Godliness is our next building block of life in Christ. 2 Pet.1:6 Being godly incorporates the first and second commandment of importance. Lk.10:27 A godly life extends in two directions. It honors God and gives Him what is due to Him and it honors our fellow-man and gives him what is due to him, as well.
Let us look at our relationship to God first for this is the basis from which we also serve our fellow-man. The word, “piety or pious” is used in connection to God. As Peter healed the feet of the cripple by the gate Beautiful, he refuted the idea that this miracle was done by his own power but through the power of God. Acts 3:12 Our relationship to God recognizes Him as the supreme power. 1 Tim.2:5,6
Our recognition and strong belief in One God is foundation of all else that pertains to godliness. Isa.45:5,6 Our understanding of God and who He is is imperative in our gain of godliness. Heb. 11:6 David instructed his son, Solomon, to know God. He then proceeded to tell him how. 1 Chron.28:9 Jeremiah gives a similar statement. Jer.29:13
We must realize that God never changes. He is forever the same. Heb.1:12 God is ready to help us in time of need. Isa.40:28-31 Our trust is focused on God who can do anything but fail. Lk.1:37, Lk.18:27 God’s power is beyond comprehension. Jer.32:17
When Paul spoke to those in Athens , he went beyond the “unknown god” and explained the real God to them. This explanation enriches our knowledge and thinking as well. Acts 17:23-28
As we realize we were made by God and God has given us everything we have, what is our response to this loving God, the God of our salvation. (Acts 4:12) Since all things come from God (1 Cor.4:7), we become stewards of the things of God. 1 Cor.4:2 A steward means we are caretakers. We don’t own but just take care. We belong to the Lord for we have been bought with a very large price. 1 Cor.7:23 As stewards, we must be found faithful for we will give an account to the one who owns us. Rom.14:12
God is all-knowing, everywhere, eternal, holy, righteous. God is love, truth, wisdom. This is the God we want to know, trust, obey, please, and love. This is the basis of godliness. This is the God we want to know. What an awesome God we have!. Words are so inadequate.
Not only is our relationship to our God important to obtain godliness but our relationship to our fellow-man is also important. Godliness is an inner virtue that is shown outwardly. Some definitions include righteousness. A godly person desires to do what is right and pleasing to God. It cannot be just an outward show but must come from the heart. It is an overcoming desire that surpasses all other desires. It is not just a form. 2 Tim.3:5 Godliness is not just an attempt to “look good”.
Godliness manifests the manner of life which is devoted to God. Paul exhorts us to train or discipline our lives for the purpose of godliness. 1 Tim.4:7,8 Then he explains that it is so much more profitable than bodily discipline. This seems to be the thrust in today’s culture. Exercise. That is good for health but will not be profitable for eternity. As we remove those things from our lives that are not pleasing to God (Let’s call sin-sin.) we pursue (run after, fight for) godliness. 1 Tim.6:11
So how do we obtain godliness. We train for it and we pursue it. 1 Tim.6:3 tells us that we go to sound instruction. In other words we go to the Word of God. We need the knowledge of the Truth. Tit.1:1 Through the knowledge of God we have everything we need to develop a life of godliness. 2 Pet.1:3 Self-help books are very inferior to the Word of God; even if they are written by a Christian author.
Sometimes we can gain a better understanding of a word by a study of a word with the opposite meaning. In this case it would be “ungodly”. Our first discussion was our relationship with God. The ungodly would not have a true relationship with God. If asked the question, “Do you know God?”, they might well want to melt in their shoes. Sadly enough, there will come a time of even greater proportion. Lk.23:30 The ungodly don’t know God or if they once did, they refuse to follow Him. 1 Pet.4:18 On the contrary, those who do what is right (godly) can entrust their souls to Almighty God. 1 Pet.4:19
Jude warns of those who are ungodly and secretly enter congregations to disrupt and turn the grace of God into excuses to sin. Jude 4 God still deals with sin. It may be put off to give opportunity for sinners to repent but the One God will punish with an everlasting punishment. 2 Pet.2:9; Jude 15
Jesus Christ is our perfect example of godliness as He lived on earth. He is the mystery of godliness. 1 Tim.3:16 In the next verse we often focus on the contentment; however, godliness is great gain. 1 Tim.6:6 May we worship our majestic God in Truth as we strive to follow and please Him and become full of godliness in our lives.
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