Tuesday, October 30, 2012



This lesson is not meant to be sad or discouraging.  Rather it should be uplifting and a real encouragement to those in Christ.  Ps. 116:15   Those in Christ are precious in the sight of the Lord.  God created us, loves us, and wants fellowship with us.  God came down and walked with His human creation but later He could no longer walk with them for they sinned. 

Scripture tells us that we are made of dust.  Gen.3:19   This is the way God created man in the beginning.  Job realized this and added the fact that if God so desired, He could gather together His spirit and His breath and return all men back into dust.  Job 34:14,15   (This is what makes us alive.  Gen.2:7; Job 33:4   The breath of the Almighty gives me life.)    

How important it is to realize that kings, rich men, presidents, professors, preachers, as well as the poor, lame, uneducated—whatever circumstance—all will die and return to dust unless Jesus comes first.  Eccl.3:20   Death is a great equalizer.  Our significance is small indeed, except that which is achieved through Jesus to the glory of God.  Ps.89:48   Job reminds us that we came into this world with nothing and we will leave this world with nothing.  We can take neither riches nor possessions with us.  Job 19:25-27

The flimsiness of life is given with several word pictures.  We are as grass and flowers that wither and die.  1 Pet.1:24,25; Ps.90:5,6   We are like a shadow that is fleeting and then goes away.  Job 14:1,2   Job also explains death as man lies down and does not rise until the heavens are no longer…Job.14:10-12   This would be until the end of the world.
Man at his best is a mere breath.  Ps.39:5

Even though our life is just a wisp, great hope can be obtained in the Lord.  Ps.73:25   What a great question!  Whom have I in heaven but you?  David’s desire was for the Lord and not for anything on earth.  Ps.73:26,28   This desire dispels the longing for riches.  Our lives are sometimes filled with earthly desires and the need of material things.  Our spiritual downfall could be found in these things.  1 Tim.6:9   The  mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.  Rom.8:6

We are given hope by our choices.  This was true with the Israelites.  Deut.30:19,20   Even though death occurs, the believer’s hope is not lost.  Ps.146:4.5   Our human body has been of the earth, but we will have a heavenly body.  1 Cor.15:49   Many things we do not understand and cannot explain but we trust in His promises, that they will come to pass.  Jhn.14:2,3   This is all beyond our imagination.  1 Cor.2:9

With the coming of Jesus, death has been abolished and life and immortality has been brought through the gospel.  2 Tim.1:10   Our choice must be righteousness for therein is life.  Prov.12:28   Death has been swallowed up in victory.  1 Cor.15:54   There is no victory without Jesus and His resurrection.  1 Cor.15:17   Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life…We must come to Him.  Jhn.11:25,26   Do you believe this?

Our real citizenship is no longer on this earth.  It is in heaven.  Phil.3:20,21   Even though we live in the world, we are foreigners.  Those around us do not understand the things of the Spirit.  Job 32:8; 1 Cor.2:14   Today we have many living around us that are from varied cultures.  They speak a different language.  They sometimes dress differently.  Their interests are different.  This is the way with a Christian.  We are aliens.  We don’t speak or dress as the world.  Our interest is in the spiritual things of life.  We are getting ready for our new home.

The Old and the New Testaments speak of the hereafter.  Isa.25:8   He will swallow up death for all time…Tears will be wiped away from our eyes.  Isa.26:19   Those in the dust will arise and shout for joy and the earth will give birth to the departed spirits.  Dan.12:2   Daniel gives us the price of a wrong choice.  …But the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.  Our choices in this life will regulate our eternal destiny.

More detailed descriptions are given in the N.T.  1 Thess.4:16-18   What a promise for the future!  And so we shall always be with the Lord.  We don’t know a lot of the details.  If God wanted us to know, He would have been more specific.  It isn’t for us to imagine to the extent of creating false assumptions.  We do know that we must be ready from this hour on.  Those that have no hope because they have not followed Christ in belief and obedience will be grieving.  1 Thess.4:13   Jesus gives us another word-picture in Matt.25:31-33   This is the grand separation of righteous from unrighteous or of those who have followed Christ or not. 

An expression that proves true is:  A person that accepts salvation is born twice but dies once.  The person that does not accept salvation but goes his own way is born once but dies twice.  We determine which we want.  Rev.20:15   We certainly would want our name written in the book of life.  Only we can act.  The way has already been made.  Jhn.14:6

Death is a precious thing for one that is in the Lord for that one is precious in the sight of the Lord. Ps.116:15   May this give us great comfort as we realize that our times are in His hands.  Ps.31:15  

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