Monday, April 21, 2014



As we strive to understand more about God, we realize He was before all things.  He is self-existent.  He was neither made nor created.  God was and is and will be forever and forever.  Rev.4:8  He is full of glory and holiness.  Our awesome God is the Creator and Maker of all things that exist.  We discover His wonders only to find that there is no end.  There is always more.  This is the God we desire to know more through the help of the Holy Spirit.

Contrary to the thought of evolution, negative change is evident in our world.  Living beings do not get better and better.  Since sin entered the world (Gen.3:19), we gradually move toward death.  Sometimes it is not so gradual.  This happens with all living things, whether man, animal, or plant.  We die unless Jesus comes first.  God is not this way.

God is immutable.  What does this mean?  It means that God never changes.  Mal.3:6   He is the same in every way yesterday, today, and forever.  Our lives change.  We either get better, worse, or remain stable temporarily.  A true quote:  “All that God is, He always has been, and all that He has been and is He will ever be.” Man changes in his emotions, his attitudes, his purpose, his faithfulness, and even his physical self.  We can depend on God.  Num.23:19   He is immutable.  He never changes.

God is omniscient.  He knows all things.  There is nothing God can learn.  He cannot be taught or counseled.  Isa.40:13,14   God knows all that can be known.  He knows all in the past, in the present, and in the future on into eternity.  Isa.64:4   No one knows God’s thoughts unless He has told us; but He knows our thoughts continually.  1 Cor.2:11  

Imagine Adam and Eve attempting to hide from God.  Mankind does the same by thinking they can keep sins and secrets to themselves.  Ps.139:7,11,12   They forget that God knows.  Ps.90:8   If God knows and hold us accountable for every word we speak, surely He knows all else in our thoughts and deeds.  Matt.12:36,37  

In spite of all we do, God still loves us and we can run to Him in repentance and He will take us to Him.  Isa.54:10   God knows we are but dust and prone to sin but He has provided a way for us.  He spoke to the Israelites about this.  Isa.48:8-11   God also provided a way for us to have salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. 

On the day of Pentecost when many Jews were gathered together, Peter explained to them what they had done to their Messiah.  They were terrified but God gave the answer through Peter by the Holy Spirit.  Acts 2:37,38   God knows us like an open book but He loves us and will care for us if we only come to Him in faith and obedience.

God is omnipotent.  This is another of those big “omni” words.  It means all-powerful and almighty.  God is sovereign and over all.  Rev.19:6   Do we think of this when we sing the chorus, “King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Glory, Hallelujah”  This is our God and Savior!  It can never be just words and tune.  It is worship from our hearts.  Ps.62:11   Paul also gives us a glimpse in Rom.1:20.

David expresses the all-inclusiveness of God’s rule.  Ps.103:19   Jeremiah tells of God’s power and the reverence due to His name.  Jer.10:6,7.10   The title of our study and the importance of God’s reign over all the earth is in Ps.47:2.   Presidents and kings have come and gone but God’s reign remains generation to generation.  Ps.102:12

Since God isn’t a God of change and He is all-powerful, we need to focus on the fact that He is an Everlasting God.  He doesn’t go away.  Gen.21:33   We could never count His years.  Job 36:26   Isaiah expresses this with questions in Isa.40:28.

Ps.103:19   In our earthly life we desire victory, but how much more is victory important in our life eternal—our spiritual life.  In this eternal, all-powerful King and His Son we can achieve that victory.  1 Cor.15:57

Paul gives a great description of God to young Timothy in 1 Tim.1:17.  As we realize who God is, these thoughts must continually be on our mind and in our heart.


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