Wednesday, December 7, 2011



How we sometimes stomp through life regardless of the effect we might be having on those with whom we have to do.  If we are living in the Spirit, gentleness is a temperament we need to cultivate.  Gentleness will show in our actions and speech toward others.

Matthew Henry, a well-known commentator, describes gentleness in this way:  Gentleness is “such a sweetness of temper, and especially towards our inferiors, as disposes us to be affable and courteous, and easy to be entreated when any have wronged us…”

Adam Clark, another commentator, describes gentleness (or meekness as stated in King James Version) as “Mildness indulgence toward the weak and erring, patient suffering of injuries without feeling a spirit of revenge, an even balance of all tempers and passions, the entire opposite to anger.”

As we think of a gentle spirit, we notice the contrast as Paul speaks to the Corinthians in 1Cor.4:21.  It had been needful for Paul to reprimand the Corinthian congregation for allowing sin to remain within their midst.  They well knew that of which he spoke.  Even in an instance of confronting someone, gentleness is important.  Gal.6:1

Gentleness is important if we are having a discussion with someone who believes in a false doctrine.  If we come at them with hobnail boots, they will immediately set up a defense.  Our purpose is not to win an argument.  Not only do we need humility but also gentleness.  2 Tim.2:25  Our purpose is not to show our knowledge and understanding but to explain the Truth in hopes of winning a soul for Jesus.  1 Pet.3:15

As Zechariah was prophesying the coming of Jesus in the Triumphal Entry, he describes Him as “gentle”.  Matt.21:5   This is a quote from Zech.9:9.  Jesus describes Himself as gentle.  Matt.11:29   Paul mentions the gentleness of Christ in 2 Cor.10:1.   As followers of Christ, should we not develop this gentleness of Jesus?  Paul describes this gentleness so well to the Thessalonians.  1 Thess.2:7

Gentleness is an outward showing toward others of the spirit of our heart.  As part of the fruit of the Spirit, gentleness springs forth from the love, understanding, and compassion that we have for others.  Gentleness goes a long way in making peace.  It is associated with wisdom.  Jam.3:13   It is easy for a person who “knows” or is “wise” to be very impatient with someone who may not understand.  As Christians we are told to walk worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus.  This involves humility and gentleness as well as tolerance and patience.  All of these go hand in hand.  Eph.4:1,2   Paul not only expresses this to the Ephesians but also to the Colossians.  Col.3:12

We are to flee from those snares into which the love of money causes us to fall.  It is much more profitable to pursue gentleness along with other attributes as perseverance, righteousness, godliness, faith, and love.  1 Tim.6:11   The importance of gentleness is made of less significance so many times.  Yet, look at the number of times it is listed along with faith and love and other attributes.  Would we consider those significant?  The answer would probably be of extreme importance.

As James describes wisdom from above, gentleness is included.  Jam.3:17  Paul tells Titus to remind Christians not to malign or speak in an injurious way against anyone but to be peaceable and gentle.  We are to show consideration for all men.  Tit.3:2   Paul continues to describe the way they once were.  Gentleness is a part of our new way of life.  The world feels no need to be gentle and considerate of others.  It may happen when things are going well; however, when being opposed, the normal tendency is to strike out against another and even malign them.  This would not be a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

As Paul describes someone to be chosen as an overseer, he mentions the importance of gentleness rather than being a quarrelsome and antagonistic person.  1 Tim.3:3  If we are trying to be like Jesus, who is gentle, what will help us develop gentleness?

Gentleness does not push “self” forward to an important position.  Jesus used a child to illustrate this point.  Mk.9:35-37   A little child can touch a heart with his innocence and trust.  He needs to be treated with gentleness.  We don’t need to be arrogant as we deal with someone, but gentle in our speech and actions. 

If we are submissive to one another, it will be easier to be gentle.  Eph.5:21   If we aren’t the “most important person in the world”—in other words “self”, it will become easier to be gentle to others.  Phil.2:3,4   Our example before the world lasts a long time.  It becomes an example of a Christian, the church, and even makes the world look at Jesus in a different light.

May our spirit be gentle as we reflect the spirit of Christ.  May it be known to all men.  Phil.4:5

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