By David Platt
The radical question is “What is
Jesus worth to you?” David Platt has
written two previous books that develop his idea of the church of today, Radical
and Radical Together. In
observing the modern day church, it seems that “church” is all about flashy
presentations, entertaining programs, and professional speakers.
Is this what is worthwhile to
Jesus? What about living to please Jesus
and winning souls to Christ? What are we
willing to give up to accomplish this? Two
important ideas that Platt brings forth is that we were not created to advance
self but to deny self. The cost of discipleship is great but the cost
of non-discipleship is greater”.
Platt brings out the fact that
“we need to stop living as though we need more possessions, greater positions,
or greater pleasures in this world”.
Platt’s answer is “God has called us to lock arms with one another in
single-minded, death-defying obedience to one objective: the declaration of His
gospel for the demonstration of His glory to all nations”.
“Church leaders are intended by
God not to plan events but to equip people”.
This includes all of God’s people—not just the “preacher”.
I received this book for free
from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
I have enjoyed David Platt's books very much!