Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Liz Curtis Higgs

Liz Curtis Higgs has taken the sparse amount of information on Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus, and Anna, the prophetess and widow who remained at the temple for years, and has woven into this book the real heart of these three women.

Higgs included facts of the time and culture for a clearer understanding of the events.  Beyond the facts, the emotions and feelings that enveloped the lives of these three women was delicately and passionately presented in a realistic way, phrase by phrase of the Scripture.

The lives of Zechariah, Elizabeth’s husband, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, and Simeon were also covered with their fears, wonder, and praise as they entered the picture of these three women of Christmas.

This book will give you a fresh picture of the events surrounding this period of time as you read and meditate upon the Scripture rather than just scanning it as something you already know with great familiarity.  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. 



It would be rare for someone to enter a time of conflict and want to lose. Victory indicates a conflict.  It isn’t long after we come into this world as a babe that we begin to make choices.  Do I do what mommy says or do I do what I want to do.  God instilled in us the right to make choices and not to be a robot.  Choosing what is “right” is the beginning of righteousness.  Obedience is a grand part of that “right.”  First it is obedience to parents.  Then it gradually grows into a choice between “self”, what “I” want or “right” in culture or “right” in God’s eyes.  We become accountable as to what we choose.  We are accountable to the public law officials; we may be accountable to friends in a certain culture or of the most importance, we all are accountable to our Maker, the Lord God.  Joshua gave a choice to the Israelites and then he gave his choice.  Josh.24:15   David also gave a good choice in Ps.84:10. 

So we find that the conflict over which we want victory lies in our choices.  To whom do we submit?  To whom do we obey?  We know the answer but the problem comes when we choose to do otherwise.  Every choice has a consequence.  Both Adam and Eve made a bad choice and the consequences changed the world forever.  Sin came into the world and God cannot be where sin is; therefore they were removed from the Garden and could no longer walk with God.  Isa.59:2   When we sin, we separate ourselves from God except for the blood of Jesus through which we have salvation.  Eph.1:7

With this series of lessons we have assumed that a person has already made the choice to become a Christian.  We have submitted to our Lord to be born again and begin a new life as we leave the choices of the past behind.  Eph.4:24; Col.3:10   It is only through the mercy and grace of God that this is possible.  We need to realize this blessing and be forever thankful for it.  Titus 3:5-7

As a Christian, do we still have conflict over which we need to obtain victory?  The answer is “Definitely.”  If we have not chosen to have Jesus as our Savior and our Shepherd to follow, Satan already has us.  When we have entered our “new life,” Satan wants us back and will do whatever is necessary to retrieve us as his slave.  Job 1:7; 1 Pet.5:8   More often than not, we do not perceive the reality of this fact.  If we don’t understand the conflict, how can we achieve the victory over it?

Our conflict is with the prince of the power of the air – Satan.  Eph.2:2   Paul emphasizes the fact that this conflict is not against flesh and blood.  He then explains what he means in Eph.6:12.  We must realize that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light – something really good.  2 Cor.11:14,15   We must make ourselves aware of his schemes in order to have this victory.  2 Cor.2:11   As a Christian, we have not been left without a way to overcome these schemes.  Eph.6:11

The armor of God defends us in Truth (1 Jhn.3:18; Eph.4:15), righteousness (2 Cor.5:21), peace (Rom.5:1; Rom.14:19), faith (Gal.2:20; Heb.11:6); salvation (Heb.5:9; 1 Thess.5:9); Word of God  (2 Tim.3:16; 2 Pet.1:20,21).

Our conflict with Satan comes in the form of temptation which is not sin in itself, but can become sin when we fall.  1 Cor.10:12   Too often we think we are so strong that we would never fall into sin.  That is pride.  We are all vulnerable.  We are all sinners.  Rom.3:23   It’s just that some have obeyed unto salvation and so have the covering of the blood of Christ upon them.  Heb.2:17  

We may think we are under greater temptation than others.  If we have the wrong companions, we may have more temptations.  If we don’t control our desires, we may have more temptations.  If we love the world, our temptations will be great and many.  1 Jhn.2:15   The next verse categorizes the types of temptations we have.  We are not alone in these.  1 Cor.10:13   Notice that they are common to man.  But a way of escape is provided.  We have to take it. 

We have to set our mind on the things that count in the end.  Col.3:2   As we are in conflict with Satan, remember Jesus words in Matt.10:28.  It is important that we do what David did.  Ps.119:11   Greater glory than we can imagine awaits us as Paul tells the Corinthians.  1 Cor.2:9    

We CAN live a life of victory.  1 Cor.15:57; 1 Jhn.5:4   May we do it!  

Thursday, November 21, 2013



The last piece of our Christian armor is the sword.  Eph.6:17   Through the years, the sword has been used more than any other weapon.  No soldier would be without his sword.  This brings us to an important fact.  All of the other pieces of the armor have been to protect—defensive pieces.  The sword is the only piece of the Christian armor that is offensive—aggressive, making attack.  Not only is it offensive but it also defends the Christian against Satan.  Satan did not like the words of Jesus, “It is written,” when he was tempting Him in the wilderness.  David also found this true even though the entire Bible had not been written yet.  Ps.17:4   

To have a life of victory requires aggression or making attack against Satan and all of his attempts to keep us from God.  So what is this sword?  It is the Word of God, the Bible.  It is like the helmet of salvation, we have it within our grasp; however, we must have the knowledge of its contents for it to be useful.  We must also learn skills to use it.  2 Tim.2:15   Sitting on an end table may look nice but if it is not opened daily, of what value is it to us?

The Word of God not only keeps the Christian from falling to Satan’s temptations on the outside, but it kills those inward desires that would keep him from victory.  It can only happen with knowledge of the Word as we become more and more familiar with it in our daily study. 

It is with purpose that the sword was given last.  We must have put on Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation to use the Word of God properly.  The Bible is used in wrong ways by twisting the Scriptures, adding or taking away from God’s Word (Rev.22:18,19; Deut.12:32; Ecel.3:14; Prov.30:6), proving an argument by misuse, etc.  A sword needs to be used by someone that understands and respects its use.

The Word is something we can trust for we know it came from God.  2 Tim.3:16;  2 Pet.1:21   Our faith is built on the foundation given to us in God’s Word.  Eph.2:20   We are given God’s words by His Son.  Heb.1:1.2   We are taught by the Holy Spirit as spoken in 1 Cor.2:13 and not by a man.  Some will not endure Truth. 2 Tim.4:3

Satan is a spirit and so we must fight him with spiritual weapons.  The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit.  It is spiritual.  As a person becomes a Christian he receives the gift of the Holy Spirit.  With the Spirit within Him, he can wield the Word to overcome Satan.  1 Jhn.4:4

Paul’s life ended in chains as a prisoner under Nero and was about to be killed.  Yet he considered himself to have victory.  2 Tim.4:6-8   Satan would have considered himself to be the winner as he thought when Jesus was crucified.  Jesus’s earthly life was over but He went to be with God.  Acts 1:9,11   Paul’s earthly life was over but he went to Paradise.  He was the victor for Satan will be thrown into hell.  Matt.25:41

David recognized how God’s Word would keep him from affliction.  Ps.119:92   So many times we are troubled by what Satan throws at us, but we can take deep comfort from the Word of God.  Matt.11:28,29   We are given so much by God’s Word.  Comfort is given but we are “given to give.”  2 Cor.1:3,4   The Word of God not only brings us the path to salvation but equips us with what we need to work for Him.  2 Tim.3:15,17

How we need to thirst for the sword of the Spirit!  Matt.5:6   Where else would we find righteousness except from God’s Word.  David thirsted in Ps.63:1.  (The entire Psalm stirs the heart.)  Amos, inspired by God, warned of a time of famine, not of food but of hearing the Word of God.  Amos 8:11,12  

As we study Scripture, our lives are changed if our hearts are open to God’s Word.  We are warned of downfalls that might come because of Satan.  We usually think of bad companions being associated with teens; however, we all have to be careful of our close associations.  Do they help us be more spiritual and be a better person?  Prov.12:26; 1 Cor.15:33   Satan is delighted to destroy godly speech.  Matt.15:18; Matt.12:36,37; 1 Tim.5:13   Satan would love for us to conform to his world for if something is not godly and we cannot thank God for it, then it is of Satan’s world.  Rom.12:2; 1 Jhn.2:15  The things God hates would be loved by Satan  Prov.6:16-19   There are so many more warnings that could be mentioned.

Scripture guides our lives to be more pleasing to Jesus.  Don’t take part in things that might appear evil.  1 Thess.5:22   Live in peace and respect, even love, those that preach and teach you.  1 Thess.5:12,13   Be kind and forgiving.  Eph.4:32   Pray.  Phil.4:6,7   Set our mind (Be captive of thoughts.) on things above (spiritual).  Col.3:2   Again, this is only a beginning.  We could go on and on.

As we use the sword against Satan, it is comforting to know that God limits him with regard to our temptations.  1 Cor.10:13   The Bible is the sword to keep us from sinning.  Ps.119:11   The end of our lives is more important than the now.  Matt.10:28   We cannot imagine what awaits us if we stay true to God’s Word. 
1 Cor.2:9  


Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Four pieces of armor have been used up to this point.  These have been applied in a spiritual way to the Roman armor.  The body has been covered up to the head.  Now our head needs to be protected.  A lot has been made of concussions in recent years.  Our brain is so important to the rest of our body and is impacted by head trauma.

So it is to our spiritual head/brain.  Eph.6:17   The helmet is a defensive weapon as all of the previous ones have been.  We stand firm to make ourselves ready for the aggression of Satan but we do not cross the line and use weapons of Satan to fight back.  1 Pet.3:8,9   We have no weapon for self-revenge.  Bitter words cannot be used for those are weapons of Satan.  Our feet are shod with peace. 

Our armor is given to defend us in suffering and not to keep us from suffering.  Someone has said that they wished the gospel had provided armor to defend their bodies from danger and death rather than their souls from sin and Satan.  Jesus had something to say about this.  Who do we fear?  Matt.10:28   This is the purpose of our armor.

Our armor “suit” now needs to be completed with the fifth part—the helmet.  With a strong faith that shields us against the fiery darts of falseness and deceit that Satan uses against us, our mind (brain) is clear to recognize the grace provided for us in salvation.  We can’t work for our salvation and we certainly do not deserve it.  It is a gift graciously given to us through the blood of Jesus in His death and resurrection.  This gift is there but we must accept it.  Helmets are necessary in so many instances in life today.   Bicycles, motorcycles, skateboards, sports to mention a few.  Injuries and even death is reported when helmets have not been used.  Helmets may have been in possession, but they were not put on.  So it happens with our spiritual helmet of salvation—it is no good until it is “put on.”  1 Thess.5:8

Before Jesus was even born, Mary was told of His coming birth “because He shall save His people from their sins.”  Matt.1:21   During Jesus ministry, He recognized His purpose for coming to earth.  Matt.18:11   God sent His Son because He loved the people (all people) He had made.  Jhn.3:16   Since we are God’s because He made us, God certainly has the right to expect obedience from us.  Jhn.3:36; Heb.5:9 

God teaches us obedience through the examples of His people in the O.T.  They had fallen into slavery as we are overcome in slavery to sin.  Rom.3:23   He released them by leading them through the Red Sea and then gave them laws to follow as He wanted to lead them to the Promised Land. They refused to follow and grumbled consistently.  Finally God had had enough and all 20 years old and above died and were unable to even see the Promised Land. Num.14:26-30   God loves us but He expects us to love Him.  This is made evident by our obedience to Him.  1 Jhn.5:3   With love comes obedience.

God didn’t wait until we were “good” to give us a helmet of salvation.  Eph.2:4,5   We were still sinners when Christ died for us.  Rom.5:8   This helmet of salvation is a very expensive helmet—the price of the blood of God’s Son.  Tit.3:4-6    God had mercy on us and felt our need.  The love of our God is beyond anything we can ever imagine.  Rom.8:37-39

Our precious helmet of salvation can only be obtained through Jesus.  Acts 4:12   It is sad to think of those in the world that need Jesus and yet they think the word of the cross is just foolishness.  We know it to be the power of God.  1 Cor.1:18  

As we realize the love of God and the offering to us of this helmet of salvation, how do we obtain this gift so that we can put in on.  We are not left without instructions.  If a person truly wants salvation, belief is essential.  This is not just a consent but a true belief that will continue to action.  Matt.16:16; Rom.10:10   Our belief needs to be vocal.  We might say we believe but believe what?  Our belief should never be hidden. 

Another factor is important in order to put on this helmet of salvation—repentance.  Acts 17:30   As we learn about God, we realize that we have not obeyed Him.  In other words, we have sinned.  This causes a deep sorrow for what we have or have not done.  Repentance doesn’t stop there.  It is a turn about-face in humility to follow Jesus in an earnest attempt to please Him for the remainder of our life.  2 Cor.7:9,10

In the first gospel sermon delivered by Peter, we have several instructions put together.  Acts 2:38   Immersion is explained in Rom.6:4,6   It isn’t a matter of a cleansing of the flesh as noted in 1 Pet.3:20,21.  All of these actions put together to form a new birth.  Jhn.3:3,5   The desires of the old man are gone and now all things are new in Christ.  2 Cor.5:17  

With our helmet of salvation protecting our minds, our purpose in life takes on new meaning.  It now is to please the source of our salvation—Jesus.  Col.1:10; Heb.13:20,21