Monday, April 21, 2014



Never could we say enough to exalt our God.  Heaven will be full of praises to Him as it is even now.  Rev.19:1,6   Since the creation of the world to the present time nature shows forth the wonders of God.  Rom.1:20   It is even put within man, made in His image, an inner feeling of right and wrong.  Rom.1:19   This is evident in every culture. 

When man realizes right from wrong as he matures, he is given a choice as to which to follow just as Adam and Eve were given that choice in the Garden.  They made a wrong choice as sin entered the world through Satan.  Gen.3:15   Years later we are told of a man, Enoch, who loved God and walked with Him.  Gen.5:24   Time went on and we find that the hearts of men were continually evil except for Noah and his family.  Gen.6:5

God created us in His image and wants our fellowship but we must realize that to walk with Him, we must choose to do things His way.  Isa.55:8,9   God is completely holy.  He wants us to be holy, too.  1 Pet.1:15,16   Everything about God is holy.  God doesn’t become holy or conform to holiness.  He IS holy.  Many words are used to define holy:  sacred, morally and spiritually without fault, separation from evil, set apart, consecrated.  God is all of this and more. 

In our human attempt to understand and realize the holiness of God magnified, we need to understand our lowly estate before our Maker.  Isaiah felt this as he beheld the sight before his eyes.  Isa.6:5   He felt completely undone.  We need to take our eyes off of the world and see and feel the glory of God in our hearts that we may grow in holiness and have close relationship with our Savior.  To achieve this, we have to realize the complete inadequacy and sinfulness of our lives.  To give our lives to God, we cannot keep any corner for ourselves.  We are all for Him.  Rom.12:1,2   Jesus was ALL for us as He gave up His life that we might live eternally with Him.

The following words are taken from a quote by A.W. Tozer, however, in a different order.  We can acclimate ourselves in the fellowship of the saints on earth and prepare ourselves for the eternal companionship of God and the saints above in the following ways:  by faith and obedience, by constant meditation on the holiness of God, by loving righteousness and hating iniquity (sin), by a growing acquaintance with the Spirit of holiness.

God is a just God.  Many question how God could be so loving and yet be just at the same time.  His justice is absolute or unconditional.  Ps.9:4   God’s justice gives hope.  God cannot pervert or turn His judgment aside from its proper use.  Job 8:3   God begins to question Job.  Job 40:8   No human could fault God’s judgment.  Rom.3:4
Both righteousness and judgment are part of God.  Ps.97:2   Many ungodly acts are done by the human race.  We see examples of this all of the time—now and in the past.  Would God be just to let it go?  Ps.94:1-3   Abraham spoke to God about this in Gen.18:25.  It is not that God wants to see anyone lost in their sin.  1 Tim.2:4   God is good and goodness without justice is not good.  God wanted to bring all to Him so much that He was willing to send Jesus.  Jesus paid our penalty so when we accept Him, justice has been met.  1 Jhn.1:9

So many more attributes could be given.  There is no end; however, we will end this study with two that are very important to us—grace and love.  They go hand in hand.  John was such a great author of the love of God.  There would be no grace if God did not love us so much.  He created us in His image.  It is as if He were saying, “I want you.”  Everything He created was “good” but man was “very good.”  We, as people, desire to be loved and needed.  So does God.  He could get along very well without us but He wants us and has gone out of His way to provide for us in every way.  When man went against His wishes, God provided a way back to Him through His Son.

We cannot begin to measure God’s love for us.  Rom.8:38,39   Because of this unfathomable love, God’s grace flows out to us.  Rom.5:20,21   Grace is something we cannot earn by working for it nor do we deserve it.  It is totally a gift.  Eph.2:8   This is shown to us by His mercy, kindness, and love through Jesus.  Eph.2:4,7; Jhn.1:17

Let us keep remembering how our God is awesome beyond words or imagination; but at the same time remember how insignificant we are, yet important to God.  He even has plans for us as He knows our beginning and end.  Jer.29:11-13   His wonders never cease nor His love.  Lam.3:22,23   May we praise and follow Him all of our lives.  Isa.40:26


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