Thursday, June 7, 2012



As we consider that gift given to us when we became a Christian, we must always move forward to that goal set for us in eternity.  Paul felt this as he pressed on to that goal after leaving those things of the past behind.  Phil.3:13,14   It is important that we do leave the past behind with all of the things in our life that displeased God.  Jeremiah warned the Israelites as he saw them going backward and not forward.  Jer.7:23,24   This empowerment from the Holy Spirit comes only as we obey our Lord.  Acts 5:32

As we move ahead in our new life in Christ with the Holy Spirit within us, out thoughts, our heart, cannot go back to the past.  Satan wants us to long for the things we have left.  Our minds must be set on things above to move forward.  Col.3:2,3   Sometimes our mind is like Jello that has not yet “set”.  We float around in the world with the things that are worldly and become wishy-washy with no determination to set our mind.  We flounder as we walk.  Gal.5:16,17   We know but we don’t do.  The Holy Spirit can give us the power if we but walk by the Spirit.

Our new life needs to sparkle with the light of Jesus inside us.  Peter and John were uneducated and untrained men, yet they had confidence because their steps were “set” in the ways of the Lord.  What a testimony they were and what an example to us!  Acts 4:13   Would that those around us could see that we live in the ways of Jesus—that we have been with Jesus.  

Paul prayed for the Christians that they would be strengthened  with power through His Spirit.  Eph.3:16   Where is that Spirit?  It is in our inner man that we keep pure for the temple of His Spirit1 Cor.6:19   We can corrupt our inner man with sin and leave no place for the Holy Spirit to dwell.  The power of the Holy Spirit within us is beyond our comprehension.  Eph.3:20   What we by our own power could never accomplish, with the help of the Holy Spirit it can be done.

The Holy Spirit is many things to us.  The Holy Spirit is our earnest.  Many times when buying property, a person will put down earnest money to hold it for further decisions.  The Holy Spirit is our earnest as we look forward to our final redemption.  It is interesting to look at various version of 2 Cor.1:22.  KJV uses the term sealed and earnest.  NASB uses the word pledge.  NIV uses seal of ownership and Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.  All of these show the importance of the Holy Spirit to us.  This is further explained in 2 Cor.5:4,5.  Paul mentions the Holy Spirit as a seal and pledge of our inheritance to the Ephesians.  Eph.1:13,14  

As we keep His commandments, He abides in us and we in Him.  We can know this by the Holy Spirit which dwells in us.  1 Jhn.3:24; 1 Jhn.4:12,13   Assurance is given to us that we are God’s child by the Spirit that testifies with our spirit.  Rom.8:16   If the Spirit is not in us, then we are not of the children of God.  Rom.8:9  

As we are told to be strong in the strength of His might and not our own (Eph.6:10), we are given armor to withstand.  Eph.6:11   The importance of that armor lies in the fact that our struggle is against spiritual forces of wickedness.  Eph.6:12   We don’t see Satan in red with a pitchfork.  But his forces accost us in many ways of temptation.  A very powerful verse to remember the extent of the power that is made available to us is found in 1 Jhn.4:4.  The Holy Spirit in us is stronger than the one in the world.  When we have the Holy Spirit in us and have the full armor of God on, then we are ready for the struggle.  We know that Jesus went through the struggle as well.  Heb.2:18; Heb.4:15   We also know that we are given a way of escape if we will take it.  1 Cor.10:13

The Holy Spirit gives us power to fight temptations but that isn’t all.  What attitude, what character trait, what good deed performed does not begin with love in the heart.  The Holy Spirit helps us to be rooted and grounded in that love.  Eph.3:15-19   We have seen that our bodies are to be a temple of the Holy Spirit; however, the church is built together (not the edifice but the corporate body of Christ) into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.  Eph.2:20-22  

Paul was explaining to Timothy how he had suffered for the gospel .  2 Tim.1:12   It was important that Timothy keep and guard the sound words he had been taught by Paul.  These were to be guarded through the Holy Spirit as a treasure.   2 Tim.1:13,14  The gospel is a treasure for us to keep as well.  We must never be ashamed.  Rom.1:16   


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