Tuesday, July 3, 2012



Do we realize the power that we possess?  It isn’t our power.  It is the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in us as a Christian.  This power is beyond what we can imagine.  It is the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead that will some day give life to our mortal bodies…if Christ is in you.  Rom.8:10,11   If the Spirit of God is in us, then we are no longer controlled by sin but by the Spirit.  If we don’t have the Spirit, then we don’t belong to Christ.  Rom.8:9   We can have a great assurance if we have the Son.  Some say “I hope I get to heaven.”  1 Jhn.5:11-13   If we really believe, then we will obey.  We may be citizens of a certain state or country, but our real citizenship is in heaven.  Phil.3:20,21   Here we are strangers and pilgrims passing through.  Heb.11:13

The Holy Spirit strengthens a Christian in our new life in Christ.  Eph.3:16   Paul had learned from Epaphras of the love in the Spirit of the Colossians.  Paul prayed that they would walk in such a way to please the Lord in all respects and be strengthened with all power.  Col.1:8,10,11  

There are times when we bemoan our weakness but Paul used it as a time to show the power of God as he was weak.  2 Cor.12:9   Paul also said he could do anything—not by his own power but by the strength that comes from God.  Phil.4:13   We are told to be strong in the power of the Lord.  Eph.6:10   Too often we are fearful.  That is because we are trusting in ourselves.  2 Tim.1:7  The Holy Spirit is within us to strengthen and uphold us as we follow our Lord.

The Holy Spirit helps us accomplish things for God.  He is a treasure in jars of clay.  We are just common earthly beings as jars of clay, yet we hold a great treasure in us.  That treasure shows that the power is from God and not from us.  2 Cor.4:7   We are to bear fruit.  We are to do good works as the result of this power given us as we were saved.  Eph.2:10   The Holy Spirit was not given for nothing. 

Our will to do and to act in such a way as to please our Lord is prompted by the Holy Spirit.  Phil.2:13   The Holy Spirit lives in us.  That fact has been established.  God also lives in us.  1 Jhn.4:12,15   Christ lives in us as well.  Gal.2:20; Eph.3:17   How careful we must be with our lives but what help to do His will is there for us. 

One part of that help comes from the Word written by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration that must dwell in our hearts (our mind).  Col.3:16   As the Word dwells in our hearts, praise and thanksgiving pour forth.  One way is through song.  Sometimes we can’t say what we can sing.  Our thoughts follow with the song in ways we could not express.

Conviction comes through the Word but also as the Holy Spirit is working with power to convict.  1 Thess.1:5   The example of those that brought the gospel also had an effect on these people as they became Christians.  Paul prayed that the purposes and acts that were prompted by their faith would be fulfilled through His power.  2 Thess.1:11   We are not left with just our own power.  Jhn.15:5

An essential part of the Christian life is prayer.  God talks to us through His Word but He wants to hear from us just as we want to hear from our children.  Many times our hearts are so full that we do not know how to put our emotions into words.  The Holy Spirit does this for us.  What an interceder!  Rom.8:26,27   We are to pray in the Spirit.  Eph.6:18   We need to be alert for the needs of others and be persistent (keep at it) in our prayers for the saints as we pray in the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit helps us have access to God.  Eph.2:18   Since we have gained this access, we rejoice in hope.  We are not disappointed because the Holy Spirit has been given us because God loved us.  Rom.5:2,5  

When Moses came from the mountain, his face shone so bright that the people could not look upon his face.  The Holy Spirit will be even more glorious.  2 Cor.3:7,8   Those who were trying to be saved by the law had fallen from grace but through the Holy Spirit we wait for that hope of righteousness through faith.  Gal.5:4,5

Several times the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is mentioned.  What is fellowship?  It is a sharing, communication with what is in fellowship.  That is what we enjoy with the Holy Spirit.  2 Cor.13:14; Phil.2:1,2   Things were very different with the first tabernacle.  Heb.9:8   Now Christ has offered  Himself through the eternal Spirit.  This needed to be done only one time, not yearly, so we can be cleansed to serve God.  Heb.9:14

The provision of the Holy Spirit was expressed by Paul as he was imprisoned in Rome.  He knew that Christ would be exalted through their prayers and the provision of the Holy Spirit whether he lived or died.  Phil.1:19,20   So may we always remember the power of the Holy Spirit within us for He is able to do far more than we ask or think.  Eph.3:20


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