Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Psalm 37 gives some important admonitions that can apply to us today.  We, like David, have a tendency to be discouraged as we see those that are not following Christ to prosper and receive success and importance according to the world when we do not. 

As David thinks about the prosperity of the wicked, he says to not fret about it and don’t be envious.  Ps.37:1   David may have been writing as he talked to himself.  The “wicked” may not be such to us.  They may be outstanding citizens and considered good people but they are having success that may be in competition with us.  The fact is that they are not in the Lord and we are trying hard to please the Lord.

Psalm 73 shows the deep feeling of frustration in David as he viewed the success of the unrighteous.  A few verses will show this feeling.  Ps.73:12,16,17   Their future will not continue in that prosperity forever.  Ps.37:2   When we fellowship with the Lord and come in contact with Him in worship, then we, too, will understand.  So the first admonition is given to us—trust.  This trust is to believe in, rely on, and depend on.  Our prosperity and success is spiritual.  That is what will last.

Ps.37:3   Too often we want to trust in ourselves.  “We can do it”, we say.  Jer.17:5,7   It is important that we put our complete trust in the Lord.  The wealthy put their trust in their riches.  Prov.11:28   The political powerful trust in their success.  Ps.146:3   The mighty cannot trust in their strength before God.  Deut.28:49,52; Ps.20:7   The intelligent know nothing in comparison to God.  Prov.3:5; Rom.1:22   None of these will gain success forever.  It will only be those who trust in the Lord. 

In times of trouble or discouragement, don’t we need someone with whom we can just pour out our hearts.  God is the one.  Ps.62:8   God doesn’t move.  He is our Rock and He is forever.  Our  mind cannot wander from here and there but must remain steadfast in the Lord for perfect peace.  Darts of trouble may inflict us on the outside but we can have inner peace as we put out trust in Him.  Life doesn’t give us this perfect peace except in the Lord.  This requires complete trust in Him.  Ps.26:3,4   We can lay it all on Him.

The next admonition in this psalm is to delight thyself in the Lord.  Ps.37:4   A person not following the Lord will not find real and lasting joy.  An example of this is found in Isa.58:13,14.  Since the old Law was nailed to the cross (Col.2:14), we no longer observe the Sabbath Day (Saturday).  However, the first day of the week is now the important day for the Christian.  Acts 20:7; 1 Cor.16:2   This first day was very important to the early Christians and continues to be so today.  Heb.10:25   We find joy as we meet together in worship as we encourage one another.

We take joy in pleasing those we love.  The same is true and even more so with our Lord.  Ps.119:35  Where is our delight, our joy?  Ps.1:2   We have great joy in salvation.  Where would we be otherwise?  Ps.35:9   As we trust in the Lord, we are able to enjoy peace and joy because of our hope in the Lord.  Rom.15:13

As delight in the Lord becomes a part of our lives, our desires change.  We will be given the desires of thine heart.  Matt.6:33; Ps.40:8   The desires of our heart are such as pleases our Lord.  We don’t get everything for which we ask.  God knows what we need and what is best for us.  He also knows the timing which is best for us.  Sometimes we just have to wait on the Lord.  Ps.27:14; Jude 21   Our desires become what God wants for us and what He sees as best for us.

Commit thy way unto the Lord.   Ps.37:5   When we commit our ways unto the Lord, we entrust our lives to Him.  We hand over our way to our Lord.  It isn’t “our” way any more.  Prov.16:3   We roll our burdens off of ourselves and on to the Lord for He knows the best way.  1 Pet.5:7   Ruth had a problem and was anxious but Naomi had good advice.  Ruth 3:18   Again we see that important word, “wait”.  Our impatience is overcoming at times.  Ps.55:22   Our “way” includes the manner in which we live and the results thereof.  Every part of our life belongs to the Lord when we are committed.

Ps.37:7   “Rest” is a beautiful word.  How we long for true rest.  Sometimes this word in Hebrew means to keep silent, hold your peace.  As we trust the Lord, delight ourselves in Him, and commit our lives to Him, there is no need to argue with God.  We know His way is best and so we rest in His way.  Ps.62:1,5   Jesus gave us a wonderful promise if we will but go to Him.  Matt.11:28-30   The mercy, goodness, and lovingkindness of the Lord gives us rest for our souls in all that He has done for us.  Ps.116:7 

Isa.48:17,18   God knows best.  We need the words spoken by Isaiah.  If only we would pay attention and listen to let God lead us.  The words, “if only”,  so often come from our lips.  We follow our own ways and fail.  Then, if only we had listened.  God has seen this often in His children.  Deut.32:29; Ps.81:13,14   Jesus sorrowed over Jerusalem because Israel had not listened.  Lk.19:41,42

May we not sorrow over our remorseful “if only”.  Let us with resolve trust in the Lord, find our delight in the Lord, commit our way unto the Lord that we may rest in the Lord.  Life for a Christian does not consist of possessions owned, success in the eyes of men, or anything that confines us to this earthly life but in spiritual possessions and spiritual success.  Rom.14:17; Phil.4:7 


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