As we summarize this study on the Fruit of the Spirit, we need to look at our lives to see if our study has made a difference—if it has helped us grow. Gal.5:5 Our hope of gaining righteousness through the Spirit is a constant endeavor.
The fruit of the Spirit is used in the singular form for it is like a fruit basket set on the table. Many qualities make up our Spirit-filled life. The lack of one will have a tendency to destroy another. It is also like a bunch of grapes on a branch. Jhn.15:4,5 The branch cannot bear fruit without nourishment which comes from the vine and then root. We can not bear the fruit of the Spirit alone. We must be connected to Christ and His Spirit.
The first fruit is love and from love comes the rest of the qualities. It is so important that Jesus stated love as being the most important commandment of all. The second one included love as well. Lk.10:27 Without love, we don’t know God. 1 Jhn.4:8 Love gives us a strong desire to follow His commandments and thus we know that we know Him and are in Him. 1 Jhn.2:3,5
The quality of love brings us great joy. Neh.8:10 A person without joy in their life looses strength. They become discouraged and discontent. The joy of a Christian is deep gladness of heart. It is connected to the hope we have in Christ. A Christian can have joy even in pain, trials, and persecution. Jam.1:2 This life is short at best and the joy of this world does not last. Rom.14:17 Christ had joy even as He faced death. He was looking far ahead. Heb.12:2 Paul told the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord. Phil.3:1 Examples are given in Hebrews of those who even lost possessions but not their joy for that came from better possessions and more lasting ones. Heb.10:34 Rejoicing was important enough to repeat. Phil.4:4
As we look at peace as the next quality, we find connections with the former two. No real lasting peace is found where love is absent. What a joy is experienced when there is real peace. When a Christian has inner peace, conflict may rage on the outside but in Christ and with the help of the Holy Spirit, inner peace soothes the soul. Jhn.16:33 If we are bearing the fruit of peace, we are pursuing the things that make peace. Rom.14:19 Notice that making peace includes building up one another. This is because we love them. This makes it easier to be a peacemaker. Matt.5:9 We can never let any conflict begin with us. Rom.12:18 This does not mean we compromise the Truth. If our mind is set on the Spirit, life and peace will be present. This is beyond the comprehension of the world. Phil.4:7
Patience can be expressed in longsuffering. If we have love, endeavor to keep peace, then we will enjoy seeing the fruit of patience. 1 Cor.13:4 Patience involves objects, self, and others in particular. Unger says, “…that this man will submit to the place God has put him and the duties and conflicts of life.” God has been patient with us to bring us to repentance and salvation. Rom.2:4 In return, we are urged to be patient with everyone. 1 Thess.5:14 Even in affliction, we are to be patient. Rom.12:12; Col.1:11
Kindness is the next quality or fruit in our basket. Again, love is so essential to this fruit that it is sometimes called lovingkindness. A criteria by which we may judge ourselves might be, “How do I leave another person feeling after my encounter with them?” Another term, kindhearted, is used as is brotherly kindness. We are told to be kind to one another. Eph.4:32 Can we feel with another person? Do we show compassion? We want others to be kind to us but when we are kind to others, we also benefit ourselves. Prov.11:17 Kindness will help our patience with others.
Kindness is a quality of temperament whereas goodness puts kindness into action. Paul was confident that the Romans were full of goodness. Rom.15:14 The fruit of the Light, which would be Christ, consists of goodness. Eph.5:9 It is no credit to us if we return good to those who do the same for us. Lk.6:33 Our real test is when we can do good to our enemies and those who do not like us. Lk. 6:27 Our reward is not from man but from the Lord. Eph.6:8 We are to do good to all people. Gal.6:10
Without the next quality, faithfulness, we cannot please God. Heb.11:6 Faithfulness requires faith which is defined in Heb.11:1 Faith in Jesus as the Son of God was the beginning of our salvation. Peter combines faith or belief with love and joy in 1 Pet.1:8. If we are faithful, we will be trustworthy and dependable. God is faithful. He can be dependable in helping us with our temptations. 1 Cor.10:13 God provides that fire escape but it is up to us in our faith to use it. Faith is associated with goodness as we perform good deeds. Otherwise faith is dead. Jam.2:26 Continue in faith. Col.1:23
Gentleness is an outward showing toward others of the spirit of our heart. How many souls have been turned away from the Lord because of being treated with hob-nailed boots. Gal.6:1 If we truly have love, kindness, and goodness in our heart, we will be gentle in our dealings with others. Jam.3:13 Gentleness works toward peace. This is an important quality of one walking in the Spirit. It speaks to the world. Phil.4:5
Self-control is an important component of the fruit of the Spirit and who does not need this one. Self-control impacts all of the other qualities as does love. It means “hold back”. We have deeds, emotions, and words with which we must “hold back” and have control over. Self-control takes energetic determination with the help of the Spirit. Our desires of the flesh are strong. These come from our mind. Prov.23:7 To take our minds captive is important. 2 Cor.10:5 We must filter our thinking. Phil.4:8 Peter tells us to be self-controlled and alert. 1 Pet.5:8 Such encouragement is given as Peter includes self-control in a list of qualities for the Christian. 2 Pet.1:8-11 We desire to be fruitful and to keep from stumbling that we may attain that entrance into heaven.
May we be able to nourish and grow in the fruit of the Spirit that we not be found as the lone fig tree with nothing but leaves. Matt.21:19 Because of our love for the Lord, we want to be pleasing to Him. Col.1:10 If we are walking in the Spirit, may we live that way as we develop and grow in the fruit of the Spirit. Gal.5:25; Gal.5:22,23
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