Sunday, June 30, 2013


Marilyn Barber
As printed in The Voice of Evangelism,

In February, much thought is given to the subject of “Love”.  Too often, love is just an infatuation that is temporary.  Is this the way our love is as a Christian?  As we think about filling our cup or our life, Jesus gave us the number one thing with which we begin.  All else becomes nothing without sincere love in our heart.  Love provides the beginning step in pleasing our Lord and following in His steps.  John Peterson wrote a song, “Oh How He Must Have Loved Us”.  Those words have a continuing thrill to my soul and I hope it thrills you, too, as we think of all He gave up for us.  Born to die.  Phil.2:6-8

As we think of our love with regard for the most important commandment (Lk.10:27), how much do we love our Lord God?  Perhaps we should ask ourselves, “What do we hold back?”  A very important word is used in this verse.  That word is “all”. 

The first “all” is all of our heart.  The “heart” is often used in Scripture as the seat of the emotions.  We have inner yearnings for self.  These yearnings affect our attitudes and our desires.  Our mind may make decisions but the heart adds the determination.  2 Cor.9:7   Our heart is an open book to Christ.  Lk.9:47   We often have the desire to be the one who is right or the one who has the knowledge.  This emotion causes friction among brothers and sisters in Christ.  Lk.16:15   God examines our hearts.  1 Thess.2:4   The Spirit searches our hearts.  Rom.8:27   What a praise to know that God can strengthen our hearts.  1 Thess.3:13

We are to love the Lord with all our soul or with all our life.  Many in the past have given up their lives as our Lord did because they were Christians.  Many today are being persecuted for the Lord and even to the point of dying for Him.  It is done as they know that eternity with the Lord follows.  Is our cup filled with that kind of resolve?  The kingdom is the Lord’s so we seek that first.  Matt.6:33; Col.1:18   It is important that we care for our bodies properly.  1 Cor.6:19,20   Greater importance is attached to our discipline for the purpose of godliness.  1 Tim.4:7,8

All of our strength or our power is from God.  But as human beings our power is nothing except that which is given us by God.  Eph.1:19; Eph.6:10   The glory for whatever we are able to accomplish for the Lord is for Him and not for ourselves.  1 Pet.4:11  What we could never do ourselves, God’s power in us can accomplish.  Matt.19:26

We are to love the Lord with all our mind.  Our minds can lead us astray.  Prov.23:7   With the media of today, our minds can drift places they should not go.  We see, we hear, and then we think and consequently, we desire.  We must guard our minds.  A wonderful filter for our thinking is found in Phil.4:8.  Once we let evil thoughts take root in our minds, it is very difficult to dig them out.  Our minds are like livestock.  Once the livestock gets out of the barn, it is work to get them back.  It would have been easier to keep the barn door closed.  The mind wins or looses the battle with sin.  1 Cor.2:16   The mind of a Christian is to be renewed.  Rom.12:2
All of the above is for love of the Lord our God.  Yet it is all important also for the love of our neighbor for this pleases God.  We are commanded to love God with our all so we show our love for Him by keeping His commandments and pleasing Him.  Jhn.14:15   We cannot say we love God if we do not love our brother.  1 Jhn.4:20,21

Christians are to be a witness for Christ but how can we be if we are not showing love for one another.  Jhn.13:35   It becomes so easy to try to justify our feelings against another.  This attitude is not found in the Word of God.  To love our enemies is found in Matt.5:44.  We gain nothing if we love and do good to those who return the same.  Matt.5:46  

Paul explains our love for one another in Phil.2:2-4.  Selfishness keeps us from love.  We feel that we know best so our way should be followed.  Empty conceit is involved in this attitude.  Personal interests become the thrust of our desire.  To be united in spirit and intent on the same purpose of furthering Christ’s church and winning souls necessitates a humility that regards the other person better or more important than ourselves.  The later kind of attitude occurs often and is divisive when it does not involve the doctrine of the Truth.

Tolerance for one another in love is important in preserving unity.  Eph.4:2,3   Paul describes those who have been chosen of God.  After mentioning eight attitudes, then Paul says “Above all these things, put on love…”  Col.3:12-14  

How different life would be if we could always be devoted to one another (Rom.12:10); if we would never wrong a neighbor (Rom.13:10); and if we would remember to do everything in love (1 Cor.16:14).  Sincere love is so aptly described in 1 Cor.13:4-7.

The love that God and our Lord has for us is boundless.  Rom.8:38,39   May we in turn love our God and Savior with our all and love one another as well.  1 Jhn.4:11

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