Tuesday, June 4, 2013


What a blessing to know that angels are for real!  Today angels have become an idol to be placed on the dash or hung from the mirror in a vehicle.  This is supposedly to insure safety.  These little angel idols are usually female; however, Scripture never speaks of angels in any gender but male.  We want to look in God’s Word to study the truth about these angels that bless our lives.  We, as human beings, will never understand many things about angels until we get to heaven; but there are many things of which we can rest our assurance.
The beginning point is the question, “What is an angel?”  As we answer this question through the Scriptures, we will also see their purpose.  Angels are heavenly beings created by God.  They carry out tasks and bring messages from God.  They are found worshipping God in large numbers in heaven.  In the Bible their appearance reveals the supernatural world to the earthly world.  Some of the phrases or names referring to angels are:  hosts of heaven, sons of God, saints, ministers of God, holy ones, watcher, and ministering spirits.  Often they are simply called angels.  We will find classification of them and two angels are given names, Michael and Gabriel.
As Daniel was having a vision, an angel descended from heaven.  This angel was not already here.  He was called “angelic watcher and holy one.”  Dan.4:13   This angel revealed a message from God beginning in vs. 23.  Here we find two names of an angel as well as a purpose.
In the N.T. those in Christ are called “saints.”  In Deut.33:2 Moses is giving a blessing to the Israelites.  In the King James Version the angels are called “saints.”  This verse also indicates that they came from above and the number of ten thousand is used.  Other versions use myriads.  Many times the number of angels makes a tremendously-sized group.  Heb.12:22 again mentions myriads of angels.  An extremely large number of angels worship God in Rev.5:11.
In the N.T. those who belong to God are called “sons of God.”  Rom.8:14   Through faith in Jesus we become “sons of God.”  Gal.3:26   In the O.T. angels are called “sons of God.”  Job 38:7   This was part of the many questions God asked Job, “Where were you?”  “Sons of God” as angels are in the scene in heaven as Satan approaches God.  Job 2:1  
We derive descriptions of angels by investigating Scriptural passages.  Angels are wise and discerning.  2 Sam.14:17,20   The maidservant is speaking to the king but in the process comes a description of angels—wise and able to discern good and evil. 
Angels are powerful.  Ps.103:20   This verse gives another important description in that an angel is obedient to God.  If even the angels of heaven obey God at His every Word, shouldn’t we?  Heb.5:9   The word spoken by angels cannot be changed for it comes from God; therefore, we need to pay close attention and not neglect what we have learned in Truth.  Heb.2:1-3
Timothy is giving many instructions to elders and the church.  The importance of angels comes to light in 1 Tim.5:21.  Timothy not only gives his charge or instructions in the presence of God and Christ Jesus.  This is impressing upon them the importance of what he is saying.  Notice the he also includes His chosen angels. 
Angels, for the most part, are invisible.  One of the well-known events of an invisible angel is the story of Balaam.  The angel was visible to a donkey but not to Balaam for some time.  Then his eyes were opened and he saw.  Num.22:31
While we think of angels as being invisible to us, there have been times when they took on a human form.  Gen.18:2   Three men appeared to Abraham.  They even ate with him.  Their purpose was to bring a message from God—Sarah was to have a son in her old age.  It appears to be a short time after when two angels appeared to Lot in Sodom.  Gen.19:1   These angels also ate food.  They brought a message from the Lord but they also saved Lot by blinding those who were trying to assault him.  Miracles were performed by these angels.  Gen.19:11
Angels are concerned about beings on earth, but they have not been given knowledge of all things and do not understand but wish to understand.  1 Pet.1:12   They do know when another soul has been added to the kingdom and they rejoice with emotion.  Lk.15:10
The magnificent praise in worship before God that is conducted by the angels should be a reminder to us of the importance of heartfelt worship in praise and thankfulness before God that should also be exemplified by us before the world.  Ps.148:2; Ps.103:20,21   Just as the angels, we are to continually offer up praise to God  Heb.13:15
Angels give revelations in messages from God.  An example of this is found in Zech.1:9.  The angel had been patrolling the earth in Zech.1:11.  Then the angel asked a question of the Lord in wonderment of how long would the Lord have no compassion of Jerusalem and Judah for they had been in Babylon for 70 years.  The answer came in Zech.1:16.  It is indicated that the angel was speaking with Zechariah in Zech.1:13.
Not only does this discussion help us understand who angels are and some of the tasks they perform for God, we can be overcome with thankfulness and praise that these heavenly creatures are also ministering spirits which watch over those who have received salvation of whom we should make sure that we belong.  Heb.1:14   

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