Saturday, June 7, 2014



As we begin this new series an explanation might be in order.  Scriptures have been chosen for their importance in our desire to live a holy life.  Many subjects will open as we study the particular scripture in view.

The first one is found in Gen.4:7.   If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it."  This brings us to a study of sin.  The fact that it is crouching at our door and wants us to fall for it.  Then comes the challenge of mastering the temptation that is brought before us. 

Even though there had been men that called upon the name of the Lord and men that walked with God, the time before the flood men became so full of sin that God took action.  Gen.6:5   Then came the flood.  During the time of the judges was also a time when man seemed to take no cognizant of God.  Judg.17:6  

By Solomon’s day he realized that there was no man that was without sin.  Eccl.7:20   Isaiah describes us in Isa.64:6.  We can’t point our fingers to “them.”  It includes “us” and it is so important that we see ourselves as God sees us.  When man desires to do or have something, the tendency becomes to call evil good.  Isa.5:20   A woe is given.  “Woe” expresses anguish.  We need to have anguish over our sins.  Ps.38:18   We blind our eyes and deceive our hearts.  Jer.17:9   We refuse to see ourselves.  We should know our sins if we are honest with ourselves.  Ps.51:3

Perhaps sin should be defined.  Scripture does this for us in 1 Jhn.3:4.  Sin came from the devil in the beginning and those who practice make themselves of the devil.  1 Jhn.3:8   Praise God that Jesus came to destroy the devil’s works.  Sometimes we know what is right but we don’t do it.  That becomes sin.  Jam.4:17   Perhaps you have heard the statement, “If you doubt, don’t do it.”  Scripture backs this up in Rom.14:23.  Although speaking of food, the ending statement makes it true in any situation.

David gives us an important fact that follows through Scripture.  Ps.51:5; Rom.5:12   Paul continues this fact in Rom.3:23.  We either pay or are rewarded for everything we do.  The same is true with sin.  Rom.6:23

Sin is breaking God’s law but this can happen with a nation.  Prov.14:34   We need to pray earnestly and often for our country.  We are given a choice as a nation in
2 Chron.7:14.

Personally, our sins may be secret.  Many forget that God sees all even though man may not see.  Eccl.12:14   Secrecy does not take the sin away.  Ps.90:8   Guilt makes the heart heavy.  Ps.32:3   That heaviness was lifted when David acknowledged his sin.  Ps.32:5   What a joy that we can repent and be forgiven.  Lk.24:47

Presumptuous sins are mentioned in Ps.19:13.  A presumptuous sin means in your pride and boldness against God you think you are right.  Heb.10:26   Sinning willfully after you have learned better might be considered a presumptuous sin.

If we do not rid ourselves of sin, we become slaves to it.  Think of habits that are formed, whether good or bad.  Habits are very difficult to break.  This begins with sucking the thumb on to adult habits that we form.  Rom.6:6   We have many faithful before us as examples.  We need to be examples to others and lay aside those things in which we could become enslaved.  Heb.12:1  

Remember that sin does crouch at our door but we must master it.  Prayer, guidance of the Holy Spirit, and studying God’s Word will be our biggest help in the mastering of sin in our lives.  Ps.119:11

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