Wednesday, July 23, 2014



It has been mentioned that our attitudes are such a large part of our Christian life.  Our attitude toward God as Almighty, knowing all, but compassionate, forgiving, and loving those who follow Him being of utmost importance.  Our attitude that we have of Jesus as our Savior, the One who died that we might have salvation, and lived that we might follow in His path is an attitude not to be taken for granted.  In order to stay faithful, our attitude toward the world is important.  Our citizenship is in heaven, not on earth.  Our lives must show this.

Now comes an important attitude—that attitude which we take toward our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Scripture gives us some warnings about our attitude toward one another.  Phil.2:3,4   We are too prone to think “our way” is the best rather than consider the other person in humility.  In fact Phil.2:14 commands us to do all things without grumbling or disputing.  The body of Christ is likened to our physical body.  Our arms don’t fight with our legs.  Jesus was not that way and He is our example.  Paul expressed a similar thought to young Timothy in his last epistle.  2 Tim.2:24   Just because Timothy was a young preacher does not mean we can be quarrelsome. 

Paul advised the Galatians about their speech toward one another as well as the fact that there was even envy and boasting.  These characteristics are not part of the fruit of the Spirit.  Gal.5:15, 26   James adds complaining against one another.  Jam.5:9   These attitudes will consume or destroy unity in Christ.

How could we be bound together in the body of Christ is we dislike one another?  That is a worldly attitude.  John reasons with Christians about this problem in the book of 1 Jhn.4:20,21.

When we erase the above attitudes from our heart, then bitterness will not spring up and peace will be the outcome.  Heb.12:14,15   We can then build one another up in the Lord.  Rom.14:10   Times come when we all need building up.  This is one reason we are taught to meet together.  Heb.10:24,25

A picture of the attitude of those in Christ is found in Eph.4:32.  Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.  These attitudes are important in the church but they are also important in the home.  Paul also exhorts or urges the people of God in Col.3:12-15 to have the attitudes becoming to children of God for that is what we are.

If we have no love for others (2nd commandment) these attitudes will not exist in our hearts.  1 Pet.4:8-10   With love, we will be tolerant and patient with them as they will be to us.  1 Thess.3:12   If we love others, we will want to help them in any way we can.  Gal.6:10  

Hospitality brings people closer together.  1 Pet.4:8-10   How often was Jesus found in homes of not only friends but sinners.  This is one way to really get to know our brothers and sisters in Christ.  It doesn’t have to be fancy.  Just visit and share together. 

This way we get to know their burdens and joys and they—ours.  Gal.6:2; Rom.12:10-16   When we are together, we can encourage one another.  1 Thess.5:11  We can help each other in our weaknesses.  Rom.15:1   We can comfort one another.  2 Cor.1:4; 2 Cor.13:11

In following the lives of the early Christians, we find that they were willing to give to their fellow Christians in need.  Act 11:29; Rom.12:13   John relates our love of God to the way we care for others.  1 Jhn.3:17

Everything that relates to the Christian also relates to the “preacher” for he is a Christian just as we are.  However, Paul exhorts (urges) Christians to esteem them in a special way for their work for us spiritually.  1 Thess.5:12,13   Additional commands are given in 1 Thess.5:14.

Peace and unity is promoted if Eph.5:21 if followed.  This is not always easy but remember—we pray together earnestly and sincerely.  God will help us.  This was an important part of the early church and should be with us as well.  Acts 2:42

The following must be in our hearts, minds, prayers, and attitudes.  Eph.4:32   Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.


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