Thursday, December 15, 2011



If you are hungry and you love chocolate, what would you do if a box of chocolates was passed around?  That defines self-control.  If we have self-control, we master our passions and we avoid excess.  Other considerations would be restraint over our impulses, emotions, and desires.  This includes our deeds as well as our emotions and words.  In the Greek it means to “hold back”.

The word, “temperance”, is used in some versions.  Temperance is thought of as being moderate in action, thought and feeling.  This involves appetites, passions such as anger as well as addictions.  All of this would need self-control.

Self-control also involves will-power.  Energetic determination is essential to be successful for self-control.  This reminds one of the chorus, “I am determined.  I’ve made up my mind!”  For a Christian we then add “I’ll serve the Lord.”  In order to do that we must follow our Lord in obedience to His will.  Joshua was an excellent example of this determination.  Josh.24:15

As we seek to gain self-control, it is easy to become discouraged.  We might say,  “I can’t do that” or “I can’t quit”.  It is important to remember that we do have a helper within us as a Christian—the Holy Spirit.  Phil.4:13   Fruit from the Holy Spirit includes self-control.  This does not relieve us from this energetic determination to succeed in obtaining this fruit—but we don’t have to do it alone.  We cannot allow sin to have reign or control over us.  Rom.6:12

It is not enough that we refrain from evil but we must bring forth fruit unto God.  Rom.7:4   It is this self-control through the Spirit that we are not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good.  Rom.12:21   When we think we can handle our self alone we need to be very aware.  1 Cor.10:12   We are all prone to fall without the help of Christ.

Those in the field of sports know that it requires a tremendous amount of self-control to conquer the body in achieving the desired goals.  Paul used a similar example as he spoke of a race in his day.  1 Cor.9:25-27   This same type of control over the physical body is needed over the spiritual body.  We can conquer with the help of the Spirit and a determined purpose or goal in mind.

Our mind controls us.  Prov.23:7   So what fills our mind?  It has been stated that when you try to forget something, you think about it and then don’t forget.  When we fill our mind with negative thoughts of discouragement and failure, we are setting ourselves up for failure of self-control.  Physically remove those things around us that are tempting.  Then begin to fill our mind with good things.  A great filter for our thoughts is found in Phil.4:8.  

Rather than being controlled by what we want, the love of God controls us.  2 Cor.5:14   We love the Lord so much that we want what He wants for us.  This love causes our thoughts to be under control.  2 Cor.10:5   Our thoughts are made captive to Christ.  We have been crucified with Christ.  Gal.2:20

We are not alone in our fight against the flesh or the world.  Paul indicates his conflict between the flesh and the spirit.  Rom.7:15   Sometimes we find ourselves in this predicament.  Too often we want or will to do the right thing but then to go ahead and do the right thing is not in us.  Rom.7:18   Paul then rejoices in the victory in Christ.  Rom.7:25   Jesus has set us free.  Rom.8:2

This conflict between the flesh and the Spirit is further discussed in Galatians. Gal.5:16   We not only have to be self-controlled; we need to be spirit-controlled.  If we do not take control to the extent of being spirit-controlled, we will loose our control.  Gal.5:17   Paul lists many deeds of the flesh.  Then in contrast he lists the fruit of the Spirit.  If we are truly spirit-controlled, then our walk in life should make that apparent.  Gal.5:24,25

When we are spirit-controlled God can work in us to get our “selves” under His control.  2 Cor.7:1  If we loose control, then Peter tells us that we have forgotten that we had our sins taken away.  2 Pet.1:6,8,9   With a close relationship with our Lord, He will give us strength to overcome.  Tit.2:12   As the world sees us change with our ability to control ourselves, we become a testimony to others.  Christ gives us strength wherein we were weak.  2 Cor.12:9  

Help is available for our control in every aspect of our lives.  Heb.4:16   Self-control will never be achieved without a real desire.  Fruit production does not come as an accident.  It takes work.  We must be zealous.  Tit.2:14   We cannot be carried away by our own desires.  Jam.1:14   Not only must we be zealous.  We must be vigilant and on the alert.  1 Pet.5:8 (NIV)  uses the words, “self-controlled and alert”.

2 Pet.1:6   Peter is listing a number of qualities that a Christian should develop.  Self-control is one of them.  Following is a precious promise given to us.  2 Pet.1:8.10,11

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