Tuesday, March 26, 2013

C - Perfecting the Heart - 3

The former two lessons have hopefully brought to mind several truths.  The thoughts in our heart are crucial to perfecting our heart.  Our actions and our words come from the thoughts in our heart.  Our hearts can be divided in many ways.  Some of these ways are sinful although some may divide our hearts because of the timing such as friends taking us away from service and worship.
Now our concentration will be on traits that can perfect our heart.  The first is thankfulness.  Joy is not present when thankfulness is absent.  David, the psalmist, was full of thankfulness even in times of stress.  Psalm 100 is full of joy and thanksgiving.  Even though David speaks of his enemies, he is still able to thank the Lord with all his heart.  Ps.9:1,2
Our thanksgiving is in our heart but we don’t keep it inside.  When we voice our thanksgiving, it becomes a testimony to those around us.  Our nation needs to be known as a nation of God when we realize and voice our thanksgiving to Him.  Ps.18:49   Our country has a day of thanksgiving but how many observe it for that purpose rather than a day off work and to gather as family (which is good).  That day can become a day of testimony to our family.  We need to take every opportunity we can find.
When we view other people of the world and even of our own county, God has blessed (favored) us with so much.  Do we say so, not only to God but to those around us?  Ps.105:1   As we accept Christ as our Savior in obedience, we receive redemption.  Again, do we say so in thanksgiving?  Ps.107:1,2   Our hearts should be full of thankfulness morning and night.  Ps.92:1,2
Jesus sets an example for us as we are provided with food.  Matt.15:36   So many in the world do not begin to have the food that we have.  Do we tell God we are thankful?  What about in public?  Are we embarrassed to bow our heads in thankfulness when we eat?  This is noticed and becomes a testimony to others as well as a reminder. 
Another example Jesus set was as He instituted the Lord’s Supper.  Matt.26:27   This is not for whoever is praying before Communion.  This is what we do throughout the service.  We actual pray with the person praying publicly and then continue with our own prayer of thanksgiving and repentance as we think of the One who died for us.  Have you ever attended a memorial service for a loved one?  Did you talk, whisper, text during the service?  How disrespectful!  The Lord’s Supper is observed with the deepest respect for it is a memorial service for our Lord.  Communion has a deep purpose.  1 Cor.11:28   There are repercussions if we do not sincerely do this as stated in 1 Cor.11:27.  How thankful we should be as we remember.
Paul also gave us an example.  He was remembering the faith and love for the saints that was held by those in Ephesus.  Eph.1:15   Paul gave thanks for the Christians there in this respect as he prayed for them.  Many times thanksgiving comes in the form of a prayer, even if short, because we are talking to God.
Not only do we need to thank God for the material possessions that we enjoy in this life but we have been given so many blessings in a spiritual way.  Paul mentions two of them.  1 Cor.15:57   As Paul was writing about life after death he gives thanks for the victory (over death) we have in Christ Jesus.  He continues with an important admonition in 1 Cor.15:58.
Paul was a man full of thankfulness.  Several of his letters begin with “I thank my God”.  He overflows with thankfulness for God’s gift of His Son.  2 Cor.9:15   This should be in a heart that is being perfected—thankfulness for Jesus.  Without Him, we would be nothing and without hope.
We are admonished to be thankful in everything.  In Phil.4:6 we concentrate on Be anxious for nothing and let your requests be made known to God.  In between these two statements is a very important phrase—with thanksgiving.  We’re anxious and we have requests for God but we forget the thanksgiving part which is a necessity. 
Eph.5:20 leaves no exceptions for our thankfulness.  Always giving thanks for all things.  We can’t always understand in pain, sorrow, or disaster as something for which to give thanks, but we know God is with us today and will be with us tomorrow and on until we see Him so we can be very thankful that we can lean on Him.
If we are perfecting our heart, it is important to want to do God’s will.  We find thankfulness in everything is important to God.  1 Thess.5:18   God knows our inner being and He knows what is best for us.  A thankful heart has more joy and contentment.
Without a thankful heart a person can never be content or to put it another way: without contentment, a person could never be thankful.  A person would not degrade his home, his job, his family if he is thanking God for these things.  And remember, we are to always give thanks for everything.  That does not mean we could not seek better if we truly need it (not family-that is forever) but too often we complain about this and complain about that and are never content.  We should look around us and see many in so much worse condition.
See what the Word of God says about contentment.  Paul had gone through many circumstances:  humble means and prosperous, filled and hungry, having abundance and suffering need.  Yet in each of these circumstances he had learned to be content.  He could do whatever he needed to do or be through the strength the Lord gave Him.  Phil.4:11-13   Could we say the same?  Or do we complain about everything?  If we do, we can’t be a thankful person.
Paul wrote to young Timothy with teaching about contentment.  1 Tim.6:6-8   He reminds Timothy that he came into the world with nothing and will take nothing out.  Job says essentially the same.  Job 1:21,22  We should be able to be content with basic necessities.  If more is granted to us, be thankful.  Godliness is a means of great gain but notice that it is accompanied with contentment.
The writer of Hebrews also tells us to be content with what we have.  Heb.13:5  So we end this lesson with the question:  Are we a complainer and unthankful or are we perfecting our heart by being content and thankful?


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