Saturday, July 14, 2012



The word, “fellow”, is used in various ways.  If one speaks of a fellow-soldier, it means that both are soldiers.  In the case of a fellow-laborer both would labor together.  Fellowship is a mutual sharing or a mutual participation.  One person cannot do it alone.  It involves holding a connection with another through something held in common.  It also involves companionship.  With Christians, fellowship is a circle of sharing and participation through spiritual things held in common.  It begins and ends with God.  God has fellowship with His Son.  Jesus has fellowship with Christians.  Christians have fellowship with one another.  Then Christians have fellowship with God.  It goes forward and backward.  God – Jesus – Holy Spirit - Christians – One Another – God   So we begin the circle again.

As a Christian our new life is hidden with Christ but it is in God thus forming a fellowship with God.  Col.3:3   We are God’s fellow-workers.  1 Cor.3:9   As we have been given gifts, they all fit together for the growth of God’s people in winning more souls for Him.  God is still the ultimate factor in giving the increase.  1 Cor.3:6   If the gifts we receive are not used for God’s glory, then His grace has been given in vain.  We work with God but it is through Him we receive what we need to accomplish His purpose.  2 Cor.6:1   In this circle of fellowship, we work together for the Truth.  3 Jhn.8   This is a sharing for a common purpose with participation together.

The above is so true in many aspects.  God sheds His love to us as we in turn love Him.  Thus, we have fellowship with God in love.  1 Jhn.4:19   Fellowship with God is possible because we have access to Him.  Eph.2:18  If we had no access to Him, there could be no fellowship.  In our fellowship with God, we also have salvation, peace, and hope through our faith.  Rom.5:1,2

As we get to know the love of Christ, we can be filled  to all the fullness of God.  This develops our fellowship with both God and Christ.  1 Cor.3:19,20,23   If Christ dwells in our hearts, there will be fellowship.  Eph.3:17   Just imagine Jesus knocking at your door in order to come in and eat with you!  Rev.3:20   We must open the door for that fellowship to happen.  The circle of fellowship with both God and Christ is expressed in Jhn.14:21,23  

As God and Christ make their home in us from the above Scripture, it brings to mind that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit.  1 Cor.6:19,20   With the Holy Spirit inside of us, we share and participate in a common purpose for we are given help to be pleasing to the Lord in every phase of our life.  Paul mentions fellowship of the Holy Spirit in Phil.2:1.   The term “communion of the Holy Spirit” is used in 2 Cor.13:14.  Communion and fellowship come from the same Greek word.  Corporately as the church together becomes a temple for the Lord in which God lives in us by the Holy Spirit.  Eph.2:21,22  

Mention of the corporate church brings in another section of our circle of fellowship—our Christian brother.  Certainly in communion we have fellowship with our Lord and our brother as well for we are sharing and participating in something common and important to us.  1 Cor.10:16,17   John wanted to have fellowship with other Christians as he expressed in 1 Jhn.1:3.  This was an important topic to John through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  1 Jhn.1:7   Peter gives us a brief but important command.  1 Pet.2:17  

The fact that the term “Brother” is often used indicates the fellowship of family—the family of God.  Rom.12:1; Gal.6:1   Christians are not just brother and sister by name but in their response to the needs of their Christian family.  Heb.13:1 

 Brotherly love is important to remain in fellowship.  Jesus gave brotherly love as a command.  Jhn.13:34   Christians are to serve one another in love.  Gal.5:13   Even though the Thessalonians were known for their love for one another, they were encouraged to do so more and more.  This is applicable for us as well.  1 Thess.4:9,10  We are not to just like one another.  We are to love one another deeply and from the heart.  1 Pet.1:22    Our love for our brother is an indicator of whether we really are a child of God.  1 Jhn.3:10   We would never expect to deny Jesus for we believe Him to be the Son of God, yet this is tied to our love of one another.  We must search our hearts to be sure that we love all of our brothers and sisters in Christ.  1 Jhn.3:23

As we love our Christian family, we sense their needs as we fellowship with them.  If we never spend time with them, how will we know their needs?  We can read a bulletin but that is not knowing their needs as we love them.  We are emotionally involved with them.  We fellowship or share in suffering and in joy.  1 Cor.12:25,26  

One way of helping our brother is as an example.  Never do we want to become a stumbling block as we fellowship.  1 Cor.8:9,12   We need to be careful of ourselves for too often we become slack with our armor.  1 Cor.10:12   Our fellowship must be helpful to our brother. We may think no one sees or cares but this is not true. Rom.12:3,16

As we complete our circle of fellowship with God, Christ, Holy Spirit, may we remember the importance of our fellowship with our Christian brothers and sisters.  Rom.12:15

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