Many commandments are contained in the book of Proverbs. Commandments dealing with the gaining of wisdom and with controlling the tongue have been addressed. Following are other commandments that help in giving God the glory and being pleasing in His sight. After all is said and done, this summarizes our purpose in life.
A command is an order to do or to be. It comes from a higher authority. In the case of a Christian our commands come from our Lord. With a command comes the choice of obedience. Acts 5:29 God gave a command to Adam in the beginning. Gen.3:16,17 With commands come choices and consequences. Some of these are good and some are not so good. Adam did not do well and dire consequences followed. The same was followed by his son, Cain. Gen.4:7 From this early time on until the present day, the same holds true. Satan follows us and is delighted in our lack of obedience. 1 Pet.5:8
Solomon gave an important command—keep my commands. Prov.3:1-4 The results are very significant for success in our purpose of life. We have to know these commands in order to obey them. Deut.6:7-9 This is the reason we are enjoined to study God’s Word. 2 Tim.2:15 Joshua made this important decision. Josh.24:15
Instruction was given in form of admonition as to how to accomplish a like decision. Prov.4:25-27 David also gives good instruction for this achievement. Ps.1:1,2; Ps.119:101 Solomon knows that his commandments are not just his. God gave him this wisdom so his commandments are inspired of the Lord. We need to take them in this light. These teachings are not only to be seen but entered into the heart for this is where change in our thinking and actions will proceed. Prov.7:1-3 The apple of the eye was considered the pupil of the eye—real eyesight.
Trust in the Lord is so important to us. We may say we trust and then some crisis occurs in our life and we are overcome with anxiety and attempt to solve it in our own way without going to the Lord first. Too often we use the Lord as a last resort. Prov.3:5 David also gives this admonition. Ps.37:5 In the midst of trouble Jeremiah gives advice in Jer.9:23,24.
The following proverb is very close to a N.T. commandment. Prov.25:21,22 This is quoted in Rom.12:21 Further instruction for a Christian is given in Rom.12:19. It is the right thing to do but it also brings reward—the Lord will reward you.
Another command could be added here with regard to our attitude toward others. Prov.24:17 How can we pray in a sincere manner for an enemy when we are secretly gloating over his failure. This does happen. We know we are to pray for them. Matt.5:44 The Lord knows our hearts and will be displeased with us with this attitude. Prov.24:18
We are told not to worry about evildoers and especially do not envy them. God will take care of them in His way and in His time. Prov.24:1; Prov.23:17 David had a problem with the fact that the wicked would gain wealth. Ps.73:2,3 Read on to see his picture of them. David’s understanding finally came as he entered the temple. Ps.73:16,17
In studying the Word of God, another important command is given in Prov.30:6. This is neglected as people “choose a church”. This is a command given several places in the Scriptures. Deut.4:2; Deut.12:32; Rev.22:18,19 We cannot be too careful to observe this commandment as it is repeated several times. The lack of obedience in this command has caused strife and division throughout Christendom.
One important command that reoccurs over and over is about training of a child. Prov.22:6 Some of the verses that admonish us are important to note. This statement as other proverbs is not a promise. It is a general statement that should prove to be true. Sometimes these are called maxims. Educate thoroughly the way a child should go. If he follows the teaching and example then seeds are sown. The reaping comes later. Prov.22:15 A difference exists between the mind of a child and a mature adult. A child at a young age cannot understand reasoning. Punishment can be understood. “If I disobey, I receive consequences.” Eph.6:4 is a command important to understand. Limits do exist. If a child is left to his own whims, important lessons of life will not be learned. Prov.29:15 What a joy if a child matures in the Lord. Prov.20:11
If we expect our children to grow up in the Lord, we have to set a good example before them. One way is to follow Prov.16:3. When we commit our works to God, we entrust them to Him for safe-keeping. They will be established if we are in keeping with His way. Ps.37:5,6 This is a wonderful description of what the Lord will do for us when we commit our way to Him. Prov.3:6 When we acknowledge God, then He will make our paths straight but in acknowledging Him, we must follow His will.
Other commands are contained in the book of Proverbs that have not been covered. It is a profitable book for study. Our closing Scripture is found in Deut.10:12,13 We are commanded these things for our good.
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