The Scripture has told us how the
Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. Jhn.16:8 The Holy Spirit gives us the power to
produce fruit for the Lord, our Light. The
sum of this fruit is all goodness, righteousness and Truth. Eph.5:9 Jesus prayed for the disciples that they
would receive the Helper (Holy Spirit) to bring remembrance to them and give
them words to say. He also prayed that
they would be kept from the evil one. Jhn.17:15
Not only did He pray these things for just His disciples but also
for those who would believe in Christ through their word. Jhn.17:20 Jesus taught that we need to ask or pray
for the Holy Spirit. Lk.11:13
Just as we can be grieved by many
things, so the Holy Spirit can be grieved by us. We are told not to grieve the Holy
Spirit. Eph.4:30 As man began to
turn away from God to serve self, God said His Spirit would not contend with
them forever. Gen.6:3 The Spirit of God
was grieved. Why? Man served self with his own passions and
desires. The Israelites had received so
many blessings as they were removed from under Egypt ’s enslavement. Yet they rebelled and grieved Him. Ps.78:40 God gives us grace far beyond what we
deserve, but when we loose our faithfulness, the Holy Spirit is grieved. Isa.63:10 We grieve when we suffer a loss. When the Holy Spirit looses us because we are
not paying attention to Him or trying to please the Lord, He feels a loss and
We must realize that the Holy
Spirit is given to those who obey Him. Acts 5:32
When we fail to do this, we not only grieve the Holy Spirit, we
resist Him. Acts 7:51 We are told to
resist the devil so he will flee from us.
Jam.4:7 What does this mean? We push Satan away and have nothing to do
with his temptations. So how do we
resist the Holy Spirit? We push away our
Helper, our Comforter, that indwelling Holy Spirit that temples in our inner
being. Perhaps He is trying to convict
us in our conscience of some sin in our life.
Or maybe He is trying to increase our righteousness that we may bear
more fruit for the Lord. Are we going to
push away—resist—the very seal that is given to us as a pledge of our
inheritance in heaven? Eph.1:13,14 As Steven was preaching to the Jews, he
called them stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart. Why?
They were resisting the Holy Spirit.
Acts 7:51 We become stubborn and resist the Holy
Spirit as well.
In the weakness of our sinful
self, we so desperately need the help of that Holy Spirit that we have been
given to dwell within us. The Holy
Spirit stirs our spirit to do those things which are pleasing to our
Savior. Do we quench the Spirit? We quench a fire. We extinguish a blaze. Do we put out that desire to serve our Master
that has been lit by the Holy Spirit within us?
1 Thess.5:19
As we became a Christian, whether
we realize it or not, we made a commitment.
It is like a marriage commitment—for better or worse as long as life
shall last. (Not like too many
today—until we can no longer get along.)
Jesus made a commitment. I am with you always, even unto the end of
the age. Matt.28:20 Jesus bought us
with His precious life’s blood. This was
a heavy price. 1 Cor.6:20` As the song
says, “Now I Belong To Jesus”. We no longer
serve men nor do we serve self. The Jews
had a temple made with hands. Now we are
a temple. Our inner being is the
dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Our
physical bodies and our spiritual bodies must be kept clean without pollutants
of sin. 1 Cor.6:19 Our eyes and our
ears work in conjunction with our thoughts.
These must all be kept clean. 2
Cor.7:1 As we stay away from
defilements, we guard our flesh and spirit.
Isa.33:15,16; Ps.101:3 We control our thoughts. Phil.4:8 That is our filter through which our
thoughts sift. Phil.1:10,11
As we press on to that goal of
heaven (Phil.3:14), we don’t do it
alone. The Holy Spirit is our
Helper. Phil.4:13 Scripture gives us so many reminders of
the help we need. The angel told Mary, “For with God nothing is impossible.” Lk.1:37 As Jesus taught about the vine and
branches, He said, “For without me you
can do nothing.” Jhn.15:5
Scripture also states that we
might be made the righteous of God in Him.
2 Cor.5:21
We are an open book before our
Lord. He know our going out and our
coming in. He knows our need of a
Helper. That’s why we are given this
gift of the Holy Spirit as soon as we become a Christian. We must not grieve
Him, never resist Him, and certainly not quench nor extinguish the Holy
Spirit. We must cherish Him and pray that
the Holy Spirit would help us in our daily walk to please Jesus. May we abound in peace, joy and hope as Paul
prayed in Rom.15:13.
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