Tuesday, April 9, 2013

D - Perfecting the Heart - 4

As we think of something perfect, we immediately think of absolutely no blemish, no mistakes, not one thing wrong.  When we say “perfecting the heart”, we are in a process of getting there.  This process will continue until death or Christ returns.  Our goal is to become mature, complete, pure.  We know that we all sin. Rom.3:23   However, we also are aware that we have forgiveness through the blood of Christ.  Eph.1:7

As James speaks of the trials that test our faith, endurance needs to be shown.  Jam.1:4   This pursuit of perfection is mentioned by Jesus in His prayer before He was crucified.  Jhn.17:23   Jesus not only prayed these things for His apostles but we are included, as well.  Jhn.17:20   Being one together in Christ was so very important to Jesus—that the world may knowJhn.17:21   One way to show the world is by our love to one another.  Jhn.13:35

As we continue thinking about the process of perfecting our heart, obedience is of utmost importance.  Jesus is our perfect example.  He was God in the flesh and yet He learned obedience as He dwelt on earth in the form of mankind.  Phil.2:6-8   Just before this explanation, Paul exhorts the Philippians to have this attitude in yourselves.  Phil.2:5   The obedience of Christ is also expressed in Heb. 5:8,9

This series began with the perfecting of our thoughts that are instigated by what we see and hear.  Scripture gives us a filter for our thoughts for that is what we are to become.  Now we find that obedience becomes a great portion of our thoughts as exhorted in 2 Cor. 10:5.  If we are following the Bible filter for our thoughts (Phil.4:8) it becomes much easier to take captive of our thoughts.  It is difficult if not impossible to do it alone but we have a Helper in the Holy Spirit.  This may be a test for us but if we ask for help in prayer, read our Bibles, listen to gospel music, and read material that is spiritual, we can succeed in taking our thoughts captive.

As we take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, action must follow.  The first action of importance is acceptance of Jesus as our Savior in obedience to salvation.  We begin by believing and/or having a faith in the fact that Jesus as the Son of God can save.  Heb.11:6   When we realize that Jesus is the only one who can save us, it causes us to repent of our sins—not just be sorry for them but to change to follow Jesus.  We confess that we believe Jesus to be the Son of God.  The forgiveness of our sins is the final step of our salvation as we are baptized as found in Acts 2:38.   All events of those coming to Christ in the book of Acts culminated with the act of baptism
As we become a Christian in this and only way as prescribed by Scripture, we have just begun.  Our life is ahead of us and we must remain faithful to our Savior until death.  Rev.2:10   Too many think this act is the end rather than the beginning.  We begin to perfect our hearts in obedience to our Savior from this point.

As we take captive of our thoughts to obedience, we do not only cleanse ourselves from outward sins but also sins of the spirit.  2 Cor.7:1   Then we begin to perfect our heart with holiness.  We are to deny those ungodly things of the world and selfish desires in our heart.  Titus 2:12   Things that war against our souls will come.  1 Pet.2:11   We are no longer on a road just for this life but we are on a road that leads to eternity.  James urges us to cleanse our hands (get rid of our sins) and recognize that we have had a divided heart.  We’ve been wanting to take hold of a godly life but at the same time we wanted to hang on to some of our worldly desires.  We need to purify our hearts to perfect them.  Jam.4:8

1 Pet.5:10   God will help us.  He will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.  We could never do it alone.  Notice it is after we have done our part.  Our Lord helps us establish our hearts in holiness as we show love.  1 Thess.3:13   Impurity must be far away from our hearts for God wants us to be set apart for Him in purity.  1 Thess.4:7   When our hope is fixed on eternity with our Lord, then our hearts will be fixed on our pure Savior with an attempt to purify our hearts that we may be like Him.

As we endure the effects that the world or Satan would bring upon us, we stand firm with persistence to perfect our hearts.  Job 17:9   Some may go against us because we follow Jesus. It may be friends or even family but we must stand fast.  Matt.10:22   What worth do we place on Jesus?  He placed a lot of worth on us!  Col.4:12   Paul wanted the Colossians to know that prayers were being made for them that they might stand perfect in the will of God.  So for us.

One way our heart is perfected is through love.  1 Jhn.4:17   God’s love is perfected in our heart as we love one another.  1 Jhn.4:12   Another way God’s love is perfected in us is if we keep His Word and walk as He walked.  1 Jhn.2:6,7

This isn’t a walk that is instructed by a physical therapist or a health magazine.  This walk is with regard to the way we live and conduct our daily lives.  Paul reminds the Ephesians how they formerly walked (or lived) in the course of this world.  Eph.2:2   He tells the Galatians to walk by the Spirit.  Gal.5:16   If they would walk by the Spirit, it would keep them from the desires of the flesh.  Consistency is needful for if we are living by the Spirit, we need to walk or live like it.  Gal.5:25

Our obedience is important to Jesus as is our love and our walk.  They all work together in following our Lord and perfecting our heart.  2 Jhn.6

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