GEMS – 3
Previously, we studied the importance of
trust in our awesome God. If you think
of the song, what comes next? “Trust
and….” Obey. One of the greatest examples of obedience in
my mind is Gen.39:9. …How
then could I do this great evil and sin against God? Of course the background is Joseph being
tempted by Potiphar’s wife.
We think of ourselves first but do we
love our Savior enough to think of something we are doing is actually doing
something against Him? That does
not show love. Jhn.14:15 This has been a
Scripture that flips off our tongue quite easily. It is deep!
We can’t hug God. Even then, a
person can insincerely hug someone and not love them. Actions speak louder than words. God tells us to do or not to do something and
if we really love Him, we will obey and praise Him for His guidance.
In Hebrew “to obey” means to hear,
listen, pay attention, perceive (understand).
In Greek “to obey” means to do what one is told to do. This put obedience in plain language and
easily understood. Adam’s disobedience
made us sinners. Christ’s obedience has
made many righteous. Rom.5:19
We may think we are our own person.
Sometimes a person brags, “I am my own man. No one tells me what to do.” However, we follow one or the other and
become slaves to the one we follow. Rom. 6:16
Even Jesus learned obedience. Heb.5:8 This was not that He stopped disobeying
but that He was sent to earth for a purpose and that was accomplished in His
death. Through His obedience, our
obedience will bring eternal life to us.
Scriptures give us many examples of
obedience in the lives of godly men. For
120 years Noah had obeyed God (Gen.6:22)
and so God cared for Him through the flood.
Gen.7:1 Several examples are given concerning the
obedience of Abraham. The one at the
beginning of his journey is found in Gen.12:1,4.
Another example is Moses speaking to the
Israelites in Deut.10:12,13. Not only were commands given but also the
spirit in which they were to be obeyed.
Notice that the commandments were for their own good. Many times we do not realize that God’s
commands are for our own good. They
become tedious to us as we want to do our own thing.
In realizing the many false gods
surrounding the Israelites, Joshua gave them a choice as to whom they would
obey. Josh.24:15 We also have a
choice as we follow the world to destruction or our Lord to eternity with
Him. 1 Jhn.2:15,17 Too often we
look at glamorous appearances on the outside.
God does not see things that way.
1 Sam.16:7 Mechanical ways of worship are also
recognized by God. A person could go
through the recognized outward forms of worship without the heart being in it. This was mentioned by Samuel. 1 Sam.15:22 Obedience is more than form. Samuel was obedient from childhood and
recognized this fact.
David had his sins, repented, and turned
to such full obedience that he was known as a “man after God’s own heart.” 1
Sam.13:14 As his son, Solomon, was
to become king, David encouraged him in 1
Chron.28:9. Notice that he was to
serve or obey him with his whole heart and be willing to do
so. Do we ever obey because we feel
guilt if we don’t or we feel compelled to do so? We don’t obey or serve with joy and look at
it as an opportunity. We complain and
are like Peter in Jhn.21:21. We don’t want to be obligated to do more
than the next person. God’s commands are
always for our good and growth. We are
provided a promise - …seek Him, He will let
you find Him. What a
thought! We take so much for granted. Jer.7:23
How many times in life do we say, “If
only…” God says this but in a different
way. Isa.48:18 From teen years
on to the end of life, how often things would have been different if only
we had listened to the Lord. We think we
know the way. We are deceiving
ourselves. Jer.10:23 “If only” will
not have to be used as often if we just follow the way of the Lord.
We let hindrances come in the way of our
obedience. The Galatians were doing well
but then something changed. Gal.5:7
Their old desires began to thrive again and took them away from the
focus of the Lord. Sometimes we have
distractions that do not even have to be a sinful distraction but it is
something that interrupts our living completely for our Lord. Heb.12:1 We change course in our race but down
the road we have to say, “If only.”
May our conclusion be the same as
Solomon in Eccl.12:13. May we also remember what a catastrophe
it becomes when we sin against God! Gen.39:9
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