Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Marilyn Barber
As printed in The Voice of Evangelism

How have I made people feel when I left their presence?  This is kindness.  Even in instances of edification and exhortation, has gentleness been used?  We need to find kindness in our cup or spiritual lives.

In the Old Testament the word “lovingkindness” is used in regard to God.  Ps.103:8   Compassion and graciousness goes side by side with lovingkindness as does love.  To be truly kind we build on that love that hopefully is already in our “cup”.  God feels for our needs in His compassion.  As we have compassion on all with whom we have to do, we need to feel deeply for their needs materially, emotionally, and spiritually.  As we have this compassion for their needs we will show kindness to them.  We will be warm-hearted, courteous, and considerate.  This is a trait we need as a child of God.

In the Song of Moses he reiterated the many things God had done in his lovingkindness.  Ex. 15:13   Nehemiah mourned over the destruction of Jerusalem and prayed to God for the Israelites.  He beseeched God to hear because of His lovingkindness toward those who love Him and keep His commandments.  Neh.1:5   As the foundation of the temple was laid after returning from Babylon, the people sang praises to God and His lovingkindness.  Ez.3:11   God loves but also is kind.

God’s lovingkindness extends to those who keep His Word.  Ps.25:10   God sees our affliction and problems for He knows our every need.  Ps.31:7   Not only does God see our affliction but He forgives as we confess our sin.  Ps.51:1; Ps.86:5   God is so good to us in His lovingkindness that we need to praise Him with David for His lovingkindness is everlasting.  Ps.100:5   May we rejoice as He exercises lovingkindness on earth.  Jer.9:24

As we think of God’s kindness to us, how can we extend that kindness to others?  We pass by many that are longing to be “found” and yet we do not even recognize their very existence.  May God open our eyes to see the needs of others.  They may dress in a different way or act and speak in a way unpleasing to us but they need Jesus.  If we turn our back on them, we have done a disservice to them.  Kindness with a smile and a desire to find their need and then extend a helping hand may be the first step toward teaching them about the Lord.

Jesus went about doing good.  Acts 10:38   Jesus’ first miracle was one of kindness in saving face for the groom.  Jesus saw the need and then fulfilled it.  Think of the lepers, the blind, the crippled and many others that experienced not only the healing but the kindness of Jesus as He saw their need.  There were occasions of those who mourned as loved ones faced death and He brought them back to life.  Jesus was kind.

At times—many times—we are so committed to our own agenda that we do not notice the needs of others.  It is true that we do not want to meddle but we often hide behind this as an excuse to not employ acts of kindness.  If we are willing to wrap ourselves around the lives of others in kindness, it will be normal for them to receive help from us.  Never do we want to become stuck in our own comfort zone.

Kindness is listed as a quality to be desired by a Christian and one in which to grow.  In listing some of the hardships Paul had experienced, he then goes to the qualities needed.  Kindness is one of these in spite of the way one is treated.  2 Cor.6:6   As we may face opposition, our words need to show kindness.  Gal.5:15   In order to be “right” or to “have the last word” we forget kindness and we also forget the fact that we will be held accountable for every word we say.  Matt.12:36,37  

If we live by the Spirit, then we need to walk like it.  Gal.5:25   Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit or the result that comes from walking in the Spirit.  The Spirit will help us develop kindness but it is important that we have that desire to obtain kindness.  As Christians we put on (clothe ourselves) with a heart of kindness.  Col.3:12   Just as our physical heart is the center of our physical being, so our spiritual heart is the center of our spiritual being and God knows our hearts.  Lk.16:15   Kindness is to be a quality that is in our heart—not just for an outward show but a quality that is heart-felt.

Kindness is a quality deeply engrained in the life of a Christian.  This has to be true in the family.  Many can be so kind to those outside of the home.  They want a good reputation.  However, when it comes to the family inside of the home, their guard is let down and we treat them in any way we feel at the moment.  Does Christ not live in our home?

As we love those outside of Christ, we must show kindness for love is kind.  1 Cor.13:4   We will not have an opportunity to lead them to Christ if they cannot see the kindness of Christ in us.  We can be kind in material needs.  1 John 3:17   As we show concern for their emotional needs such as in the loss of a loved one, the comfort of God can be given to them.  Kindness with gentleness is important in dealing with their spiritual needs.  We need to be ready with knowledge of the Scriptures or at least to lead them to someone who can help them see the Light.  1 Pet.3:15

Kindness toward our brothers and sisters in Christ is highly important.  Jhn.13:35   Those outside of the church see this love which comes with kindness.  It makes a big difference in the way they look at the church.  See what Peter says about brotherly kindness.  2 Pet.1:7   This is one of those important qualities in a Christian’s life that will not only shine Jesus to the world but will bind us together as one.

Let us fill our cup with kindness as Paul exhorted the Ephesians Christians. 
Be ye kind to one another…Eph.4:32

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