GEMS – 4
Is there anyone who has never has a
loss, pain, or problem that creates such stress that it seems your heart cannot
hold it? 1 Pet.5:7 Casting ALL your care upon Him, for He cares
for you. This is a promise that we must believe and grow in our ability to
actually accomplish it. It is never
easy. Phil.4:6,7
If we have accepted Jesus as our Savior,
we are God’s child. Some rejoice that
their child graduates from high school, leaves home, and they are done. We care for our children all the way through
life. God loves us and care for us
through thick and thin. His ability to
care for us far surpasses anything we can do.
All of our worry is for naught. Jesus uses the hairs of our head as an
example. One Scripture is in Matt.5:36.
We cannot naturally change the color of our hair. Neither do we know the number of hairs our
head holds from day to day. Matt.10:30
Our faith is tested as we face problems. Can we put them in the hands of Jesus? Matt.6:34
All of us will face loss and problems of
various kinds. Are we prepared? Shock of the reality comes but immediately we
need to be prepared to go to God for the comfort that He provides in many
ways. 2 Cor.1:3 He is called the
God of comfort. Not only is He a God of
comfort but He causes things to happen that will be a comfort to us. 2
A beautiful picture is given in Isa.61:3 of the comfort given to
us. Ashes are not pretty but He gives
beauty instead. Mourning hurts the
spirit and yet the oil of joy replaced mourning. Oil was used in worship. We have all felt that heavy feeling when a
loss occurs. It is replaced with praise
as we realize all is not lost. God has placed eternity in our hearts. Eccl.3:11
We can say with Job as is in Job 1:21.
We are given comfort through the Holy
Spirit. In fact the Holy Spirit is
called the Comforter in Jhn.14:26. It is noted that the Christians that were
scattered from Jerusalem were walking in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Acts
Jesus promised comfort to those that
mourned in Matt.5:4. Although this could have meant
spiritually mourning, it could also be mourning for those who had died. Paul reminded the Thessalonians of the
comfort of Jesus and God. With that
comfort, they could continue in word and deed to serve. 2
Thess.2:16,17 Those who live by
God’s Word can receive comfort thereby. Ps.119:50; Rom.15:4
Fellow Christians are an encouragement
in comforting sisters and brothers in Christ.
Sometimes others can relate with you but be able to see the future to be
remindful of Scripture when a person is too deep in sorrow, pain, or problems
to remember. In Job 2:11 Job’s three friends came to comfort and mourn with
him. We find that their attempt was not
what they intended. However, the purpose
was one from which we can learn. Paul
had fellow workers that were a comfort to him.
Sometimes others learn because of our
reaction to our problems. Paul realized
this as he wrote to the Corinthians. 2 Cor.7:4
Affliction has value in our growth as well. Jam.1:2,3 We have atrophy of our spiritual lives
if we are never challenged to rely on God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and
Scripture. This comes as we lay our
problems upon God. Isa.41:10 The outcome in
our faithfulness in accomplishing this is stated in Isa.51:11. The love and
prayers of our loved ones are always a comfort to us. Eph.6:22;
Sometimes death comes in a drawn-out way and sometimes in an unexpected, fast
way. God knows and has His time. Ps.31:15 We can’t fight with God. We have to accept it. 1
Cor.15:55,57 Paul stated his
thoughts in 2 Cor.5:8. Realize that sometimes this is the better
way. We are finished with all of the
struggles of life when we go to meet our Lord.
We have victory! Would we want to
take that away from a loved one?
What a beautiful expression of this
victory we have in Rev.21:4. There need be no fear for we have a
faithful companion walking with us. Ps.23:4
Paul exhorts us to remind our fellow Christians of these words. 1
Thess.4:18 How important it is to have
accepted Jesus as our Savior and be walking in ways to please Him. Then we can have confidence in eternity after
this life has ended. 1Jhn.5:13
The promise remains as we cast our cares
upon Him. 1 Pet.5:7 He will care for
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