Thursday, November 21, 2013



The last piece of our Christian armor is the sword.  Eph.6:17   Through the years, the sword has been used more than any other weapon.  No soldier would be without his sword.  This brings us to an important fact.  All of the other pieces of the armor have been to protect—defensive pieces.  The sword is the only piece of the Christian armor that is offensive—aggressive, making attack.  Not only is it offensive but it also defends the Christian against Satan.  Satan did not like the words of Jesus, “It is written,” when he was tempting Him in the wilderness.  David also found this true even though the entire Bible had not been written yet.  Ps.17:4   

To have a life of victory requires aggression or making attack against Satan and all of his attempts to keep us from God.  So what is this sword?  It is the Word of God, the Bible.  It is like the helmet of salvation, we have it within our grasp; however, we must have the knowledge of its contents for it to be useful.  We must also learn skills to use it.  2 Tim.2:15   Sitting on an end table may look nice but if it is not opened daily, of what value is it to us?

The Word of God not only keeps the Christian from falling to Satan’s temptations on the outside, but it kills those inward desires that would keep him from victory.  It can only happen with knowledge of the Word as we become more and more familiar with it in our daily study. 

It is with purpose that the sword was given last.  We must have put on Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation to use the Word of God properly.  The Bible is used in wrong ways by twisting the Scriptures, adding or taking away from God’s Word (Rev.22:18,19; Deut.12:32; Ecel.3:14; Prov.30:6), proving an argument by misuse, etc.  A sword needs to be used by someone that understands and respects its use.

The Word is something we can trust for we know it came from God.  2 Tim.3:16;  2 Pet.1:21   Our faith is built on the foundation given to us in God’s Word.  Eph.2:20   We are given God’s words by His Son.  Heb.1:1.2   We are taught by the Holy Spirit as spoken in 1 Cor.2:13 and not by a man.  Some will not endure Truth. 2 Tim.4:3

Satan is a spirit and so we must fight him with spiritual weapons.  The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit.  It is spiritual.  As a person becomes a Christian he receives the gift of the Holy Spirit.  With the Spirit within Him, he can wield the Word to overcome Satan.  1 Jhn.4:4

Paul’s life ended in chains as a prisoner under Nero and was about to be killed.  Yet he considered himself to have victory.  2 Tim.4:6-8   Satan would have considered himself to be the winner as he thought when Jesus was crucified.  Jesus’s earthly life was over but He went to be with God.  Acts 1:9,11   Paul’s earthly life was over but he went to Paradise.  He was the victor for Satan will be thrown into hell.  Matt.25:41

David recognized how God’s Word would keep him from affliction.  Ps.119:92   So many times we are troubled by what Satan throws at us, but we can take deep comfort from the Word of God.  Matt.11:28,29   We are given so much by God’s Word.  Comfort is given but we are “given to give.”  2 Cor.1:3,4   The Word of God not only brings us the path to salvation but equips us with what we need to work for Him.  2 Tim.3:15,17

How we need to thirst for the sword of the Spirit!  Matt.5:6   Where else would we find righteousness except from God’s Word.  David thirsted in Ps.63:1.  (The entire Psalm stirs the heart.)  Amos, inspired by God, warned of a time of famine, not of food but of hearing the Word of God.  Amos 8:11,12  

As we study Scripture, our lives are changed if our hearts are open to God’s Word.  We are warned of downfalls that might come because of Satan.  We usually think of bad companions being associated with teens; however, we all have to be careful of our close associations.  Do they help us be more spiritual and be a better person?  Prov.12:26; 1 Cor.15:33   Satan is delighted to destroy godly speech.  Matt.15:18; Matt.12:36,37; 1 Tim.5:13   Satan would love for us to conform to his world for if something is not godly and we cannot thank God for it, then it is of Satan’s world.  Rom.12:2; 1 Jhn.2:15  The things God hates would be loved by Satan  Prov.6:16-19   There are so many more warnings that could be mentioned.

Scripture guides our lives to be more pleasing to Jesus.  Don’t take part in things that might appear evil.  1 Thess.5:22   Live in peace and respect, even love, those that preach and teach you.  1 Thess.5:12,13   Be kind and forgiving.  Eph.4:32   Pray.  Phil.4:6,7   Set our mind (Be captive of thoughts.) on things above (spiritual).  Col.3:2   Again, this is only a beginning.  We could go on and on.

As we use the sword against Satan, it is comforting to know that God limits him with regard to our temptations.  1 Cor.10:13   The Bible is the sword to keep us from sinning.  Ps.119:11   The end of our lives is more important than the now.  Matt.10:28   We cannot imagine what awaits us if we stay true to God’s Word. 
1 Cor.2:9  


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