Tuesday, June 26, 2012



As we become Christians we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit.  We can think in terms of being given power for the phrase “the power of the Holy Spirit” is used in connection with hope, joy, and peace in believing.  Rom.15:13   Because of this great gift given us with the many ways we are helped, we dare not grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph.4:30), nor resist or push away the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51).  Neither do we want to quench or smother out the Holy Spirit.  1 Thess.5:19   These actions would be throwing away the costly gift given to us as we were bought by Christ’s blood in His death.  1 Cor.6:20   Our commitment to Christ as we gave our selves to Him, caused our bodies to become a temple of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit actually dwells within us.  1 Cor.6:19   Now it is essential that we keep both body and spirit holy in God’s sight.  2 Cor.7:1

The Holy Spirit helps us to be transformed into the image of Christ.  2 Cor.3:18   Man was created in the image of God.  Gen.1:27   Sin defiled that image as we all are now sinners.  Rom.3:23   But in Christ, the Holy Spirit can help us be changed.  Rom.12:2   The Holy Spirit helps us renew our mind to the things pleasing to God rather than those things that are worldly.  We use our filter through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Phil.4:8; Rom.13:14   Our old man or old clothes are put off and we put on the new.  Eph.4:22-24   The original image of God can now be renewed.  Col.3:10   This renewal has nothing to do with anything good we have done but through our being born again and renewal by the Holy Spirit.  Tit.3:5

The greatest commandment is quoted by Jesus in Lk.10:27.  Every thing works better with a sincere love in our heart.  1 Cor.13:13   The Holy Spirit sheds this love into the heart of every Christian.  Rom.5:5   Christ has set His seal of ownership on us and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.  2 Cor.1:21,22   This is almost too wondrous to wrap our minds around.  Think of it!  The Holy Spirit is something to treasure and keep our “temple” fit for His dwelling in us.  Eph.1:13   This power of the Holy Spirit is expressed as Paul prays that they may be rooted and established in this love that is beyond comprehension.  Eph.3:16-19

The Holy Spirit works to sanctify or set apart those who have obeyed Christ.  1 Pet.1:2   God had this plan of salvation and we were called by the gospel as we had faith in the Truth and were sanctified of set apart from sin by the Holy Spirit.  2 Thess.2:13,14  

As we are set apart from sin, those deeds of the flesh have to be killed.  Rom.8:13   If we are walking by the Spirit, the desire for things of the world will not be present.  The deeds of the flesh and the deeds of the Spirit war against each other.  They are opposed to one another.  Gal.5:16,17   The deeds of the flesh are listed in this chapter.  If we are walking in the Spirit we will produce the fruit that is also listed.  The flesh and the Spirit cannot walk together.  If we are in Christ, those desires and affection for things of the world must be crucified.  Gal.5:24,25   If we are living in the Spirit, then we will walk like it.  Our lives will show wherein we walk.  When we keep sinful desires, we are setting up a battle for our soul.  1 Pet.2:11   Paul stated the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.  Gal.6:14   The Holy Spirit will give us the power to do this.

As the Christian strives to be free from sin, the Spirit has made us free.  Rom.8:1,2   Jesus said that the Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing.  Jhn.6:63   Why waste our life for something that counts for nothing.  Rom.8:10   We want to be servants of the new covenant for that is life.  2 Cor.3:6  

The Holy Spirit helps us fight the battle against sin.  We are given His sword as part of our armor.  Eph.5:17   The sword of the Spirit is defined for us in this Scripture as the Word of God.  2 Tim.3:16   It was given to the authors by the Holy Spirit.  The Bible is our instruction book.  This is what we follow to fight our battle against sin.  We need to read it, learn from it, know it.   2 Tim.2:15   This sword of the Spirit is powerful.  It even judges the thoughts and intents of the heart.  If we are walking by the Spirit, we need to let the Scriptures inspire, teach, AND convict us as we study and meditate upon it.  Heb.4:12,13


Monday, June 25, 2012



The Scripture has told us how the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.  Jhn.16:8   The Holy Spirit gives us the power to produce fruit for the Lord, our Light. The sum of this fruit is all goodness, righteousness and Truth.  Eph.5:9   Jesus prayed for the disciples that they would receive the Helper (Holy Spirit) to bring remembrance to them and give them words to say.  He also prayed that they would be kept from the evil one.  Jhn.17:15   Not only did He pray these things for just His disciples but also for those who would believe in Christ through their word.  Jhn.17:20   Jesus taught that we need to ask or pray for the Holy Spirit.  Lk.11:13

Just as we can be grieved by many things, so the Holy Spirit can be grieved by us.  We are told not to grieve the Holy Spirit.  Eph.4:30   As man began to turn away from God to serve self, God said His Spirit would not contend with them forever.  Gen.6:3   The Spirit of God was grieved.  Why?  Man served self with his own passions and desires.  The Israelites had received so many blessings as they were removed from under Egypt’s enslavement.  Yet they rebelled and grieved Him.  Ps.78:40   God gives us grace far beyond what we deserve, but when we loose our faithfulness, the Holy Spirit is grieved.  Isa.63:10   We grieve when we suffer a loss.  When the Holy Spirit looses us because we are not paying attention to Him or trying to please the Lord, He feels a loss and grieves.

We must realize that the Holy Spirit is given to those who obey Him.  Acts 5:32   When we fail to do this, we not only grieve the Holy Spirit, we resist Him.  Acts 7:51   We are told to resist the devil so he will flee from us.  Jam.4:7   What does this mean?  We push Satan away and have nothing to do with his temptations.  So how do we resist the Holy Spirit?  We push away our Helper, our Comforter, that indwelling Holy Spirit that temples in our inner being.  Perhaps He is trying to convict us in our conscience of some sin in our life.  Or maybe He is trying to increase our righteousness that we may bear more fruit for the Lord.  Are we going to push away—resist—the very seal that is given to us as a pledge of our inheritance in heaven?  Eph.1:13,14   As Steven was preaching to the Jews, he called them stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart.  Why?  They were resisting the Holy Spirit.  Acts 7:51   We become stubborn and resist the Holy Spirit as well.

In the weakness of our sinful self, we so desperately need the help of that Holy Spirit that we have been given to dwell within us.  The Holy Spirit stirs our spirit to do those things which are pleasing to our Savior.  Do we quench the Spirit?  We quench a fire.  We extinguish a blaze.  Do we put out that desire to serve our Master that has been lit by the Holy Spirit within us?  1 Thess.5:19

As we became a Christian, whether we realize it or not, we made a commitment.  It is like a marriage commitment—for better or worse as long as life shall last.  (Not like too many today—until we can no longer get along.)  Jesus made a commitment.  I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.  Matt.28:20   Jesus bought us with His precious life’s blood.  This was a heavy price.  1 Cor.6:20`   As the song says, “Now I Belong To Jesus”.  We no longer serve men nor do we serve self.  The Jews had a temple made with hands.  Now we are a temple.  Our inner being is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.  Our physical bodies and our spiritual bodies must be kept clean without pollutants of sin.  1 Cor.6:19   Our eyes and our ears work in conjunction with our thoughts.  These must all be kept clean.   2 Cor.7:1   As we stay away from defilements, we guard our flesh and spirit.  Isa.33:15,16; Ps.101:3   We control our thoughts.  Phil.4:8   That is our filter through which our thoughts sift.  Phil.1:10,11

As we press on to that goal of heaven (Phil.3:14), we don’t do it alone. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. Phil.4:13   Scripture gives us so many reminders of the help we need.  The angel told Mary, “For with God nothing is impossible.”  Lk.1:37   As Jesus taught about the vine and branches, He said, “For without me you can do nothing.”  Jhn.15:5   Scripture also states that we might be made the righteous of God in Him.  2 Cor.5:21  

We are an open book before our Lord.  He know our going out and our coming in.  He knows our need of a Helper.  That’s why we are given this gift of the Holy Spirit as soon as we become a Christian. We must not grieve Him, never resist Him, and certainly not quench nor extinguish the Holy Spirit.  We must cherish Him and pray that the Holy Spirit would help us in our daily walk to please Jesus.  May we abound in peace, joy and hope as Paul prayed in Rom.15:13.


Living Close to God (When You’re Not Good At It) by Gene Edwards

The purpose of this book is to develop a spiritual fellowship with God other than by prayer and Bible study.  Our minds have a tendency to race.  Fellowship with God is not developed in this way.  Quietness and slowing down seems to be one of the keys as we talk to God and tell Him that we love Him.  It can be anytime and anyplace throughout the day. 

Reading Scripture very slowly phrase by phrase and allowing God to talk to you through the words as you meditate.  Jesus is our spiritual food and drink.  As spirit and breath are the same word in Greek, breathing and calling on His name becomes what Edwards calls “a handle” to spirituality. 

Expressing our love for Jesus as we praise Him becomes another “handle”. We express our love to Him and not about Him.  Reminders may be necessary at first to remember to be quiet, slow down, give our love to Jesus, talk to Him throughout the day.  Start and end the day with Jesus.  These are not rigid, timed exercises but spiritual thoughts forever with us.

Taking these ideas into your life can add a new dimension to your spirituality.  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012



Scripture has shown that the Holy Spirit is a gift that is given as a person becomes a Christian.  The Lord knew that we would need extra help to walk in His steps and remain faithful.  Jesus explained that this Helper (Holy Spirit) would not come unless He went away.  Jhn.16:7   Jesus also spoke of the Spirit that would come on those who believed after He was glorified.  Jhn.7:38,39   While Jesus walked this earth, however, He indicated ways in which the Holy Spirit would be a Helper.

Times of persecution would come upon the disciples but Jesus told them that the Spirit would give them the words to say for the Holy Spirit would speak through them.  Mk.13:11   Jesus tells them essentially the same as He speaks in Lk.12:12.  In the parable of the gifts that an earthly father would give to his children as they ask, Jesus gives the importance of our asking our Father for the Holy Spirit.  Lk.11:13

The Holy Spirit will accomplish many things in our behalf.  Part of His accomplishment will be through us.  He will convict the world of sin.  Jhn.16:8   We are to go and tell as is given in Matt.28:19,20   The Word is the Spirit’s sword.  Eph.6:17   The Bible is able to judge thoughts and intents of the heart,  It is powerful and convicts.  Heb.4:12   The Bible explains righteousness to us.  Heb.9:14   As the Spirit strikes hearts to convict, judgment will come as the Bible tells us how God sees and knows all.  Heb.4:13

The Holy Spirit is also called our Helper, our Counselor, our Comforter.  These terms are used in various versions.  Jhn.14:26   The Holy Spirit was a teacher to the authors of the Scriptures—the Sword of the Spirit.  Remembrances of events and Christ’s teachings would be given them as they wrote and taught.  We can also pray that the Spirit will help us remember from the Word as we live and teach. (Lk.11:13)  As Jesus prayed for His disciples, He also prayed for us who believe through their word.  Jhn.17:20

Within every one is a struggle between flesh and Spirit.  The deeds or works of the flesh are sin and those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of GodGal.5:21   The fruit of the Spirit is in contrast to those things of the flesh.  Many times a tree is used as an example in the Christian life.  Fruit comes forth from a healthy tree.  Those qualities listed in the fruit of the Spirit are godly qualities but they are qualities that are not natural to man.  This fruit blossoms forth from a life that has the Holy Spirit dwelling within.  This is like a fruit basket which is one but may contain many kinds of fruit.  The fruit of the Spirit is as one for they feed upon one another.  

Gal.5:22,23   Love heads the list and how difficult the rest would be without love.  These are qualities that are good and righteous and according to Truth.  Eph.5:9   When we continue to build our life on these character-building qualities, they become a preservative to keep us faithful and growing in Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit.  We constantly learn what pleases the Lord and then walk therein.  Eph.5:10   Pay attention!  Be careful how and where we walk that we don’t become mired in the deeds of the flesh.  Our time is important to God.  Use it well for Him.  Eph.5:15-17

The Spirit helps us bear fruit for the Lord.  Another example that is given is that of the vine.  Jhn.15:2-5   We must abide in the vine to bear fruit.  It is common knowledge that the branches of a grape vine must be pruned in order to bear more and better fruit.  So it is with the Christian.  Pruning may hurt.  From the parable of the sower may come some understanding of the pruning.  Matt.13:21,22   It may come in many forms but the Holy Spirit is with us to help us learn and to grow that we may be fruitful servants of the Lord.

Our fruit bears witness to God and to others around us.  We will be judged by our Spirit-bearing fruit.  Matt.7:17-21   There is bad fruit and good fruit.  Although we as humans can be deceived, God cannot.  Job 34:21   As love is perfected in us as a fruit of the Spirit, we can have confidence in the day of judgment.  1 Jhn.4:17  

The Spirit testifies that we abide in the Lord as we keep His commandments.  1 Jhn.3:24   The Spirit also testifies that we are children of God and heirs with Christ.  Rom.8:16,17  



As we consider that gift given to us when we became a Christian, we must always move forward to that goal set for us in eternity.  Paul felt this as he pressed on to that goal after leaving those things of the past behind.  Phil.3:13,14   It is important that we do leave the past behind with all of the things in our life that displeased God.  Jeremiah warned the Israelites as he saw them going backward and not forward.  Jer.7:23,24   This empowerment from the Holy Spirit comes only as we obey our Lord.  Acts 5:32

As we move ahead in our new life in Christ with the Holy Spirit within us, out thoughts, our heart, cannot go back to the past.  Satan wants us to long for the things we have left.  Our minds must be set on things above to move forward.  Col.3:2,3   Sometimes our mind is like Jello that has not yet “set”.  We float around in the world with the things that are worldly and become wishy-washy with no determination to set our mind.  We flounder as we walk.  Gal.5:16,17   We know but we don’t do.  The Holy Spirit can give us the power if we but walk by the Spirit.

Our new life needs to sparkle with the light of Jesus inside us.  Peter and John were uneducated and untrained men, yet they had confidence because their steps were “set” in the ways of the Lord.  What a testimony they were and what an example to us!  Acts 4:13   Would that those around us could see that we live in the ways of Jesus—that we have been with Jesus.  

Paul prayed for the Christians that they would be strengthened  with power through His Spirit.  Eph.3:16   Where is that Spirit?  It is in our inner man that we keep pure for the temple of His Spirit1 Cor.6:19   We can corrupt our inner man with sin and leave no place for the Holy Spirit to dwell.  The power of the Holy Spirit within us is beyond our comprehension.  Eph.3:20   What we by our own power could never accomplish, with the help of the Holy Spirit it can be done.

The Holy Spirit is many things to us.  The Holy Spirit is our earnest.  Many times when buying property, a person will put down earnest money to hold it for further decisions.  The Holy Spirit is our earnest as we look forward to our final redemption.  It is interesting to look at various version of 2 Cor.1:22.  KJV uses the term sealed and earnest.  NASB uses the word pledge.  NIV uses seal of ownership and Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.  All of these show the importance of the Holy Spirit to us.  This is further explained in 2 Cor.5:4,5.  Paul mentions the Holy Spirit as a seal and pledge of our inheritance to the Ephesians.  Eph.1:13,14  

As we keep His commandments, He abides in us and we in Him.  We can know this by the Holy Spirit which dwells in us.  1 Jhn.3:24; 1 Jhn.4:12,13   Assurance is given to us that we are God’s child by the Spirit that testifies with our spirit.  Rom.8:16   If the Spirit is not in us, then we are not of the children of God.  Rom.8:9  

As we are told to be strong in the strength of His might and not our own (Eph.6:10), we are given armor to withstand.  Eph.6:11   The importance of that armor lies in the fact that our struggle is against spiritual forces of wickedness.  Eph.6:12   We don’t see Satan in red with a pitchfork.  But his forces accost us in many ways of temptation.  A very powerful verse to remember the extent of the power that is made available to us is found in 1 Jhn.4:4.  The Holy Spirit in us is stronger than the one in the world.  When we have the Holy Spirit in us and have the full armor of God on, then we are ready for the struggle.  We know that Jesus went through the struggle as well.  Heb.2:18; Heb.4:15   We also know that we are given a way of escape if we will take it.  1 Cor.10:13

The Holy Spirit gives us power to fight temptations but that isn’t all.  What attitude, what character trait, what good deed performed does not begin with love in the heart.  The Holy Spirit helps us to be rooted and grounded in that love.  Eph.3:15-19   We have seen that our bodies are to be a temple of the Holy Spirit; however, the church is built together (not the edifice but the corporate body of Christ) into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.  Eph.2:20-22  

Paul was explaining to Timothy how he had suffered for the gospel .  2 Tim.1:12   It was important that Timothy keep and guard the sound words he had been taught by Paul.  These were to be guarded through the Holy Spirit as a treasure.   2 Tim.1:13,14  The gospel is a treasure for us to keep as well.  We must never be ashamed.  Rom.1:16   




The most important decision in life is to accept Christ as our Savior in becoming a Christian.  But what is an empowered Christian.  Empower means to give power or to make able.  As we became a Christian we were given forgiveness and salvation.  However, the Holy Spirit was given to us as a precious gift to empower our Christian life.  Acts 2:38   This gift follows our baptism.

Life doesn’t just go on in the same way as it always has.  We become completely new in Christ.  Rom.6:4   We keep the same bone structure.  We have the same physical organs.  But we have a new heart (mind).  Ezek.23:36   Just as God and sin cannot dwell in the same place (Isa.59:2), neither can sin and the Holy Spirit dwell together.  Ezek.18:30-32 

Perhaps we have had habits that are so difficult to break.  A Christian is to be Christ-like.  How can we ever have the power to change!  Not in your wildest imagination could you envision Jesus puffing on a cigarette or walking among the sick with a can of beer in His hand.  Yet this happens when the power given us through the Holy Spirit is not used to empower us to make these changes.  Rom.12:1   What kind of body do we want to present to our Lord?  Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  We need to keep that body so that the Holy Spirit may continue to dwell within us.  1 Cor.6:19

The above are habits that are visible on the outside.  How about the habits of the heart?  Out attitudes play a big role in our relationship to our fellow man.  These need to change  as well as our goals and purposes in life.  We are turned inside out for Jesus as we have the empowerment to change through the Holy Spirit.  Rom.8:13

We argue with ourselves and others that this is too difficult.  We can never do it.  We are right.  WE can’t do it – not alone.  We forget that powerful gift allotted to us.  It is like a gift we have been given and we tuck it away and forget all about it.  We are told to be strong but not in our own might but in His might.  Eph.6:10   Thus we can be empowered by His Spirit.

As we receive this gift of the Holy Spirit after our baptism, we have not finished the course.  We have only just begun.  If we continue to hold on to our old life, then we have failed.  As Peter answered the high priest that they must obey God rather than men, he  mentions the witness of the Holy Spirit that God has given to those that obey Him.  Acts 5:32   This is a “forever” gift as we obey Him “forever”.  Rev.2:10

The example is given of clothes.  Hopefully, we don’t take a bath and then put on dirty clothes.  After we are baptized we are clothed in new clothes.  We are clothed in Christ to be like Him.  Gal.3:27   We have shed those old clothes that were not like Christ and now we have put on those new clothes of a Christian life.  Old habits are gone.  Old attitudes are gone.  They have been put off.

Our old clothes were clothes of darkness or sin.  Now they are cast off.  Rom.13:12   As we cast them off we are told to put them to death. (mortify)  Col.3:5   Then some of these deeds of the flesh (old life) are listed.

Fornication:  Co-habitation has become prevalent today.  This is sexual relationship outside of marriage.  Marriage in all ages and cultures has had a specific point when the bond of marriage took place.  It has involved a third party.  With Adam and Eve the third part was God.  In many instances the third party has been the father as the one from whom permission was granted.  At times marriage was arranged by the parents. 

The Samaritan woman at the well had had five husbands but the man with whom she was now living was not her husband.  Jhn.4:17   There was a difference.  Just dwelling with a man was not marriage so it was fornication.  A man and a woman don’t decide to go to bed together and that’s fine.  Outside of marriage it is not fine—it is SIN!

The next three involve evil desire and passion  with which we cannot let into our mind.  It is like some foods—one taste requires more.  A Christian must have self-control over these things and not even think about partaking in them.  Help comes from the Holy Spirit as we mortify or kill these desires and passions that are so distasteful to our Lord.  We must have the attitude of Rom.16:19 and be innocent of them.

Idolatry was such an evil in the O.T.  Greed or covetousness is the type of idolatry we have today although some cultures still have idols.  We might say that anything that takes the place of God in our lives is idolatry.  That’s what an idol does.  Covetousness is also mentioned as idolatry in Eph.5:5.  When we covet we become greedy for we desire some thing or attribute that someone else has—not because we need it but because we want what they have and maybe more.  It is listed with these impure, base sins.  This sin enters into the realm of our purpose and desire of life—to work to the best of our ability for our Lord and to His glory and not for men.  Col.3:23   We can further our education, advance in our profession, develop godly attributes, strengthen our abilities and talents but it is never to glorify us but only to be able to better serve the Lord and serve to His glory.  Col.3:17

As we put on the new clothes of our new self in Christ (always with the help of the Holy Spirit), our tongue becomes an important part of this new garment.  We have a great need of the Holy Spirit every day to help us with these old habits of our tongue.  What comes out of our mouth as a Christian will either be a testimony or a rejection of our life in Christ. 

These old practices of the tongue are listed in Col.3:8,9.  These sins begin in our heart.  Prov.23:7   Anger, malice (wrongful intention), slander (injurious speech of someone), abusive speech or filthy speech (using mean, evil words), lies—all of these would not be words of a new life in Christ.  The Holy Spirit can help us control our thoughts and consequently, our speech.  Prov.29:22; Eph.4:31   The new life in Christ must be the kind of life that God desires.  The Holy Spirit gives us the power to accomplish. Jam.1:20