Wisdom was our first study in Proverbs. The eighth chapter personifies wisdom in many ways; however, in verses 22 – 36 the thought seems to be somewhat Messianic in nature. After all, Christ and wisdom go hand in hand.
Wisdom was present in the very beginning with God for wisdom is an attribute of God. Prov.8:22 Christ was also in the beginning with God before there was anything else. Jhn.1:1,14 This time before creation is described in Prov.8:23-26.
The creation is divided into heaven, earth, and sea. Neh.9:6 Exodus also explains the creation in the same terms. Ex.20:11 An angel in heaven was proclaiming the hour of judgment for worship to the maker of heaven, earth, and sea. Rev.14:7
Wisdom was in the beginning as heaven, earth, and sea were being created. Prov.8:27-29 Notice the “circle on the face of the deep.” For a long time mankind did not realize the truth of the earth being round and yet here it was in the Word of God. Isa.40:22 Christ was also there for He made all things. Jhn.1:3 Christ was the first-born. Not that He was “born” for He was with God in creation. Christ was foremost in time, place, order, and importance. Col.1:15,16 All things were created through Him and for Him.
Creation had taken place and now God took pleasure in what had been accomplished. Prov.8:30 All was created with wisdom. Gen.1:31; Prov.3:19,20 God saw that it was “very good”. God was also pleased with His Son. Matt.3:17 Christ was called His “beloved” Son. Col.1:13 Christ was with God and so can explain Him. Jhn.1:18; Jhn 6:46 Phillip wanted Jesus to show them the Father. Jesus’ answer is found in Jhn.14:9.
Prov.8:31,32 Mankind was the climax of creation. Gen.1:26 Earth was made to be a dwelling place. Isa.45:18 The ways of wisdom are to be kept; instruction is given to the wise and is not to be refused. Prov.8:32,33 The same is taught by Jesus. For those who want to enter life and the kingdom of heaven, obeying the commandments as well as teaching correctly are necessary. Matt.19:17; Matt.5:19 Proverbs follows through with the teaching of Jesus as wisdom is personified. Prov.8:33-35
Wisdom was in the plan that the Lord set forth, and through the Word (Christ) all things were created. Eph.3:9 God asked Job the question, “Where were you…”. Job 38:4 Too often we think we know before we search the Truth of the Scriptures. Job 38:2 We “darken counsel by words without knowledge”. We speak without knowing.
Wisdom is of great value to us and an attribute for which we can ask God. Jam.1:5; Prov.2:6 We can know the source but it is up to us to receive. We begin by having fear, great reverence, and respect for God. Prov.9:10 A wise man will be humble enough to listen to counsel and instruction. Prov.12:15 Solomon has so many warnings in Proverbs against following those that are wicked. Our associations and our friends are important in gaining and keeping wisdom. Prov.13:20; Jam.4:4; 1 Cor.15:33
Prov.19:20 We are so prone to go ahead with a decision without asking God first, seeking counsel from a Christian, and pondering over the alternatives with any disruptive outcomes. 1 Cor.8:2 To be wise in our own eyes is failure in the making. Prov.3:7
The wise in heart desires to do that which is right and therefore will receive or obey commandments. Prov.10:8 It is up to us to apply our heart and listen to words of knowledge and welcome instruction. Prov.23:12
The desire for knowledge will come with a heart that has understanding. Prov.15:14; This desire for knowledge with understanding is so important as we hunger and thirst for righteousness. Matt.5:6 “Knowing” will not be of great profit unless we add an understanding heart to think, act, and speak with wisdom. Prov.17:24
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