Saturday, June 7, 2014



The trust that we can put in our Lord is beyond comprehension or imagination.  Isa.40:31   Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength.  They will mount up with wings like eagles.  They will run and not get tired,  They will walk and not become weary.  We have so many promises in His Word that can give us strength and encouragement in our walk with the Lord.

Trust is one of the fundamental characteristics of the people of God.  As a Christian we know that we can rely on His promises; we can depend upon His Word; we feel secure in Him for we know He will take care of us.  We can soar above the pain and problems of this world for we can say with Job in Job 19:25.  Our trust lies in the fact that we know our Redeemer lives.

Because He lives and has gone to prepare a place for us that we may live, too,  (Jhn.14:3) we can have an entirely different impression concerning our worldly possessions than we had before accepting Jesus as our Savior.  Job 1:21   During the tornadoes a story was recounted about a couple who had just moved into a new home recently completed.  It was destroyed completely.  That would be devastating, no doubt, but could we as a child of God put a different value on such a tragedy?

God’s Word relays to us time and time again how much God cares for us and wants us to come to Him.  Isaiah brings this thought to us in Isa.41:10.  Many times in life we have a great fear come over us.  God is with us.  We can treasure Heb.1:14.  God provides security for us in many ways.  Do we forget Isa.59:1?  Too often we think of God way up there and we are way down here.  The Holy Spirit is inside of us.  This provides a great strength as we remember 1 Jhn.4:4.  Refuge in trouble for the world often brings anger, drink, drugs, even suicide.  Our refuge is in the Lord.  Nah.1:7  We have times we need to just pour our hearts out to someone.  We can do this to God and know that He will listen and have compassion on us.   Ps.62:8

Man so often puts his trust in things of this world.  Matt.6:19; Jer.17:5    This becomes more evident as people fall for scams.  People trust counselors that are not Christians.  God has the answers in His Word.  Isa.55:8   Others may be able to help us but it must be according to the Truth.  We cannot even trust ourselves to make many choices.  Jer.10:23

Many trust in their professional or cultural position in life or in their abilities that bring them success.  During our downturn of jobs many have witnessed failure in this.  Jer.48:7   Some even trust in their own righteousness.  Ezek.33:13  Certainly this would be a lack of humility which is always displeasing to God.  Matt.23:12

As we recognize all that God is to us and that He never changes (Heb.13:8), we realize that our complete trust can be put in Him.  As David was in danger, he put his trust in God.  Ps.57:1,2 KJV   His calamities were hidden under the shadow of His wings.  There is a song, “Under His Wings,” that may have come from this verse.  If we completely trust in God, we, too, can place ourselves under His watchcare.

Ps.56:3,4   Fear sometimes tests our trust.  Those that did face death and those that still do must have this in mind.  Determination is seen in these verses.  “I will” shows this.  In fear we must determine to put our trust in the Lord in spite of what goes on.  They didn’t fear what flesh could do to them.  Matt.10:28  Jesus gave a similar expression.  This must stay in our minds.  We have eternity set in our minds.  Eccl. 3:11 NASB 

Trust brings good guidance.  Prov.3:5,6   If trust really means something, it must be with our whole heart.  We get into trouble when we move ahead without God.  His Word will bring answers for our guidance.  2 Tim.3:16   It must be coupled with prayer.  Mk.11:24  

Peace is a longing in most hearts.  Isa.26:3 NCB   When we trust in the Lord, He will keep us in peace.  We will know that He will care for us.  It doesn’t mean no pain or no problems.  Jesus certainly had His share.  God will carry us through.  Isa.43:2   We can trust in His everlasting arms.  Deut.33:27

May we wait for the Lord, trust in Him, and receive the new strength He has waiting for us.  Isa.40: 31 But the people who trust the LORD will become strong again.
They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired.




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