Tuesday, January 31, 2012

E-WISDOM OF PROVERBS-Righteousness-5


Much is said of righteousness in Proverbs.  So what is righteousness?  Righteousness is rightness and justice.  It is the quality of a recognized standard which in the case of a Christian would be God’s standard, for God is a righteous God.  Ps.35:24   Not only is God righteous but He loves righteousness.  Ps.45:7   Job asks the question of how can we as human beings or mortals be righteous.  Job.9:2 (NIV)   Paul answers this question in Rom.3:22.  This righteousness can only come through Jesus Christ.

We again meet knowledge, understanding, and wisdom as the path to righteousness.  Prov.2:7-9   This path will stall stumbling; it will keep hindrances away from our steps.  Prov.4:11-13   Our need is to hold on to this upright path and don’t let it go.  Always stay on this path and never stray.  Prov.8:20   The way of the righteous is such a contrast to the way of the wicked.  Prov.11:5,6

In considering our way or our path in life, many times we consider the fact that we know what we should do.  We know the proper way we should go.  We are wrong.  Prov.14:12; Prov.21:2   It is a dangerous thing to go our own way without first relying on prayer and Bible study to assure ourselves that we are doing what is right and being a glory to God.  When we fear God, we respect and honor and love Him.  This will keep us in the righteous way.  However, the one who walks in his own way and in wickedness will despise God.  Prov.14:2   Any righteous teaching will bring guilt and condemnation upon the wicked and he will hate the message and the messenger.  Prov.29:27

Proverbs gives us the results of righteousness.  Sin and wickedness leads to death but righteousness will deliver from death.  Prov.10:2; Prov.11:4   Pain, problems, persecution may come in this life but the righteous have the hope of eternity with the Lord.  Rom.5:21   With worldliness comes trouble.  Just one example would be when a young lady fails to meet God’s standard in modesty, she becomes a target for abuse.  The righteous are delivered from trouble in many ways.  Prov.11:8,9  

Steadfastness is a quality of the righteous.  Prov.12:3   He will not be moved by every wind of doctrine.  Eph.4:14   He will be like a tree firmly planted.  Ps.1:3   The righteous will be fruitful.  Prov.12:12   His life will flourish as a green leaf.  Prov.11:28   Jesus warned of trees that did not bear good fruit.  Matt.7:18,19

Another quality of the righteous is joy and gladness.  When a person does what is right, there is no need of fear.  Jhn.3:20   Therefore, he can rejoice.  Prov.29:6   Even in the midst of trouble, the righteous can rejoice for hope is in his future.  Prov.10:28; Prov.11:18   When a person has done what is right, there is joy even in the face of ridicule or contention.  Prov.21:15   Righteousness causes others to rejoice.  Prov.29:2   Righteousness affects a city and a nation.  Prov.11:11; Prov.14:34   God looked for righteousness in Sodom before it was destroyed.  He yearned to find righteousness in His people before they were carried away to Babylon.  Righteousness is not only of personal importance but also important to influence others.  What about the church? 

Prayer is important to the righteous.  Prov.15:8   Assurance of being heard is a blessing enjoyed by the righteous.  Prov.15:29   Desires of the righteous will be granted.  Prov.10:24   These desires will not be selfish desires for it is known by them that God comes first and knows best.  Jam.4:3   The desires of the righteous only seek that which is good.  Prov.11:23

The righteous love and fear their Creator.  Prov.12:2; Prov.14:2   No greater achievement exists for man than to find favor with God.  Eccl.12:13   God created us to be righteous but what have we done.  Eccl.7:29; Eccl.7:20   God loves the person who pursues righteousness.  Prov.15:9   Righteousness includes observing God’s commands.  Deut.6:25   The righteous know the source of our safety.  God is our Rock; He is our Refuge; He is our Tower.  Prov.18:10  

The righteous receive so many blessings from the Lord that blessings to others become an important part of life.  Prov.12:26   Giving to others in time of need is a deed to be performed by the righteous.  He has received and now he wants to give.  Prov.21:26   The eyes of the righteous are open to the needs of others.  It is not a matter of just seeing the need but attempting to fulfill that need if possible.  Prov.29:7

Righteousness is of utmost importance to a Christian as he is dead to sin but alive to God.  The Holy Spirit dwells within him as he hungers and thirsts for righteousness.  Matt.5:6   Do we?  Rom.8:10   So we seek His righteousness.  Matt.6:33  We can only have righteousness through our Lord.  2 Cor.5:21   Therefore, let us sow righteousness to obtain our eternal reward which is worth far more than anything this world can provide.  Prov.11:18

Saturday, January 28, 2012


RADICAL TOGETHER by David Platt whose book, Radical, made the New York Times Bestseller list has written another book which deals with contemporary ideas that are not found in the Bible.  Although we use many things that the New Testament church did not have such as hymnals, modern-day instruments, church buildings, etc., the present thrust of churches to grow seems to be tied to “programs” and big, beautiful buildings.

Platt addresses the fact that churches today involve people in many religious activities but is “devoid of spiritual productivity”.  Many of these activities are not bad but to quote Platt, “Are these programs and activities the best way to spend our time, money, and energy for the spread of the gospel in our neighborhood and in all nations?”  We do not want something that is just good.  We are stewards of the Lord and we want to use what we have to be very best that we can.

In considering the above question, Platt gives statistics that are important to consider.  The real purpose of our spiritual obligation is to use God’s resources “for God’s glory in a world where millions of people are starving and more than a billion have never even heard of Jesus.”  As individuals we want to follow Jesus but what is our purpose as we work together corporately?  Together we can make a difference in people’s lives in many ways.  As Jesus did—feed the hungry, heal the sick (in our medical way with prayer), teach about Jesus, give Bibles to those that have never even seen a Bible and many more ways.

The challenge is emphasized:  Is it more important to have ball teams, fellowship get-togethers, study groups with only a little devotional, and have a big building program than to thoroughly study God’s Word and then spread that Word to all around us as well as those abroad through Christians willing to go as missionaries.

Platt mentions short mission trips as a means for Christians to see the need and then to become a part of opportunities to support and even to go for longer periods of times to help those already working in various parts of the world.  So much and so many are needed.

Many feel they are not equipped to help spread the Word about Jesus.  Platt erases that doubt by showing that every Christian needs to realize that it is not with his own power and ability that these things are accomplished but by the power of God and the Spirit put within us to carry us through.

Although Platt realizes that no one knows when the end of the world will come but he presents a somewhat unique idea that it will not happen until every nation, tribe, tongue, and people have heard the gospel.  We want that to happen for we are living for the end of the world to be with the Lord.  Radical?  Yes  Together?  Yes  I recommend this book.

God is worthy of all we have for He gave us everything—“lives, budgets, ambitions, programs, relationships, possessions, careers, and trust”.  It is not about us.  Many Scriptures are used throughout.  “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.”

Wednesday, January 25, 2012



Many commandments are contained in the book of Proverbs.  Commandments dealing with the gaining of wisdom and with controlling the tongue have been addressed.  Following are other commandments that help in giving God the glory and being pleasing in His sight.  After all is said and done, this summarizes our purpose in life.

A command is an order to do or to be.  It comes from a higher authority.  In the case of a Christian our commands come from our Lord.  With a command comes the choice of obedience.  Acts 5:29   God gave a command to Adam in the beginning.  Gen.3:16,17   With commands come choices and consequences.  Some of these are good and some are not so good.  Adam did not do well and dire consequences followed.  The same was followed by his son, Cain.  Gen.4:7   From this early time on until the present day, the same holds true.  Satan follows us and is delighted in our lack of obedience.  1 Pet.5:8

Solomon gave an important command—keep my commands.  Prov.3:1-4   The results are very significant for success in our purpose of life.  We have to know these commands in order to obey them.  Deut.6:7-9   This is the reason we are enjoined to study God’s Word.  2 Tim.2:15   Joshua made this important decision.  Josh.24:15  

Instruction was given in form of admonition as to how to accomplish a like decision.  Prov.4:25-27   David also gives good instruction for this achievement.  Ps.1:1,2; Ps.119:101   Solomon knows that his commandments are not just his.  God gave him this wisdom so his commandments are inspired of the Lord.  We need to take them in this light.  These teachings are not only to be seen but entered into the heart for this is where change in our thinking and actions will proceed.  Prov.7:1-3   The apple of the eye was considered the pupil of the eye—real eyesight.

Trust in the Lord is so important to us.  We may say we trust and then some crisis occurs in our life and we are overcome with anxiety and attempt to solve it in our own way without going to the Lord first.  Too often we use the Lord as a last resort.  Prov.3:5   David also gives this admonition.  Ps.37:5   In the midst of trouble Jeremiah gives advice in Jer.9:23,24. 

The following proverb is very close to a N.T. commandment.  Prov.25:21,22   This is quoted in Rom.12:21  Further instruction for a Christian is given in Rom.12:19.  It is the right thing to do but it also brings reward—the Lord will reward you. 

Another command could be added here with regard to our attitude toward others.  Prov.24:17   How can we pray in a sincere manner for an enemy when we are secretly gloating over his failure.  This does happen.  We know we are to pray for them.  Matt.5:44   The Lord knows our hearts and will be displeased with us with this attitude.  Prov.24:18

We are told not to worry about evildoers and especially do not envy them.  God will take care of them in His way and in His time.  Prov.24:1; Prov.23:17  David had a problem with the fact that the wicked would gain wealth.  Ps.73:2,3   Read on to see his picture of them.  David’s understanding finally came as he entered the temple.  Ps.73:16,17

In studying the Word of God, another important command is given in Prov.30:6.  This is neglected as people “choose a church”.  This is a command given several places in the Scriptures.  Deut.4:2; Deut.12:32; Rev.22:18,19   We cannot be too careful to observe this commandment as it is repeated several times.  The lack of obedience in this command has caused strife and division throughout Christendom.

One important command that reoccurs over and over is about training of a child.  Prov.22:6   Some of the verses that admonish us are important to note.  This statement as other proverbs is not a promise.  It is a general statement that should prove to be true.  Sometimes these are called maxims.  Educate thoroughly the way a child should go.  If he follows the teaching and example then seeds are sown.  The reaping comes later.  Prov.22:15   A difference exists between the mind of a child and a mature adult.  A child at a young age cannot understand reasoning.  Punishment can be understood.  “If I disobey, I receive consequences.”  Eph.6:4 is a command important to understand.  Limits do exist.  If a child is left to his own whims, important lessons of life will not be learned.  Prov.29:15   What a joy if a child matures in the Lord.  Prov.20:11

If we expect our children to grow up in the Lord, we have to set a good example before them.  One way is to follow Prov.16:3.   When we commit our works to God, we entrust them to Him for safe-keeping.  They will be established if we are in keeping with His way.  Ps.37:5,6   This is a wonderful description of what the Lord will do for us when we commit our way to Him.  Prov.3:6   When we acknowledge God, then He will make our paths straight but in acknowledging Him, we must follow His will.

Other commands are contained in the book of Proverbs that have not been covered.  It is a profitable book for study.  Our closing Scripture is found in Deut.10:12,13  We are commanded these things for our good.

Friday, January 13, 2012



Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom needs to be used in every aspect of our lives.  This is certainly true with regard to our speech.  James is not the only book in the Bible that gives a good deal of instruction about our speech.  We will find a lot in Proverbs, as well.

Too many words get us into trouble many times.  Prov.10:19   Too often a person loves to hear their own voice.  Proverbs tells us that transgression is unavoidable when we babble on and on.  Jam.1:19   Christians are to be slow to speak.  Learning to listen is an art not often learned.  When someone else is speaking, we are thinking about what we are going to say next rather then listening and thinking about what the other person is saying.  The times we should speak out are much fewer than the times we speak when we should keep quiet and be listening.  Prov.18:13

The need to guard our lips is ever present.  Prov.13:3   A discerning tongue will say the right thing at the right time and in the right manner.  It is dangerous to spout off what we think.  This is easy to do.  Prov.10:13   Putting up our guard will save us from many a trouble.  David realized this in Ps.39:1.  Hasty words leave a man with no hope.  Prov.29:20   Words can pierce like a sword.  Prov.12:18   Rash words have also been described as a flaming fire.  Prov.16:27; Jam.3:6

Sometimes our words defame a person’s character.  We injure or insult them.  This is slander.  Prov.10:18   We hide our hate of someone which is wrong in itself and is a sin to even hate in the first place.  Matt.5:22   Our associations need to be far away from those who slander and gossip which is unconstrained talk about someone or a groundless rumor.  Prov.20:19   Unfortunately, people love to hear these tales but they should not come from a Christian—either revealing or listening.  Prov.18:8   No one likes to be talked about behind their back but oh how juicy it is to listen.  Prov.25:23

Very close to the above is a false witness.  Prov.25:18   A false witness lies.  Prov.12:19   Satan is the father of lies and lying is an abomination to God.  Prov.12:22   Both a false witness and a liar will receive due recompense.  Prov.19:5   Deception is also involved with false witness and lying.  A common example of deception:  A person calls and the call is unwelcome so another person is asked to tell the caller that we are not present.  Prov.24:28   The heart should not be blackened with deceit and hate.  Prov.26:24

Pride is described in Prov.25:14.   We have no reason to boast for all gifts are from God.  1 Cor.4:7   Pride often causes contention.  Prov.18:19; Prov.13:10 (KJV)   Strife brings no good.  Prov.20:3   It is better to stop a quarrel before strife begins.  Prov.17:14   Once strife or contention begins, pride seems to be the fuel that keeps it going because everyone wants to be right.  Prov.17:1   Words that are gentle seem to put the fire of contention out.  Prov.15:1  

Many other warnings about the wrong use of the tongue are given in Proverbs.  As we attempt to refrain from these things, let us bring forth from our tongue that which is acceptable.  Prov.10:32   Righteous lips are not only profitable to ourselves but to others.  Prov.16:13; Prov.16:1  

As Christians we are to bear fruit.  One way this can be accomplished is through our lips.  Prov.12:14; Prov.13:2   Rather than spreading tales of others, a wise tongue spreads knowledge.  Prov.15:7   Knowledge from the heart is able to instruct and persuade others.  Prov.16:23   Instead of blurting out words without thought, the wise of tongue studies his answer with much thought.  Prov.15:28  

Proverbs gives many lovely descriptions of a righteous tongue.  A silver coffee set is very beautiful.  So is a righteous tongue.  Prov.10:20   We may have a keepsake ring which we treasure, but a wise tongue is of more value.  Prov.20:15   Apples are beautiful in their natural setting, but think of gold apples set in silver.  That is the beauty of a word that is spoken in the right way.  Prov.25:11   Pleasant words are as sweet as a honeycomb.  Prov.16:24

Proverbs states many benefits of a righteous tongue.  A Christian is to be a peacemaker.  Prov.15:1 gives some advice toward making peace.  It is probably safe to say that all of us get anxious.  Proverbs addresses anxiety.  Prov.12:25   The right answer at the right time brings joy.  Prov.15:23   If our words are sweet, we will have more success to persuade others.  Prov.16:21  

Many more proverbs are given concerning speech; however one of the important ones to consider for our lives is found in Prov.18:21.



Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom needs to be used in every aspect of our lives.  This is certainly true with regard to our speech.  James is not the only book in the Bible that gives a good deal of instruction about our speech.  We will find a lot in Proverbs, as well.

Too many words get us into trouble many times.  Prov.10:19   Too often a person loves to hear their own voice.  Proverbs tells us that transgression is unavoidable when we babble on and on.  Jam.1:19   Christians are to be slow to speak.  Learning to listen is an art not often learned.  When someone else is speaking, we are thinking about what we are going to say next rather then listening and thinking about what the other person is saying.  The times we should speak out are much fewer than the times we speak when we should keep quiet and be listening.  Prov.18:13

The need to guard our lips is ever present.  Prov.13:3   A discerning tongue will say the right thing at the right time and in the right manner.  It is dangerous to spout off what we think.  This is easy to do.  Prov.10:13   Putting up our guard will save us from many a trouble.  David realized this in Ps.39:1.  Hasty words leave a man with no hope.  Prov.29:20   Words can pierce like a sword.  Prov.12:18   Rash words have also been described as a flaming fire.  Prov.16:27; Jam.3:6

Sometimes our words defame a person’s character.  We injure or insult them.  This is slander.  Prov.10:18   We hide our hate of someone which is wrong in itself and is a sin to even hate in the first place.  Matt.5:22   Our associations need to be far away from those who slander and gossip which is unconstrained talk about someone or a groundless rumor.  Prov.20:19   Unfortunately, people love to hear these tales but they should not come from a Christian—either revealing or listening.  Prov.18:8   No one likes to be talked about behind their back but oh how juicy it is to listen.  Prov.25:23

Very close to the above is a false witness.  Prov.25:18   A false witness lies.  Prov.12:19   Satan is the father of lies and lying is an abomination to God.  Prov.12:22   Both a false witness and a liar will receive due recompense.  Prov.19:5   Deception is also involved with false witness and lying.  A common example of deception:  A person calls and the call is unwelcome so another person is asked to tell the caller that we are not present.  Prov.24:28   The heart should not be blackened with deceit and hate.  Prov.26:24

Pride is described in Prov.25:14.   We have no reason to boast for all gifts are from God.  1 Cor.4:7   Pride often causes contention.  Prov.18:19; Prov.13:10 (KJV)   Strife brings no good.  Prov.20:3   It is better to stop a quarrel before strife begins.  Prov.17:14   Once strife or contention begins, pride seems to be the fuel that keeps it going because everyone wants to be right.  Prov.17:1   Words that are gentle seem to put the fire of contention out.  Prov.15:1  

Many other warnings about the wrong use of the tongue are given in Proverbs.  As we attempt to refrain from these things, let us bring forth from our tongue that which is acceptable.  Prov.10:32   Righteous lips are not only profitable to ourselves but to others.  Prov.16:13; Prov.16:1  

As Christians we are to bear fruit.  One way this can be accomplished is through our lips.  Prov.12:14; Prov.13:2   Rather than spreading tales of others, a wise tongue spreads knowledge.  Prov.15:7   Knowledge from the heart is able to instruct and persuade others.  Prov.16:23   Instead of blurting out words without thought, the wise of tongue studies his answer with much thought.  Prov.15:28  

Proverbs gives many lovely descriptions of a righteous tongue.  A silver coffee set is very beautiful.  So is a righteous tongue.  Prov.10:20   We may have a keepsake ring which we treasure, but a wise tongue is of more value.  Prov.20:15   Apples are beautiful in their natural setting, but think of gold apples set in silver.  That is the beauty of a word that is spoken in the right way.  Prov.25:11   Pleasant words are as sweet as a honeycomb.  Prov.16:24

Proverbs states many benefits of a righteous tongue.  A Christian is to be a peacemaker.  Prov.15:1 gives some advice toward making peace.  It is probably safe to say that all of us get anxious.  Proverbs addresses anxiety.  Prov.12:25   The right answer at the right time brings joy.  Prov.15:23   If our words are sweet, we will have more success to persuade others.  Prov.16:21  

Many more proverbs are given concerning speech; however one of the important ones to consider for our lives is found in Prov.18:21.

Saturday, January 7, 2012



Wisdom was our first study in Proverbs.  The eighth chapter personifies wisdom in many ways; however, in verses 22 – 36 the thought seems to be somewhat Messianic in nature.  After all, Christ and wisdom go hand in hand.

Wisdom was present in the very beginning with God for wisdom is an attribute of God.  Prov.8:22   Christ was also in the beginning with God before there was anything else.  Jhn.1:1,14   This time before creation is described in Prov.8:23-26. 

The creation is divided into heaven, earth, and sea.  Neh.9:6  Exodus also explains the creation in the same terms.  Ex.20:11   An angel in heaven was proclaiming the hour of judgment for worship to the maker of heaven, earth, and sea.  Rev.14:7 

Wisdom was in the beginning as heaven, earth, and sea were being created.  Prov.8:27-29   Notice the “circle on the face of the deep.”  For a long time mankind did not realize the truth of the earth being round and yet here it was in the Word of God.  Isa.40:22   Christ was also there for He made all things.  Jhn.1:3   Christ was the first-born.  Not that He was “born” for He was with God in creation.  Christ was foremost in time, place, order, and importance.  Col.1:15,16   All things were created through Him and for Him.

Creation had taken place and now God took pleasure in what had been accomplished.  Prov.8:30   All was created with wisdom.  Gen.1:31; Prov.3:19,20   God saw that it was “very good”.  God was also pleased with His Son.  Matt.3:17   Christ was called His “beloved” Son.  Col.1:13   Christ was with God and so can explain Him.  Jhn.1:18; Jhn 6:46   Phillip wanted Jesus to show them the Father.  Jesus’ answer is found in Jhn.14:9.

Prov.8:31,32   Mankind was the climax of creation.  Gen.1:26  Earth was made to be a dwelling place.  Isa.45:18   The ways of wisdom are to be kept; instruction is given to the wise and is not to be refused.  Prov.8:32,33   The same is taught by Jesus.  For those who want to enter life and the kingdom of heaven, obeying the commandments as well as teaching correctly are necessary.  Matt.19:17; Matt.5:19   Proverbs follows through with the teaching of Jesus as wisdom is personified.  Prov.8:33-35

Wisdom was in the plan that the Lord set forth, and through the Word (Christ) all things were created.  Eph.3:9   God asked Job the question, “Where were you…”.   Job 38:4   Too often we think we know before we search the Truth of the Scriptures.  Job 38:2   We “darken counsel by words without knowledge”.  We speak without knowing.

Wisdom is of great value to us and an attribute for which we can ask God.  Jam.1:5; Prov.2:6   We can know the source but it is up to us to receive.  We begin by having fear, great reverence, and respect for God.  Prov.9:10   A wise man will be humble enough to listen to counsel and instruction.  Prov.12:15   Solomon has so many warnings in Proverbs against following those that are wicked.  Our associations and our friends are important in gaining and keeping wisdom.  Prov.13:20; Jam.4:4; 1 Cor.15:33

Prov.19:20   We are so prone to go ahead with a decision without asking God first, seeking counsel from a Christian, and pondering over the alternatives with any disruptive outcomes.  1 Cor.8:2   To be wise in our own eyes is failure in the making.  Prov.3:7

The wise in heart desires to do that which is right and therefore will receive or obey commandments.  Prov.10:8   It is up to us to apply our heart and listen to words of knowledge and welcome instruction.  Prov.23:12  

The desire for knowledge will come with a heart that has understanding.  Prov.15:14; This desire for knowledge with understanding is so important as we hunger and thirst for righteousness.  Matt.5:6   “Knowing” will not be of great profit unless we add an understanding heart to think, act, and speak with wisdom.  Prov.17:24