Too often we take God for granted and
fail to realize the many aspects of His remarkable being. At our best attempt to understand and know
God, we will never be able to even come close; however, we can grow in our
knowledge and understanding of Him that we may serve Him more completely in our
lives. We need to realize who God is and
the power He holds in His hands.
Chron.16:10,11 The more we know
about God the more we will glory in His holy name. As we realize the many aspects of God, our
trust in Him will grow. Ps.9:10
We will also be humbled as we realize what a small speck we are in
the universe and yet he knows our name and everything about us. We dare not fall into the attitude of those
Paul spoke in Rom.1:21. They “knew” God but they did not honor Him
nor give thanks to Him.
Instead they worshipped things made by
man and made out of materials of the earth.
God was not “made” or even “created.”
Rom.1:20 God was from the very beginning. He was, is, and will be. He is self-existent. It is difficult for a human to understand
that concept because nothing we know can bring itself into existence. We see the creation of God more and
more. Man might make a test-tube
baby but he cannot give it consciousness or the ability to make moral
decisions. Man cannot make it creative with many differing abilities. God can and does.
Jhn.1:1-3 “All
things” were made by Him. Not anything was made without our Lord. This is all-inclusive. Col.1:16,17
expresses this in a powerful way. The
fact is that everything is held together by God’s Son. Heb.1:2,3 At
a moments notice, He could let go. What
an awesome God we worship!
In outward worship people often bow down
in honor and reverence of somebody greater than themselves. Many times people “bow” either bodily or with
heads bowed. A Christian has more than
an outward “form” of worship. Jesus
explained the inward worship with the heart as He spoke to the Samaritan
woman. Jhn.4:23,24 Our worship
must be more than just an outward worship—sitting/standing in church, bowing
our heads when someone prays. Are we
praying with them? It must be with our
whole heart and spirit. Where is our
focus? On God? Never is it on the “leader” of worship which
is the flash of some worship leaders today.
As we study the aspects of God, we are
only “mere men” and those are the thoughts, words, and imaginations that we
produce. In is important to realize that
we cannot reduce God to another human being for He is the Maker, the Creator,
of man. Job realizes that God has no
limits. Job 11:7-9 This fact is
becoming more apparent all of the time as more and more discoveries are made
through the Hubbell telescope and other means. As more is visible, there is always more. The discoveries of what God has created never
Although we will never fully understand
God , a consideration of our understanding is explained in 1 Cor.2:10-16. Our faith makes a difference in our
understanding more about God. The Holy
Spirit helps us. Job understood
something important to help our knowledge.
Job 19:25 Even at that Job learned many things
about God as he was questioned over several chapters. When it was Job’s turn to answer, he realized
a fact we need to remember. Job 42:2
We can only know about God as He has
revealed Himself to us in Truth. 1 Cor.2:11
An example has been made of a sunbeam when cut off from the sun is
nothing. So it is with man. When man is cut off from His Maker (God), he
is nothing. All true and lasting power
is from God. Jhn.15:5 Without Him we can
do nothing of note and with Him, anything is possible. Lk.1:37
It is difficult for us as human beings
to give “self” up completely “I think”,
“I want”. We worship up to a point but
to bow completely down in heart and spirit, we reserve a part of us for
ourselves. When we really give
our lives to Jesus as He buys us with the great price of His blood (1 Cor.6:20), it is not simply loaning
ourselves when it is convenient. Isa.53:6
We go our own way. Jesus gave
another way in Matt.16:24. Paul indicated that he was willing to do
this. Gal.2:20
Do we realize the awesome God that we
have and are we willing to truly worship Him in heart, mind, soul, and
strength? This needs to be our daily
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