Tuesday, June 26, 2012



As we become Christians we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit.  We can think in terms of being given power for the phrase “the power of the Holy Spirit” is used in connection with hope, joy, and peace in believing.  Rom.15:13   Because of this great gift given us with the many ways we are helped, we dare not grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph.4:30), nor resist or push away the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51).  Neither do we want to quench or smother out the Holy Spirit.  1 Thess.5:19   These actions would be throwing away the costly gift given to us as we were bought by Christ’s blood in His death.  1 Cor.6:20   Our commitment to Christ as we gave our selves to Him, caused our bodies to become a temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit actually dwells within us.  1 Cor.6:19   Now it is essential that we keep both body and spirit holy in God’s sight.  2 Cor.7:1

The Holy Spirit helps us to be transformed into the image of Christ.  2 Cor.3:18   Man was created in the image of God.  Gen.1:27   Sin defiled that image as we all are now sinners.  Rom.3:23   But in Christ, the Holy Spirit can help us be changed.  Rom.12:2   The Holy Spirit helps us renew our mind to the things pleasing to God rather than those things that are worldly.  We use our filter through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Phil.4:8; Rom.13:14   Our old man or old clothes are put off and we put on the new.  Eph.4:22-24   The original image of God can now be renewed.  Col.3:10   This renewal has nothing to do with anything good we have done but through our being born again and renewal by the Holy Spirit.  Tit.3:5

The greatest commandment is quoted by Jesus in Lk.10:27.  Every thing works better with a sincere love in our heart.  1 Cor.13:13   The Holy Spirit sheds this love into the heart of every Christian.  Rom.5:5   Christ has set His seal of ownership on us and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.  2 Cor.1:21,22   This is almost too wondrous to wrap our minds around.  Think of it!  The Holy Spirit is something to treasure and keep our “temple” fit for His dwelling in us.  Eph.1:13   This power of the Holy Spirit is expressed as Paul prays that they may be rooted and established in this love that is beyond comprehension.  Eph.3:16-19

The Holy Spirit works to sanctify or set apart those who have obeyed Christ.  1 Pet.1:2   God had this plan of salvation and we were called by the gospel as we had faith in the Truth and were sanctified of set apart from sin by the Holy Spirit.  2 Thess.2:13,14  

As we are set apart from sin, those deeds of the flesh have to be killed.  Rom.8:13   If we are walking by the Spirit, the desire for things of the world will not be present.  The deeds of the flesh and the deeds of the Spirit war against each other.  They are opposed to one another.  Gal.5:16,17   The deeds of the flesh are listed in this chapter.  If we are walking in the Spirit we will produce the fruit that is also listed.  The flesh and the Spirit cannot walk together.  If we are in Christ, those desires and affection for things of the world must be crucified.  Gal.5:24,25   If we are living in the Spirit, then we will walk like it.  Our lives will show wherein we walk.  When we keep sinful desires, we are setting up a battle for our soul.  1 Pet.2:11   Paul stated the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.  Gal.6:14   The Holy Spirit will give us the power to do this.

As the Christian strives to be free from sin, the Spirit has made us free.  Rom.8:1,2   Jesus said that the Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing.  Jhn.6:63   Why waste our life for something that counts for nothing.  Rom.8:10   We want to be servants of the new covenant for that is life.  2 Cor.3:6  

The Holy Spirit helps us fight the battle against sin.  We are given His sword as part of our armor.  Eph.5:17   The sword of the Spirit is defined for us in this Scripture as the Word of God.  2 Tim.3:16   It was given to the authors by the Holy Spirit.  The Bible is our instruction book.  This is what we follow to fight our battle against sin.  We need to read it, learn from it, know it.   2 Tim.2:15   This sword of the Spirit is powerful.  It even judges the thoughts and intents of the heart.  If we are walking by the Spirit, we need to let the Scriptures inspire, teach, AND convict us as we study and meditate upon it.  Heb.4:12,13


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