know our shepherd, Jesus Christ, will be trustworthy and care for us in every way.

I shall not want.  We have the assurance that our needs will be met.  Ps.34:9,10   God will keep His part of the promise but we have our part—seek Him first.  Matt.6:33   We can put our troubles in the lap of our shepherd and not suffer worry and anxiety.  Phil.4:6,7   Our shepherd will love us, protect us, provide for us, and guide us.  2 Cor.9:8
Ps.23:2   The good shepherd provides rest and comfort.  Sometimes in our frustrations of life, we have the feeling of Ps.55:6.  Oh, that I had the wings of a doveI would fly away and be at rest.  With Jesus as our shepherd, we can put our trust in Him and find that rest.  Matt.11:28   The unfailing love of our shepherd is our comfort.  Ps.86:5   We are abundantly comforted so that we in turn may comfort others.  2 Cor.1:3-5

Jesus, our good shepherd, leads us to the place we should go.  However, we must follow.  Matt.10:38,39   Without our shepherd leading us, we would not know the way.  We may think we know and have confidence in our way, but it is a probability that we would be lost.  It is humbling to follow but following Jesus is not an alternative.  1 Pet.2:21

Ps.23:3   Do you ever feel that your soul is dry and unresponsive?  David has an answer in Ps.19:7.  Too often when this feeling comes over us, we are failing to be fed by the Word of God and our fellowship with our shepherd.   When our spiritual strength is restored, then we have the vigor to follow our shepherd in the paths that are right.  Without our guide, we flounder as a blind man.  Isa.42:16   Occasions of suffering or trouble have occurred that God allowed so that His glory would be seen.  God allowed many problems to come to Job to show His glory.  Paul was not cured of his problem but the Lord told him, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.  Jesus did not go to Lazarus immediately when he was dying for the glory of the Lord was to be evident to the people as Jesus brought him back to life.  Jhn.11:14,15   The path of righteousness may include problems.  Jam.1:2,3   We are strengthened by them and it is all to the glory of God.

Ps.23:4  At some point in life we will all face death and sorrow.  We will witness pain and sorrow with those we love and eventually we, ourselves, will face death unless Jesus returns first.  Our Lord has given us assurance and hope if we follow our shepherd.  Jhn.10:27,28: Isa.41:10   “Rod” was used in many ways in the Bible but for a shepherd it was a fairly short and thick piece of a limb to lean on or use as a weapon against enemies of the sheep.  A “staff” was longer with a crook at one end which would enable a shepherd to put around a lamb to rescue it.  At times the two words were used interchangeably.  In either instance the rod and staff were symbols of protection.

Ps.23:5   The picture changes from the shepherd and his sheep to a host of a banqueting table.  The Lord provides in a way that is greater than sufficient.  Ps.31:19  The Lord wants us to have an abundant life.  Jhn.10:10   Oil poured on the head was a favor done to a special guest.  Lk.7:46   The cup running over was a sign of abundance.  

Ps.23:6   God is so good!  Ps.36:7-10; 2 Tim.4:18   The desire of a true follower of Christ is to dwell in His house (His presence) forever.  Ps.27:4        


Monday, September 3, 2012

UNSTOPPABLE by Nick Vujicic

UNSTOPPABLE by Nick Vujicic

To quote the author’s own words, “It’s about having faith in yourself, your talents, your purpose, and most of all, in God’s great love and His divine plan for your life.”  This is a good summary of Vujicic’s book of believing and achieving.  This godly man without arms and legs from birth has shown the world a life that has been unstoppable in his desire to help others with their problems and win the world for Jesus.

Throughout the book many inspiring examples are given of the importance of faith, however, not just faith but faith in action.  Life is full of valleys. Vujicic tries to convince the world that these valleys make us stronger if we will learn by them.  They also prove God’s unlimited power through our weakness.  Vujicic certainly is an example of this quote from him.  “One day at a time with Christ by our side.” 

Ample examples with reliable counsel is give with such problems as finding a mate (one with which he found with great success), bullying, and marital problems.  With his background of experiences, Vujicic is able to relate to many people around the world.

Giving love is important to receive love. Being a servant takes humility and also surrender of our ways, possessions, and goals as well as surrender to God’s purpose for our lives.  The ultimate quote at the end of this book is “When you are deeply rooted in faith, you are unstoppable.”

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

B-Gems from Psalms-2


Ps.14:1   This thought might not be considered a “gem” except for the fact that we can believe that God exists, act upon that belief, and be rewarded for it.  The word “fool” is only used when speaking of humanity.  It describes a person who hates knowledge.  Prov.1:22   A fool is described as one who takes no pleasure in understanding.  Ps.92:6   What he thinks and has to say is the only thing of importance to him.  Prov.18:2   Doing acts of wickedness are like a game to the fool.  Prov.10:23   The fool will receive no honor for the life he lives.  Prov.3:35   A good description is given in Jer.4:22.

Today, many say there is no God.  Too often this belief is found in circles that are considered “intelligent”.  However, many in all circles of culture have this belief.  Could it be that inwardly they don’t want to be accountable to anyone for their actions?  Rom.14:12   What a blessing to truly believe and have faith in the Creator and giver of all good things including our salvation through His Son.  Heb.11:1; Eph.1:7

If a man thinks there is no God, his life will be acted out in an ungodly way.  Prov.23:7   Affliction will become a way of life as a result.  Ps.107:17   Even though affliction may follow fools, yet they will not turn from their evil ways.  Prov.13:19   They proceed in their own way and hence to their own destruction.  Ps.10:4   in all his thoughts there is no room for God.  The rich man had his thoughts and plans all on his riches and could not let go.  Jesus had words for him.  Lk.12:20

All of our lives we make choices.  God is evident in the world surrounding us.  Rom.1:19,20  … so they are without excuse.  Yet, even though they knew God, they did not  honor Him or give Him thanks.  (Do we fail in this respect?)  They had no room in their heart for God so they became fools.  Rom.1:21,22   Just as in the days of Noah, God finally gives up and lets us go our way.  Rom.1:24  

A description of an evil man is given in Job 15:16. …who drinks up evil like water!  We may have salvation through Christ; however, we are not sinless.  Rom.3:23; Ps.14:3   The Pharisees thought they had it made.  Matt.12:34   We may look good on the outside but what is on the inside will eventually show.  Lk.11:42; Matt.15:19   Warnings are rampant throughout the Scripture about what we show on the outside but how evil can lurk in our hearts.  Titus 1:16   They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him.

A warning was given to those in JerusalemZeph.1:12   They were warned that God would punish those who are complacent.  Those were the ones who would think, The Lord will do nothing either good or bad.   Those that are complacent do not need to worry.  Everything is fine.  Whatever will be, will be.  We are satisfied one way or the other.  Complacency is a dangerous ground to walk upon.  The slide is down.  No effort need to be made to follow or please the Lord.  It will all work out just fine.  (for Satan’s wished)  Complacency is not good.

Pro.1:7   Both wisdom and knowledge are connected to the fear of the Lord.  …fools despise wisdom…  It is important that we don’t just know about God but that we know God in a personal way.  God is omnipotent (all powerful).  God’s power threatens the wicked or fool; but God’s power is a source of comfort to the Christian.  We know that He is in control.  Job 42:2  I know that you can do everything and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.  Remember that God cannot do something apart from His purpose and God cannot lie.  Heb.6:18

God is fully present everywhere.  This is called His omnipresence.  This is also a comfort to a Christian for He is with us all of the time and at our call when we need Him.  The fool wants to run and hide from God. A fool is separated from God.  Isa.59:2   God’s infinite Spirit is everywhere at all times.  Ps.139:7-10; Heb.4:13  

God knows everything—His omniscience.  His judgment is fair and true.  Rom.11:33; Ezek.11:5   God even knows the secrets of our heart.  Ps.44:21; Lk.16:15   The fool does not want Light to shine into his heart; therefore, he resists it and refuses to believe.  We can rest assured that the Lord knows those who are His.  2 Tim.2:19  

The Lord is ready to come to the rescue of those that know and love Him.  2 Pet.2:9   The Lord know how to rescue godly men from trials…Jesus prayed that God would keep us from the evil one.  Jhn.17:15   The Thessalonians were given the same encouragement in 2 Thess.3:3   May we never say in our heart that there is no God but forever love and serve Him with thankfulness.  1 Jhn.5:10,13      



A majority of the psalms were written by David, a man after God’s heart.  Acts 13:22   Although he committed sin, he sincerely repented and mourned over his sin.  He tried to do what God wanted him to do.  David was not afraid to pour his heart out to God in times of trouble, times of repentance, and also times of joy and thankfulness.  We want to look at some of these great Scriptures in the book of Psalms that will help us as we want to pour our hearts out to God and learn of Him.

Psalm 1 is a great contrast of good and evil. Ps.1:1  Blessed begins this chapter.  Sometime this word is used with regard to some favor that has been given.  This Hebrew word is used to indicate “Oh, the happiness that man experiences”.  Then follows what is not experienced by a man that does not follow God.

Who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked (or ungodly as some versions say).  Our lives are guided by some one or some goal.  Who do we follow?  A little boy wants to walk in the shoes of his father.  We grow up but we still attempt to be like someone we admire.  Too often it is someone popular in the media.  Then we find they are living a life of complete unhappiness and maybe eventually take their life.  Prov.4:14,15   What a contrast of light and darkness when we follow our Lord.  Jhn.8:12

When we are constantly with ungodly people, the tendency put into our heart by Satan, is to do as they do.  This is why Jesus prayed for us in Jhn.17:15-17   When we are walking alongside one who does not have God is his life, then his example and advice will be a downfall for us.

Stand in the way of sinners  It is dangerous enough to walk with ungodly, but when we stop and stand in their way, we become closer to absorbing their ways.  We are not to stand in their way but stand firm in God’s way.  Standing takes determination.  Sinners are not just those that have nothing to do with God.  Sinner is a term used for those that commit specific sins of any kind in the sight of God.  They have no regard for changing.  They are set in their way of sin and we are willing to stand with them?  No!  We put on the armor of the Christian and stand firmly.  Eph.6:11  

Sit in the seat of scoffers   A scoffer mocks God and anything associated with Him.  This would include an atheist and anyone who scorns immortality and God’s law.  When we sit with such, the danger is that our minds and hearts can be turned completely away from God.  This is Satan’s plan and desire.  Eph.6:12,13

Sin is progressive.  If we get our advice from the ungodly.  Then we stand in the way of those that think nothing of committing sin and continue to do so.  At last we are hardened into sitting with those that even deny God.  Jam.1:14,15

True happiness is not fulfilled in disregard of God and His will.   The man of God finds his pleasure, his affection, his goals, and every desire of his heart in law of the Lord.  Ps.1:2   The joy of the Lord is in the Truth.  Neh.8:10   Jesus is the Truth.  Jhn.14:6   Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (2 Tim.3:16) the gospel is Truth.  Col.1:5; Heb.1:1,2   As we meditate on His Word, we apply it to our lives and our hearts are made full of love and desire to follow Jesus.  We can talk to Him day and night.  Lk.11:28

Ps.1:3   A tree that has had the proper care will bring forth good fruit.  Jer.17:7,8; Matt.7:17-19   The man of God wants to be filled with the proper spiritual food from the Word of God.  Paul speaks to the Colossians about bearing good fruit.  Col.1:10  We need to grow in knowledge and bear fruit in every good work to live a life worthy of the Lord.  This will take proper care as the good tree had.

Ps.1:4   There is nothing substantial in the ungodly.  They are like dust that blows away into nothingness.  John the Baptist speaks of separating the chaff from the good grain. Matt.3:12   Another similar description is given in Hos.13:3. 

Ps.1:5   Therefore because of their worthlessness, they will not be able to stand up to the revealing of wickedness when judged.  Rom.14:11,12; Mal.3:2    Even though they will eventually confess Jesus, it will be too late.  Phil.2:10,11   They will try to hide and even wish rocks would fall on them but to no avail.  Rev.6:16

Ps.1:6   Here is the last contrast statement of the psalm—the righteous verses the wicked.  A temporary success and a shallow happiness may occur during the lifetime of the wicked; however, the comparison of the two is obvious.  Prov.14:12   This should thrill our souls that godliness will bring everlasting joy.  Never should we want to walk with the wicked or stand with the sinner or sit with the scoffer.  2 Tim.2:19   The Lord is aware of the path we follow.  Jhn.10:14   He takes care of us and loves us as we love His Son.  1 Jhn.5:1

May our love and obedience have its final fruit in eternity.  1 Jhn.4:16,17        


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

C - Fellowship - 3


Fellowship with God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and with our fellow Christians has been considered in the past lessons.  1 Jhn.1:3; 1 Cor.3:23; Phil.2:1   This brings us into a greater fellowship within the body of Christ; however, just how deeply spiritual is our life?  We can know the facts but how deeply does it dwell within us?  Do we have a deep longing to be more involved in a spiritual way?  Ps.42:1,2; Jhn.6:35  This is the bread and butter of our spiritual life.  We need that longing!

Three things are often mentioned with regard to spirituality.  One is Bible study.  Without Bible study we would be without fellowship with God for this is how He speaks to us.  Ps.119:11   The Word of God shows us how to live to please our Lord.  Col.1:10   We must have prayer in our life for this is the way we talk to God.  1 Thess.5:17;  Matt.21:22   Attendance to the times Christians gather together is not only a commandment but necessary for fellowship.  Heb.10:24,25   This is more than “How are you” and “Have a good day”.  All three of these are of utmost importance and completely necessary; but each one may become ritualistic and herein lies the danger.  We just skim the surface.  The Pharisees were very careful to tithe but they were neglecting important graces necessary to please God.  Matt.23:23  

Several phrases or words from the Scripture come to mind as we think of depth in our spiritual life.  One of these words is all.  To walk in the Spirit we must give our all.  Lk.10:27   What are we holding back for self?  We want.  We worry.  It is difficult to trust that if we give our all, God will take care of us.  1 Pet.5:7; Matt.6:25   The word whole becomes important as Paul uses it in terms of his whole heart.  Rom.1:9   The completeness of our life in Christ involves our soul, spirit, and body.  1 Thess.5:23   If we are seeking to be more spiritual we must realize that we are not our own for we have been purchased with the blood of Christ.  We know that, but do we really consider it to the point of tears of thankfulness.  1 Cor.6:19,20

Focus is important as we cause our minds to slow down.  How often we begin prayer or Bible study and our mind begins to wander.  We have things to do so we race through this time with God without really concentrating and meditating on the truths of Scripture or on the needs for which we are praying.  How we need to apply these truths to our own lives!  Ps.139:23,24   We don’t stop long enough to consider and by rushing through, the Word is choked from sinking into our heart.  Mk.4:19

The Bible speaks to us with examples, commandments, and principles.  If we are reading about an event, it might be well to read it through to completion.  Then stop.  What character traits were shown?  Does this reveal something to me that I need to work on?  Does it contain principles of conduct and thought or perhaps even commandments that I need to observe as well?  We are told in 2 Tim.2:15 to rightly divide the Word of Truth.  Although the New Testament is for us today, the Old Testament still has many precepts that apply to us and from which we can grow.  Ps.51:10-12

Is our fellowship with the Lord confined to a particular slot in the day?  We may leave the Lord at the study table and we are done for the day as our minds begin racing toward the tasks ahead.  We may need to hurry on the outside but we need to always remember that the Holy Spirit dwells on the inside.  We can’t ignore that Spirit within us.  How many times a day do we tell the Lord that we love Him and then give Him thanks.  This is for very small things as well as the large things, for our life is guided and protected by Him.  Eph.5:20   Even when things may not seem to go right, if we are handing our lives over to the Lord, He knows what He is doing unless we mess it up.  Rom.8:28  

We all need guidance in many kinds of decisions.  God is there for your requests.  If we want fellowship with our Lord, we can’t ignore His presence with us at all times.  Phil.4:6,7   Fellowship is sharing and mutual participation.  That applies to our brothers and sisters in Christ but it also applies to our heavenly Father, our Savior, and the Holy Spirit.  We can pray any place and any time.  We can talk to God all day.  If someone comes to mind that needs help in some way, pray for them right then and there. We walk and talk in the Spirit.  We live with the Spirit in us.  Gal.5:25

Sometimes you might feel that you have no one to whom you can pour your heart out.  But you do!  Jhn.14:1,27   David poured his heart out to God and we can as well.  The Holy Spirit helps us do that.  Rom.8:26,27   Jesus is concerned for us.  Jhn.17:15-17   He will be with us to the end.  Matt.28:20

Keeping verses of Scripture in front of you helps keep our spiritual life to the front.  Jhn.15:7   My words abide in you!  Your words have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against You.  Verses that mean a lot to you could be put on cards where they would be visible in your everyday schedule.  Eventually your memory might kick in with some of them to be a real blessing to your spiritual life.

Titles or lines from songs sometimes bring spiritual thoughts to our mind as well as listening to gospel music of your choice.  Do we love the Lord?  We need to tell Him in thankfulness for what He has done and is doing for us.  Tell Him often.  Jesus wants us to have an abundant life.  Jhn.10:10   So let us move on to a deeper spiritual life.  Col.3:1-3