What a goal our Lord
has set for us in Matt.5:48! Perhaps a review of the meaning of “perfect”
would be in order as we begin this lesson.
Perfect is described as complete, mature, blameless. God is all this and so much more. 2
Sam.22:31 God is described as
perfect in knowledge which is something we can never be for we keep growing in
knowledge. Job 37:16; 2 Pet.3:18 God
is perfect regarding His law. Ps.19:8,9
The statement, “God is
God and I am not”, comes to mind. This
realization is the beginning of humility as we realize this isn’t our
world. It belongs to God. As Christians, we belong to God, also, for we
are not our own. Slaves were purchased
by their owner. We have been purchased
by our slave-owner that loved us so much, He died for us. 1
Realizing that we are
not our own and that we still sin, we are in the process of perfecting
our heart. Paul realized that he was not
yet perfect but he “pressed on” in this process. Phil.3:12 He recognized the help we have to keep
moving toward perfection until Jesus returns.
Phil.1:5,6 There
are times we get “stuck” in the first teachings of the gospel without moving on
in the process of perfecting our heart in maturity. Heb.6:1
Examples of humility
are given in the Scriptures. One is
Moses as found in Num.12:3. Jesus was humble even though He was the
Son of God. Matt.11:29 His actions
proved His humility and gives us a powerful example. Jhn.13:5 Washing feet was one of the lowliest
tasks of a slave, yet Jesus was washing the feet of His disciples. Jesus wanted His example of humility to pass
on to His disciples. Jhn.13:15
Not only was it humbling for the Son of God to come to earth as an
infant and go through life as a man, but nothing could compare with the
humility he suffered in the events prior to His crucifixion and then the
crucifixion itself. Phil.2:8
Not only are we given
examples of humility but we are also given examples of the repercussions of the
absence of humility. The Israelites had
not obeyed God in many respects so God was angry with them. When they humbled themselves before Him,
God’s anger ceased. 2 Chron.32:26 The
Israelites had to wander 40 years rather than 12 days because they would not
obey God. When we don’t obey God, we put
ourselves first rather than Him. Deut.8:2
Scripture is full of instruction to be humble. Mic.6:8 God requires this of us. Pride is the opposite of humility and does
not produce good results. Prov.16:18
God takes special regard of those who are humble. Isa.
66:2 The humble are special to God
as opposed to the haughty. Ps.138:6 Humility
is like a sacrifice to God. Ps.51:17
Humility is a
characteristic for which Christians are to strive. Col.3:12 Certainly a humble person would not brag
or be arrogant. This attitude would not
be conducive to love. 1 Cor.13:4
Humility is part of our walk in Christ. Eph.4:1,2
A human trait is to desire to be first, to have the
top position, to be the best. If we are
perfecting our heart, we will want to do our best—but not to be the most
important or first. Two of Jesus’
disciples had this desire to the dismay of not only Jesus but the rest of the
apostles. In Matthew the mother of James
and John asked a favor for her sons.
Jesus answered in Matt.20:26,27.
As we think of
perfecting our heart in humility, think of the questions God asked Job in
chapters 38 and 39. Who did this or that was asked 13 times in NASB version. The question, Can you?, was asked at least 7 times as was the question Do you?.
Other questions were Where?, Have you?, Will you?, Is it?. Man may think he is very smart and wise
but as we think of the knowledge and wisdom of God, we need to humble ourselves
as Job did in Job 40:4.
We need to take the
advice of Paul in Rom.12:3. Too often we think of ourselves too
highly. When we succeed, it comes from
God and that is where the glory needs to rest.
2 Cor.3:5 As we see growth in the Lord’s church,
so many have had a part. Some plant,
some water, but it is God that gives the increase. 1
We, as human beings,
have no right to be proud for even though we may have righteousness through
Jesus Christ (2 Cor.5:21), we are
yet sinners in need of God’s forgiveness.
Lam.3:39-41 A Pharisee stood on the corner
praying. He was proud that he was not
like other men. However, the tax
collector cried out to God for mercy as he realized his sinful condition. Jesus expressed His thoughts of these
two. Lk.18:14 We can look upon
these two who were far away in history, but can we ever see ourselves in the
light of the Pharisee? Be honest!
The importance of
humility in perfecting our heart is evident in 2 Chron.7:14. We are
commanded to be humble and God will reward us.
Jam.4:10 Peter sums up our Christian life in 1 Pet.3:8,9. To
sum up, all of you be harmonious,
sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted,
and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult,
but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that
you might inherit a blessing.
Let us press forward to
inherit that blessing in humility!
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