In the first lesson of this series angels were defined as well as
possible for us.. Descriptions were
given and some of the tasks they perform at God’s bidding were illustrated from
the Scriptures.
Before going further in this study, the fact that angels were created
needs to be established. In studying Col.1:16
evidence is apparent that Jesus created angels. He created things in heaven. Angels are in heaven and when they appear on
earth, Scripture records that they descend from heaven. Dan.4:13 Jesus created things unseen. From the event of Balaam and the donkey it is
evident that the angel was invisible to Balaam at first. Num.22:31
Ps.148:2 The Lord commanded and they were
created. This was speaking of the
angels, the hosts. Neh.9:6 Here we have expressed
the fact that the Lord made the heavens and all the hosts, which is another
name for angels. Job 38:4,7 God is
questioning Job as to where Job was when He laid the foundation of the
earth. This would have been the
beginning of the beginning. It was at
this time that the “sons of God” shouted for joy. In the O.T. “sons of God” was another name
given to angels. We know God had finished
creation in heaven and earth after the sixth day. Gen.2:1,2
Evidence is strong from the Scriptures that angels were definitely
created. Even though the angels are a
glorious creation, Christ is greater. Heb.1:4,5
Jesus was begotten by God.
The angels were created. No angel
was designated as God’s Son. Jesus was.
At the time of Jesus’ baptism God’s voice came from heaven and designated Jesus
as His Son. Matt.3:17 As Jesus was
brought into the world, the angels were told to worship Him. Heb.1:6 Luke tells us of this glorious
event. First it involved one messenger
angel. Lk.2:9-12 After that a
multitude appeared to praise God. Lk.2:13,14
Angels are from heaven and so return to heaven. Lk.2:15
Other events in the life of Jesus on earth involved angels. Matt.4:11 Jesus had been through a very trying
time. He had fasted 40 days. As if that wasn’t enough, Satan tempted Him
in 3 exceptional ways. Satan had not
succeeded and so left. Then angels came
to minister to Him. Even though Jesus
was divine, He had taken on a human body that suffered hunger, pain, weariness,
emotional stress and all the human trials we experience. Heb.4:15;
1 Tim.3:16 indicates that Jesus was seen by angels. Scripture tells us many events in His life as
He was revealed in the flesh as a human being.
He was established as right by the Holy Spirit. 2
Cor.1:21,22 Jesus knew what was
ahead as He prayed in the Garden. He was
in agony but an angel came to strengthen Him
Lk.22:43 An angel met the women after he had
risen from the grave. Matt.28:5
Angels appeared after Jesus ascended into heaven. Acts
As mentioned in the beginning of this series, angels are never to be
worshipped. Images of angels are not
good-luck charms. They are not on the
same level of God. As John was writing
Revelation, he was given a message from God by an angel. John fell at the feet of the angel to worship
but here is the answer from the angel. Rev.19:10
John once again fell at the feet of an angel to worship but once
again he received a similar answer. Rev.22:8,9
Both times the angel said he was a fellow-servant. In other words, the angels have a master in
their Lord and obey Him as we should also be doing as we follow our Lord.
The apostles were blessed with a prison-release as an angel came to
rescue them. Acts 5:18-20 This is one
example of an angel performing a miracle as he was given this task by God. Another instance of extreme importance was
the case of an angel directing Philip to go to a certain road. The angel does not indicate why and evidently
Philip didn’t ask. The important part is
that he immediately went. He may have
even hurried. This is when he came upon
the Ethiopian eunuch reading from Isaiah.
The Spirit guided Philip and he was able to teach the eunuch to the
point that he believed and wanted to be baptized right then. Acts
Yet another very important incident involving a conversion and the
appearance of an angel is in Acts 10:3-5 Cornelius is described as a God-fearing
man but he was a Gentile. So far the
gospel had been preached only to the Jews.
The angel told Cornelius what to do which he did. Acts
10:7,8 They found Peter and again
the angel is mentioned as they explain to him.
Acts 10:22 Cornelius explains to Peter how the
angel appeared to him. Acts 10:30
This resulted in the conversion of the first Gentile.
An angel appeared before Paul as they shipwrecked on the way to
Rome. Acts 27:23,24 The angel
spoke to Paul with an important message from God. It isn’t everybody that can expect such a
message. Notice the words, to whom I belong and whom I serve. Many were saved because of the
faithfulness of Paul and the task yet before him.
An angel appearing to John has been mentioned a couple of times
previously. However, at the beginning of
the book of Revelation we find that God wanted to give a message about the
things that would take place. He chose
His follower, John, and communicated His message by an angel. Rev.1:1
Revelation begins with a letter to each of the seven churches of
Asia. Rev.1:20 indicates that each of the seven churches has an
angel. God sees and knows all. He knows our needs and faults. We need Him to save us, to keep us from the
evil one (2 Thess.3:3), to give us
the Holy Spirit just to name a few things.
Just as these faithful men of old experienced the work of angels for
their benefit, so we also have ministering spirits or angels to help us. Heb.1:14
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