Wednesday, July 23, 2014



It has been said that our attitudes as Christians are a large percentage of our spirituality.  An attitude is a state of mind toward something or somebody.  With this in mind, let us look as some aspects of the attitudes we might have and attitudes we should have as Christians.  A Christian is a follower of Christ.  Matt.10:38   As a follower we are to have the attitude of Christ.  Phil.2:5-7  5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, We must follow Him in this life if we want to reap the benefits of life after death.

What was Jesus’ attitude?  He left the glories of heaven to become like us – a human being with the physical and emotional feelings that we have and yet He was without sin.  2 Cor.8:9    Do we think our problems are greater than those of Jesus?  Think again.  We do face many problems in the form of loss, pain, etc. but Christ did as well.  1 Pet.2:21   If we are following in His steps, our problems become lighter as we look toward our life eternal.  Life isn’t about the now only.  Matt.11:29,30    We are only pilgrims passing through to a better place.  Phil.3:20

Our attitude cannot be living for self.  If you have had a baby, you know what giving up of self is—your time, sleep, money, etc.  Why do we do it?  We love our baby.  The same is true with a loved one that is sick.    We should love our Lord even more.  Our love will show.  Jhn.14:15,23   If we want to follow Jesus, we must deny self.  Matt.16:24-26

Not only is our attitude to be that of Jesus.  Our attitude toward the world is also very important.  1 Jhn.2:15-17   We cannot desire the things of the world so strongly that it is impossible to be content.  However, sometimes this is our attitude.  Heb.13:5; Phil.4:11-13  

A human tendency is to want to be like everyone else.  Rom.12:2   When our mind is renewed as a follower of Jesus, this human tendency is done away.  1 Pet.1:14   We don’t want to be like the one where seed was sown among thorns and then  became unfruitful.  Matt.13:22  This attitude is one of worry about the things of the world and riches.  Our mind becomes so involved with these things that we are choked in our attitude toward the spiritual.  Give it to God.  Phil.4:6   Just because this is difficult is no reason to quit.  Keep growing in the ability to hand it over to our Lord.  2 Tim.2:4

Two attitudes seem conflicting concerning the world and yet are very important.  First, we cannot be a friend of the world or we become God’s enemy.  Jam.4:4   What was Jesus’ attitude toward those of the world?  He wanted to see them saved.  Lk.19:10   Do we?  When those of the world became followers, they became His close friends (apostles).  Others of the world He helped by healing and helping in many ways.  This caused many of them to become followers.  Jude 23   Jesus gained their trust in helping and showing He cared.  He did not become one of them in sin.
We can show compassion toward those of the world and give help in whatever way we are able without soiling our lives for Christ.  1 Cor.15:33   Be watchful and pray.

Paul had a great desire to help those weak in the faith.  Rom.9:3   What an attitude to have!  However, we think of the attitude of Jesus.  He died that we might take on His righteousness.  2 Cor.5:21   Paul became whatever he needed to be in order to win others to Christ.  1 Cor.9:22

A humble attitude is so important as we interact with those in the world.  Gal.6:3   In fact, it is important in our attitude toward other Christians as well.  1 Cor.8:2   The lack of a humble attitude will turn others away about as quickly as anything.

Even though we are to have compassion and try to help unbelievers, never are we to be bound to them. 2 Cor.6:14-17  Paul uses several illustrations as he gives this command.  This would apply to marriage with other marriage commands.  It would apply to business partnerships that turned immoral.  A person could get out of that.  Any kind of “binding together” must be considered.

We have yet to discuss our attitudes toward other Christians.  That will come next.  Meanwhile, may we be extremely conscious of the attitudes that we possess inwardly and show to others outwardly.  As we follow Jesus, may we have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,  Phil.2:5



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