Saturday, October 13, 2012



Did you ever feel the world was tumbling in on you as you realized you had made a terrible decision.  In fact, you had sinned against God.  Or is sin that grave of a matter to us.  We know that all sin (Rom.3:23) and so what’s the big deal if everyone is doing it.

Our eyes are blinded as passions flare and desires increase beyond our reason.  James explains the progression of sin in Jam.1:14,15.  We must understand just what sin is.  Sin is transgression of God’s law.  1 Jhn.3:4   God is all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere all the time, and He is holy.  God knows us inside out and knows what is best for us and we can trust Him to care for us.  His laws are not grievous.  1 Jhn.5:3   Jesus said His yoke is easyMatt.11:29,30  

Parents, teachers, and even the laws of the land give do’s and don’ts.  So it is with God.  If we fail to do the things that we are told to do, we commit sins of omission.  If we go ahead and do the things we are told not to do, we commit sins of commission.  God loves us and wants us to follow His way but He left it up to our free will.  We choose.  His heart is broken just as a parent’s heart if we fail to follow His way.

David followed the progression of sin as given in James.  As so often happens, he tried to cover his sin with another sin.  Because of a simple story told to him by Nathan, he finally came to grips with his sin and he felt the world crumble around him.  We want to look at parts of two psalms as we look into the heart of David. 

David cries out to God to blot out his sin because of His compassion and lovingkindness. Ps.51:1   It isn’t because of David’s greatness even though he is the king.  It is the greatness and love of God that involves this possibility.  A great teacher was asked to give some deep truth about God.  His answer, “Jesus loves me, this I know, because the Bible tells me so.”  What could be a deeper truth.

God can blot out our sins.  David recognized this as the only way.  Isa.43:25; Ps.51:2   Washing is associated with cleansing.  1 Cor.6:11   This happens as our sins are washed away.  Ps.51:7   Whiter than snow is another picture of our life being made clean from sin.

Ps.51:3   David wasn’t just asking God “to forgive me of my sins”.  He acknowledged exactly what his sin was.  This is essential for our forgiveness and growth.  It takes humility but we must know what sins we have committed, say so, and repent.  An alcoholic must admit that he is one before he can be helped.  We are no different.  Forgive me of my sins—what sins?  This is not a generic situation.  Job 34:32

Ps.51:4   We need to realize that when we sin, we sin against God.  David recognized that fact.  It hurts God and the fact that we have hurt God needs to hurt us.  Joseph was an example of this as he ran from Potiphar’s wife.  Gen.39:9   How we need to think in those terms.  How can I do this to my Lord?  It is too easy to go about our life and never give it a thought.  This grieved David.
Can we feel the pleading of David as he prays in Ps.51:10.  How we all need a clean heart.  Ezekiel mentions an undivided heart.  Ezek.11:19   Our heart cannot be divided—part for the Lord but part for self and the world.  1 Jhn.2:15,16   These things do not produce a clean heart.  Matt.5:8   A clean heart is a pure heart and this brings great joy.  Our thoughts make a difference with our heart and spirit.  Phil.4:8  

An undivided heart has a steadfast spirit. Jam.1:8   Standing fast in the Lord is a requisite of a strong faith, a clean heart, and a steadfast spirit.  1 Cor.15:58   Never would we want to be cast away from the presence of the Lord.  Ps.51:11   Where would we go?  Ps.139:7-10

Ps.32:1   What joy and peace of mind to know that our sin is forgiven.  David experienced that.  We can as well when we become a Christian.  Acts 13:38; Acts 2:38; Col.2:12,13   Sin separates us from God.  Isa.59:2   Our sin could cast us away.

Ps.32:5   Again sin is acknowledged.  It is not hidden.  Of course it couldn’t be hidden from God but we sometimes deceive ourselves into thinking we can.  It is confessed and then, praise God, it is forgiven.  What a blessing to David and to us!

Ps.32:9   Some are as stubborn as a mule and are left with no understanding and consequently, no forgiveness.  Our desire must be to be led, yoked if you will.  We need to be teachable and humble.  God will teach and lead us if we allow it to be.  Ps.32:8   We can then rejoice in the fruit of salvation.  Ps.32:11; Heb.10:22,23       

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