Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Have you ever felt listless?  Perhaps you just did not want to get up from the recliner.  Today exercise is prescribed for so many health problems.  It is prescribed for spiritual apathy as well.  Many times a person will indicate that they did not feel like going to church but they went anyway and felt so much better.  Maybe we don’t feel like praying or reading our Bible.  Just do it anyway.  Start.  Once you leave that comfort zone and do something it will be so much easier to continue.  It is like exercise, get the blood flowing and you revive energy.
With a Christian we will call it zeal.  Jesus had no place to lay His head.  He had crowds around Him constantly wanting Him to heal or feed.  Weary?  Yes!  And yet we sit and do nothing for the Lord except go to church for one hour when we feel like it and expect to be entertained.  Shame on us.  This would not be the way to perfect our heart.
May the Word of God motivate us as we study what the Word says about zeal.  First, what is zeal?  It is defined as earnestness, fervor, persistent endeavor, enthusiasm, tireless effort.  That may make you exhausted thinking about it.  We have examples and exhortations in the Bible concerning zeal.  A good beginning would be to look at kinds of zeal in Scripture and what is accomplishes.
A divine zeal is mentioned in Isa.9:7.  Zeal accomplishes and here the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.  Zeal stirs the heart.  Paul recognized this as he spoke of offerings to the needy saints in Jerusalem.  2 Cor.9:2   Intense feelings of remorse caused repentance with zeal in the case of the Corinthians.  2 Cor.7:7,11   May we reflect on our repentance to see if it is intense in feelings with zeal.  Too often we are just flippantly sorry.
A state of ignorant zeal is too often found in the religious world.  Rom.10:2   A lot of business may take place but is it in accordance with the will of God.  Some do many good things and say, “Lord, Lord” and think they are saved.  Matt.7:21   It may be good but does not bring salvation.  Paul was an example for in his former life he showed great zeal in working for God.  Phil.3:6   As he gave his credentials he told how his zeal was blameless.  It was not with acceptance of Jesus at that time.  Later he did accept Christ and was baptized.  Acts 9:18
Two examples of wrath with zeal are worthy of note.  Ezek.5:13   The Israelites had not followed the Lord’s will again although His wrath was appeased.  Another example is when the Lord spoke with zeal.  Jesus showed zeal as He cleansed the temple from being a place of business.  Jhn.2:16,17   After Jesus had done this, the apostles remember this quote from the O.T.  Ps.69:9
These examples of zeal were not performed listlessly.  The heart was earnest and the performance was with fervor.  As we study zeal we need to remember that what we do and what we are is not what saves us.  Any righteousness (what we are) comes from our Lord.  2 Cor.5:21   Any works (what we do) come from our Lord as well.  Jhn.15:5   If Jesus had not died on the cross to bring us salvation, where would we be?  We could not bring it upon ourselves.  This is a gift that we cannot earn nor do we deserve it.  This is called grace. Eph.2:8   However, we receive that gift through our faith which brings obedience because we love our Savior.  1 Jhn.2:3,5   Notice that we love in Truth but also in deed1 Jhn.3:18   As those in Christ we are instruments of righteousness to be used of God.  Rom.6:13   Our hands, our feet, our tongue, our whole being was created for good works.  Eph.2:10   We are not saved by our works.  Jam.2:14,17,18   We show our faith as we strive to be like Christ who went about doing good.  Acts 10:38  
As we find ways to “go about doing good”, it is to be with zeal.  This should never be with a feeling of drudgery but with enthusiasm and tireless endeavor.  Gal.6:9    We “get to do this” for the Lord for that is for whom we work.  Col.3:23   It is to be done “heartily” which would be with zeal.
Not only are we to increase in knowledge but we are to be fruitful in every good work.  Col.1:10   It isn’t as if we did one good work and that was enough.  It is for our lifetime.  Our “doing good” defines our life in Christ.  2 Thess.3:13  
As Paul was exhorting women to be modest, he included a description of a godly woman as one with “good works”.  `1 Tim.2:10   Titus was told to exhort and rebuke with all authority that those who were of Christ’s own possession (Christians) would be zealous of good works.  Titus 2:14   As Paul closes this letter to Titus, he again emphasizes good works.  Titus 3:8,14
The author of Hebrews explains the importance of not forsaking the assembly of Christians together as some were evidently guilty of doing.  Today we find many guilty of the same.  Perhaps they want to just do the least they can do and still be “right”. 2 Tim.4:3   One of the reasons given for meeting together (not because they like the preacher, want to show off their clothes, or see their friends, or be entertained) is to provoke or stimulate love and good works.  Heb.10:24   As we come together in fellowship, worship, and prayer, we learn of good things we can do for others.  Otherwise, we might not know.
By studying Scripture we not only are trained in righteousness but we are also equipped for every good work.  2 Tim.3:16,17   If the thought comes to mind, “I can’t”, pair with someone who has experience and learn.  Our desire is important.  God works within us to will or desire.  Phil.2:13   As we do good, our light shines to the world and it gives glory to God.  Matt.5:16   Though the world may speak against us, our good works will speak up to glorify God.  1 Pet.2:12
Again, Scriptures stress that these good works will not save us but we are to be involved in doing good works after we become a Christian.  Eph.2:9; 2 Tim.1:9; Titus 3:5   May we never forget that as we do good works, it is never for our own glory.  It is to the glory of our Lord.  Col.3:17   As we work for the Lord, it is refreshing to always remember that He will never forget.  He is completely aware of what we are doing.  Heb.6:10    


Thursday, April 25, 2013


Perfecting the heart is a process that is ongoing until the end of life. Phil.3:12   With Paul we can say that we have not obtained it, but we need to say, we “press on” .   Many characteristics are involved for our heart is the center of our spiritual life.  Our thinking is so important for as we think, so are we.  Prov.23:7   Scripture gives us a filter for our thoughts to keep us centered on perfecting our heart.  Phil.4:8  
Many things of the world can divide our heart such as pride, jealousy, selfish ambition, love of money, impure desires, worldly friends, and worldly entertainment.  Anything that would take our heart away from our Lord would divide our heart and lead us astray.  In his letter to the Galatians Paul asked an important question.  Gal.3:3   What a drastic mistake to begin to live a life in Christ and then to think we could be perfected by things of the world.
God’s will for us is to be thankful in everything.  1 Thess.5:18   We teach children to say “Thank-you”.  Why would we not give thanks to our Creator that has given us everything we have.  Eph.5:20   We take life and salvation for granted and become so ungrateful as we forget who allows us to have and do so much.  We expect God to answer our prayers but without thanksgiving.  Phil.4:6   Thanksgiving is tied to contentment.  How could a person be thankful if they were always complaining and desiring all to be different.  Phil.4:11
Perfecting our heart comes with obedience.  The cause of our longing to obey comes from love for  that is the basis of all a Christian believes, does, or thinks.  2 Jhn.6   Our love is perfected as we keep God’s Word.  1 Jhn.2:5
Forgiveness has such a big part in perfecting our heart.  We can say we know we are sinners but how deeply do we feel this.  Do we forget why we accepted Jesus as our Savior?  A savior saves from something.  Someone is about to drown and someone comes along and saves him.  Jesus gave His life to save us from a destruction much worse than drowning—eternal destruction that goes on and on.  Now—as Jesus forgave us for so much, we must forgive our brother.  Mk.11:25   Anything against anyone doesn’t leave much room to escape this commandment.  Matt.6:15
Humility is a lost character trait.  We are number one, so we think.  Our desires do not differ from James and John who wanted to be seated on either side of Jesus in His kingdom.  Matt.20:26,27   The great description of love includes the phrase does not brag, is not arrogant.  1 Cor.13:4   We must realize that without Jesus, we can do nothing.  Jhn.15:5
Perfecting the heart requires steadfastness.  1 Cor.15:58   Immovable is a good description.  We cannot be blown about from one doctrine to another.  Eph.4:14   Too many chase their own preference.  If we are going to perfect our heart, we must stay with the Truth.  The verse before this describes what we must be.  Eph.4:13  
We were assured of the Truth and of Jesus as our Savior so we must hold fast to that assurance.  Heb.3:14   An anchor holds a boat fast to the shore.  Our steadfast hope is our anchor that holds our soul fast to our Lord.  Heb.6:19   Peter warned Christians about those men of wickedness that would try to influence them.  They are all around us as well.  Let us take the warning that Peter gave in 2 Pet.3:17.
So many distractions surround us.  Those running a race cannot be looking around at the sights as they pass by or at the people that may be watching.  A Christian is running the race of life.  Our eyes must be fixed on Jesus while we run with steadfastness.  Steadfastness is defined as determined and unwavering.  Single-minded is also a synonym.  We have examples of many steadfast, faithful men of old.  Using them as our examples, we can also be steadfast if we don’t let distractions and sin obliterate our goal.  Heb.12:1,2
The early Christians were very faithful in what they were being taught.  Notice how they were continually devoting themselves to teaching, fellowship, prayer, and the breaking of bread.  They were in the process of perfecting their heart by these means.  Acts 2:42   They were steadfast.  If we, likewise, remain steadfast in these things, our hearts can move forward to perfection. 
2 Thess.2:15   The above are traditions to be followed as they are biblical and spiritual.  Standing firm is being steadfast.  Unmovable depicts our stand for biblical teaching and living.  In Gal.5:1 those that were trying to follow the Law and Christ were admonished to stand firm in the freedom from the law that Christ had provided.
Standing firm with resolve and alertness requires faith.  1 Cor.16:13   We don’t do this alone for an armor is provided but we must use it.  Eph.6:14   This is only the beginning of that armor.  There is also help from the Holy Spirit who is our mainstay.  1 Jhn.4:4   When we steadfastly fight the good fight of our faith, then we can lay hold on eternal life with our Lord.  1 Tim.6:12
David recognized the importance of having a clean heart and a steadfast spirit.  Ps.51:10   He experienced great joy as his heart was steadfast.  Can we? Ps.57:7 That joy can be ours with a steadfast heart in progressing toward perfection.  Col.1:22,23   Our righteousness is not ours but that of our Lord.  2 Cor.5:21   He may establish (steadfastly) your hearts without blame in holiness.  Oh, praise the Lord that help is given for that we could never accomplish alone.
As we remain steadfast in progressing toward the end in perfecting our heart, may we be able to say with Paul, I have fought the good fight.  2 Tim.4:7,8    


Saturday, April 20, 2013

F - Perfecting the Heart - 6

What a goal our Lord has set for us in Matt.5:48!  Perhaps a review of the meaning of “perfect” would be in order as we begin this lesson.  Perfect is described as complete, mature, blameless.  God is all this and so much more.  2 Sam.22:31   God is described as perfect in knowledge which is something we can never be for we keep growing in knowledge.  Job 37:16; 2 Pet.3:18   God is perfect regarding His law.  Ps.19:8,9
The statement, “God is God and I am not”, comes to mind.  This realization is the beginning of humility as we realize this isn’t our world.  It belongs to God.  As Christians, we belong to God, also, for we are not our own.  Slaves were purchased by their owner.  We have been purchased by our slave-owner that loved us so much, He died for us.  1 Cor.6:20  
Realizing that we are not our own and that we still sin, we are in the process of perfecting our heart.  Paul realized that he was not yet perfect but he “pressed on” in this process.  Phil.3:12   He recognized the help we have to keep moving toward perfection until Jesus returns.  Phil.1:5,6    There are times we get “stuck” in the first teachings of the gospel without moving on in the process of perfecting our heart in maturity.  Heb.6:1
Examples of humility are given in the Scriptures.  One is Moses as found in Num.12:3.  Jesus was humble even though He was the Son of God.  Matt.11:29   His actions proved His humility and gives us a powerful example.  Jhn.13:5   Washing feet was one of the lowliest tasks of a slave, yet Jesus was washing the feet of His disciples.  Jesus wanted His example of humility to pass on to His disciples.  Jhn.13:15   Not only was it humbling for the Son of God to come to earth as an infant and go through life as a man, but nothing could compare with the humility he suffered in the events prior to His crucifixion and then the crucifixion itself.  Phil.2:8
Not only are we given examples of humility but we are also given examples of the repercussions of the absence of humility.  The Israelites had not obeyed God in many respects so God was angry with them.  When they humbled themselves before Him, God’s anger ceased.  2 Chron.32:26   The Israelites had to wander 40 years rather than 12 days because they would not obey God.  When we don’t obey God, we put ourselves first rather than Him.  Deut.8:2
Scripture is full of instruction to be humble.  Mic.6:8   God requires this of us.  Pride is the opposite of humility and does not produce good results.  Prov.16:18   God takes special regard of those who are humble.  Isa. 66:2   The humble are special to God as opposed to the haughty.  Ps.138:6   Humility is like a sacrifice to God.  Ps.51:17
 Humility is a characteristic for which Christians are to strive.  Col.3:12   Certainly a humble person would not brag or be arrogant.  This attitude would not be conducive to love.  1 Cor.13:4   Humility is part of our walk in Christ.  Eph.4:1,2
A human trait is to desire to be first, to have the top position, to be the best.  If we are perfecting our heart, we will want to do our best—but not to be the most important or first.  Two of Jesus’ disciples had this desire to the dismay of not only Jesus but the rest of the apostles.  In Matthew the mother of James and John asked a favor for her sons.  Jesus answered in Matt.20:26,27.
As we think of perfecting our heart in humility, think of the questions God asked Job in chapters 38 and 39.  Who did this or that was asked 13 times in NASB version.   The question, Can you?, was asked at least 7 times as was the question Do you?.   Other questions were Where?, Have you?, Will you?, Is it?.  Man may think he is very smart and wise but as we think of the knowledge and wisdom of God, we need to humble ourselves as Job did in Job 40:4. 
We need to take the advice of Paul in Rom.12:3.  Too often we think of ourselves too highly.  When we succeed, it comes from God and that is where the glory needs to rest.  2 Cor.3:5   As we see growth in the Lord’s church, so many have had a part.  Some plant, some water, but it is God that gives the increase.  1 Cor.3:7
We, as human beings, have no right to be proud for even though we may have righteousness through Jesus Christ (2 Cor.5:21), we are yet sinners in need of God’s forgiveness.  Lam.3:39-41   A Pharisee stood on the corner praying.  He was proud that he was not like other men.  However, the tax collector cried out to God for mercy as he realized his sinful condition.  Jesus expressed His thoughts of these two.  Lk.18:14   We can look upon these two who were far away in history, but can we ever see ourselves in the light of the Pharisee?  Be honest!
The importance of humility in perfecting our heart is evident in 2 Chron.7:14.  We are commanded to be humble and God will reward us.  Jam.4:10   Peter sums up our Christian life in 1 Pet.3:8,9.  To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing. 
Let us press forward to inherit that blessing in humility!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

E - Perfecting the Heart - 5

An unforgiving heart is a heavy heart and so destructive.  It erases love, peace, joy and develops bitterness, resentment, and sometimes creates a desire for vengeance.  Certainly a forgiving heart is needed to grow toward perfecting our heart.  Much is said in the Scriptures about forgiveness so that is where we must go.

So what is real forgiveness?  Often we hear the exclamation, “I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget”.  This isn’t the way God forgives.  Scripture gives us two descriptions of God’s forgiveness.  Isa.1:18   This is a beautiful picture.  Forseeing the snow (or our lives) being red with sin, Jesus shed His blood (Heb.9:22) that our lives would no longer bear our sin but become white as snow.
The second picture is found in Ps.103:12.  If it were north to south, you would go north to the North Pole and then change directions as you went south to the South Pole.  East to west just keeps going and going.  This is the picture given to us of God’s great forgiveness.

All of us receive offenses from others, however, we also offend other people.  Sometimes it is unknowingly.  Let us keep that in mind as we overlook the offenses we receive.  If we receive a wrong, we send it away and forget it as we realize we have done the same thing.  Compassion erases the heart’s memory of a wrong.  This is a great release for both them and yourself. 

Forgiveness isn’t just inside our heart.  We need to voice it for that release.  When we give or ask for forgiveness, it needs to be specific.  Especially when we ask for forgiveness from God, it cannot be generic.  “Forgive us of our sins” does nothing for us.  What sins?  Of course there are times we do not realize our specific sin; however, more often than not, we know.  Do we stop to think about what we have done, how we have sinned, to honestly and sincerely from the heart have a deep desire to be forgiven?

Our Lord is our ultimate example that we must follow.  The Israelites had sinned against God so many times after He had done so much for them, yet He forgave them.  Neh.9:17   These were His chosen people, His children, so to speak.  Sometimes in our families the same thing happens.  Let us take God as our example.   Dan.9:9
Peter was often the apostle to approach Jesus with a question. It might well be one of our questions.  How many times do I have to forgive a person?  Matt.18:21   Jesus’ answer might surprise us as he gives an extreme number in Matt.18:22.  Jesus then teaches by means of a parable to follow.  A master forgave his slave a large sum of money but the slave turned around and could not forgive his fellow slave a small amount.  Do we realize that this is a picture of us?  Col.2:14   Just as the master canceled the debt of the slave, so God in His mercy and grace cancels our debt of sin.  Eph.1:7   Then do we turn to our brother and refuse to forgive him for what is so small a debt compared to the forgiveness God has given us.

Matt.18:32,33 gives us the end of the parable which applies to us in our refusal to forgive.  We don’t need to think God owes us forgiveness.  We are such a speck in the universe of time and space and yet God knows, loves, and cares for each one of us.  He does not spoil His children, however.  He has expectations for us.  Matt.18:35   Perfecting our heart with forgiveness is one of these expectations.

Our sin separated us from God.  Isa.59:2   Now through Christ we can be reconciled to Him.  When we are reconciled we are brought back together with Him.  Rom.5:11   God has done this for us because of Christ offering Himself for our sins.  2 Cor 5:18,19   In so doing God has given us a ministry of reconciliation.  As we are restored to our relationship with God on God’s part (Col.1:20), it is now up to us to reconcile ourselves to God.  The old is gone and new has come.  2 Cor.5:17

As we are brought back together with God or reconciled, we are ambassadors to bring the word of reconciliation to the world.  The world needs to know how they can be brought back to God through Christ.  2 Cor.5:20   Even though we have been reconciled to God, any righteousness that we obtain is only through the righteousness of Jesus Christ.  2 Cor.5:21

Since forgiveness is an important part of reconciliation, we must be forgiving.  Eph.4:32   The same rule for giving financially is given in terms of forgiveness of our brother.  Forgiving is a form of giving.  Lk.6:38   Forgiveness affects our prayer life.  We can’t pray and expect God to forgive us if we are not forgiving others.  Mk.11:25; Matt. 6:15

Those in Christ are to be peacemakers.  Matt.5:9   A major factor in keeping peace is forgiveness.  Holding a grudge or keeping a wrong done in your heart will not be conducive to making peace with that brother.  Rom.12:17,18   If peace is impossible, it can never be on account of us.  We still must forgive as we realize we sinned against God and yet He forgave us.  God is there to reconcile Himself with anyone that will come to Him to be reconciled.  Yet we know, all will not come.

Forgiveness involves several attitudes that should be addressed.  One is love, for love is the basis of everything we think or do.  Rom.12:10   How could someone follow this exhortation and still hold something against that person?  They certainly would not be devoted to them in love nor would they prefer  that person in honor. 

Could you carry the burden of someone you couldn’t forgive?  Yet this is what we are to do in the law of Christ.  Gal.6:2   An easy feeling for someone you didn’t forgive would be to secretly feel joy if they suffered a misfortune.  Rom.12:15   We lay ourselves open to sin in so many respects when we refuse to forgive.

Forgiving others was included in the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples.  Matt.6:12   Then Jesus further taught in the verses following.  Matt.6:14,15   This should be the ultimate reason for us perfecting our heart with forgiveness.  May we bless others with forgiveness as God has blessed us with His complete forgiveness through Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins.  Ps.32:1     

D - Perfecting the Heart - 4

As we think of something perfect, we immediately think of absolutely no blemish, no mistakes, not one thing wrong.  When we say “perfecting the heart”, we are in a process of getting there.  This process will continue until death or Christ returns.  Our goal is to become mature, complete, pure.  We know that we all sin. Rom.3:23   However, we also are aware that we have forgiveness through the blood of Christ.  Eph.1:7

As James speaks of the trials that test our faith, endurance needs to be shown.  Jam.1:4   This pursuit of perfection is mentioned by Jesus in His prayer before He was crucified.  Jhn.17:23   Jesus not only prayed these things for His apostles but we are included, as well.  Jhn.17:20   Being one together in Christ was so very important to Jesus—that the world may knowJhn.17:21   One way to show the world is by our love to one another.  Jhn.13:35

As we continue thinking about the process of perfecting our heart, obedience is of utmost importance.  Jesus is our perfect example.  He was God in the flesh and yet He learned obedience as He dwelt on earth in the form of mankind.  Phil.2:6-8   Just before this explanation, Paul exhorts the Philippians to have this attitude in yourselves.  Phil.2:5   The obedience of Christ is also expressed in Heb. 5:8,9

This series began with the perfecting of our thoughts that are instigated by what we see and hear.  Scripture gives us a filter for our thoughts for that is what we are to become.  Now we find that obedience becomes a great portion of our thoughts as exhorted in 2 Cor. 10:5.  If we are following the Bible filter for our thoughts (Phil.4:8) it becomes much easier to take captive of our thoughts.  It is difficult if not impossible to do it alone but we have a Helper in the Holy Spirit.  This may be a test for us but if we ask for help in prayer, read our Bibles, listen to gospel music, and read material that is spiritual, we can succeed in taking our thoughts captive.

As we take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, action must follow.  The first action of importance is acceptance of Jesus as our Savior in obedience to salvation.  We begin by believing and/or having a faith in the fact that Jesus as the Son of God can save.  Heb.11:6   When we realize that Jesus is the only one who can save us, it causes us to repent of our sins—not just be sorry for them but to change to follow Jesus.  We confess that we believe Jesus to be the Son of God.  The forgiveness of our sins is the final step of our salvation as we are baptized as found in Acts 2:38.   All events of those coming to Christ in the book of Acts culminated with the act of baptism
As we become a Christian in this and only way as prescribed by Scripture, we have just begun.  Our life is ahead of us and we must remain faithful to our Savior until death.  Rev.2:10   Too many think this act is the end rather than the beginning.  We begin to perfect our hearts in obedience to our Savior from this point.

As we take captive of our thoughts to obedience, we do not only cleanse ourselves from outward sins but also sins of the spirit.  2 Cor.7:1   Then we begin to perfect our heart with holiness.  We are to deny those ungodly things of the world and selfish desires in our heart.  Titus 2:12   Things that war against our souls will come.  1 Pet.2:11   We are no longer on a road just for this life but we are on a road that leads to eternity.  James urges us to cleanse our hands (get rid of our sins) and recognize that we have had a divided heart.  We’ve been wanting to take hold of a godly life but at the same time we wanted to hang on to some of our worldly desires.  We need to purify our hearts to perfect them.  Jam.4:8

1 Pet.5:10   God will help us.  He will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.  We could never do it alone.  Notice it is after we have done our part.  Our Lord helps us establish our hearts in holiness as we show love.  1 Thess.3:13   Impurity must be far away from our hearts for God wants us to be set apart for Him in purity.  1 Thess.4:7   When our hope is fixed on eternity with our Lord, then our hearts will be fixed on our pure Savior with an attempt to purify our hearts that we may be like Him.

As we endure the effects that the world or Satan would bring upon us, we stand firm with persistence to perfect our hearts.  Job 17:9   Some may go against us because we follow Jesus. It may be friends or even family but we must stand fast.  Matt.10:22   What worth do we place on Jesus?  He placed a lot of worth on us!  Col.4:12   Paul wanted the Colossians to know that prayers were being made for them that they might stand perfect in the will of God.  So for us.

One way our heart is perfected is through love.  1 Jhn.4:17   God’s love is perfected in our heart as we love one another.  1 Jhn.4:12   Another way God’s love is perfected in us is if we keep His Word and walk as He walked.  1 Jhn.2:6,7

This isn’t a walk that is instructed by a physical therapist or a health magazine.  This walk is with regard to the way we live and conduct our daily lives.  Paul reminds the Ephesians how they formerly walked (or lived) in the course of this world.  Eph.2:2   He tells the Galatians to walk by the Spirit.  Gal.5:16   If they would walk by the Spirit, it would keep them from the desires of the flesh.  Consistency is needful for if we are living by the Spirit, we need to walk or live like it.  Gal.5:25

Our obedience is important to Jesus as is our love and our walk.  They all work together in following our Lord and perfecting our heart.  2 Jhn.6