Saturday, September 1, 2012

B-Gems from Psalms-2


Ps.14:1   This thought might not be considered a “gem” except for the fact that we can believe that God exists, act upon that belief, and be rewarded for it.  The word “fool” is only used when speaking of humanity.  It describes a person who hates knowledge.  Prov.1:22   A fool is described as one who takes no pleasure in understanding.  Ps.92:6   What he thinks and has to say is the only thing of importance to him.  Prov.18:2   Doing acts of wickedness are like a game to the fool.  Prov.10:23   The fool will receive no honor for the life he lives.  Prov.3:35   A good description is given in Jer.4:22.

Today, many say there is no God.  Too often this belief is found in circles that are considered “intelligent”.  However, many in all circles of culture have this belief.  Could it be that inwardly they don’t want to be accountable to anyone for their actions?  Rom.14:12   What a blessing to truly believe and have faith in the Creator and giver of all good things including our salvation through His Son.  Heb.11:1; Eph.1:7

If a man thinks there is no God, his life will be acted out in an ungodly way.  Prov.23:7   Affliction will become a way of life as a result.  Ps.107:17   Even though affliction may follow fools, yet they will not turn from their evil ways.  Prov.13:19   They proceed in their own way and hence to their own destruction.  Ps.10:4   in all his thoughts there is no room for God.  The rich man had his thoughts and plans all on his riches and could not let go.  Jesus had words for him.  Lk.12:20

All of our lives we make choices.  God is evident in the world surrounding us.  Rom.1:19,20  … so they are without excuse.  Yet, even though they knew God, they did not  honor Him or give Him thanks.  (Do we fail in this respect?)  They had no room in their heart for God so they became fools.  Rom.1:21,22   Just as in the days of Noah, God finally gives up and lets us go our way.  Rom.1:24  

A description of an evil man is given in Job 15:16. …who drinks up evil like water!  We may have salvation through Christ; however, we are not sinless.  Rom.3:23; Ps.14:3   The Pharisees thought they had it made.  Matt.12:34   We may look good on the outside but what is on the inside will eventually show.  Lk.11:42; Matt.15:19   Warnings are rampant throughout the Scripture about what we show on the outside but how evil can lurk in our hearts.  Titus 1:16   They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him.

A warning was given to those in JerusalemZeph.1:12   They were warned that God would punish those who are complacent.  Those were the ones who would think, The Lord will do nothing either good or bad.   Those that are complacent do not need to worry.  Everything is fine.  Whatever will be, will be.  We are satisfied one way or the other.  Complacency is a dangerous ground to walk upon.  The slide is down.  No effort need to be made to follow or please the Lord.  It will all work out just fine.  (for Satan’s wished)  Complacency is not good.

Pro.1:7   Both wisdom and knowledge are connected to the fear of the Lord.  …fools despise wisdom…  It is important that we don’t just know about God but that we know God in a personal way.  God is omnipotent (all powerful).  God’s power threatens the wicked or fool; but God’s power is a source of comfort to the Christian.  We know that He is in control.  Job 42:2  I know that you can do everything and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.  Remember that God cannot do something apart from His purpose and God cannot lie.  Heb.6:18

God is fully present everywhere.  This is called His omnipresence.  This is also a comfort to a Christian for He is with us all of the time and at our call when we need Him.  The fool wants to run and hide from God. A fool is separated from God.  Isa.59:2   God’s infinite Spirit is everywhere at all times.  Ps.139:7-10; Heb.4:13  

God knows everything—His omniscience.  His judgment is fair and true.  Rom.11:33; Ezek.11:5   God even knows the secrets of our heart.  Ps.44:21; Lk.16:15   The fool does not want Light to shine into his heart; therefore, he resists it and refuses to believe.  We can rest assured that the Lord knows those who are His.  2 Tim.2:19  

The Lord is ready to come to the rescue of those that know and love Him.  2 Pet.2:9   The Lord know how to rescue godly men from trials…Jesus prayed that God would keep us from the evil one.  Jhn.17:15   The Thessalonians were given the same encouragement in 2 Thess.3:3   May we never say in our heart that there is no God but forever love and serve Him with thankfulness.  1 Jhn.5:10,13      

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