Friday, July 5, 2013


Marilyn Barber
As printed in The Voice of Evangelism

As we think of filling our cup (life), let us consider humility as an important character trait for a Christian.  If we could achieve real humility, what a difference it would make in our congregations, neighborhoods, families, and in the brotherhood.  Too often we think we are the one with wisdom and knowledge for our idea is the best.  We forget from where our abilities and knowledge originated.  It certainly wasn’t from us but from our Lord who made us and gifted us.  1 Cor.4:6,7   Furthermore, He did the same for our brother. 

So what does it mean to be humble?  Several phrases are used in definitions but two of them seem to fit the Scriptures we will be using.  They are “make low” and “make small”.  Another might be “bow down”.  In Lev.16:30-31 God made a permanent statute.  It involved the day of atonement, (the cleansing of their sins) and the day of rest.  It was to humble their souls.  David humbled his soul with fasting and prayer.  Ps.35:13

Our Lord set the example for us to follow.  Phil.2:6-8   He left a throne of glory to come to earth as a human being, first as a babe born in the lowliest place imaginable.  We dress it up in our manger scenes but there were animal smells and whatever comes with an occupied barn.  Mary and Joseph had very little and what they had during Jesus’ early years came from hard work.  This was the Son of God!

As He went about the countryside in His ministry, He had no place to lay His head.  Lk.9:58  His chosen twelve were common men as fishermen, etc.  A summary of his ministry is made in Acts 10:38 as Peter was preaching Jesus to Cornelius.  Even in His Triumphal Entry He rode on a lowly donkey, not a white horse with saddle.  His humility is expressed in Zech.9:9.  Just the night before His crucifixion, Jesus performed a very complete type of humility as He stooped down to wash the feet of His disciples.  This was one of the lowest tasks of a servant.  Jhn.13:4,5   Then He was crucified as a criminal,  No glory in that.  And we have the audacity to think we are “something”.  We are nothing except through our Lord and Savior.  Tears of repentance should follow.

Jeremiah warns of boasting which would be opposite of humility.  Jer.9:23,24   We boast in the Lord and live to His glory, not our own.  The arrogant man will be humbled and the Lord ALONE will be exalted.  Isa.2:11   Humility is required by the Lord if we would walk with Him.  Mic.6:8   Our Lord who made all things in His glory and majesty looks at us and what does He want to see.  He searches for the humble and contrite of spirit and the one who trembles at His Word.  Isa.66:2  

As Abraham bowed down in spirit (humbled himself) and said he was nothing but dust and ashes, he pled with God to save Sodom if those who were righteous could be found.   Is it possible God is looking for the humble, penitent, and those who tremble at His Word?  Perhaps this is what God seeks in our country today.  A country consists of individuals.  We matter.  2 Chron.7:14   Are we filling our cup with humility?

Are we teachable?  God teaches the humble His way.  Ps.25

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