Friday, March 22, 2013

B - Perfecting the Heart - 2

The importance of our thinking with regard to our attitudes and our actions has been shown.  It involved thinking about what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and of good report.  All six of these things are excellent and worthy of praise.  Phil.4:8   These will begin our path of perfecting our heart and growing into a more spiritual life.  These characteristics are what our thoughts must dwell upon.  As we think, so will we be.  Prov.23:7
As we attempt to follow this path with our thoughts, our hearts can sometimes become divided.  We may know what the Scripture says, but we begin to trust our own thinking instead.  Prov.3:5   It is imperative that we have a deep and thorough trust in Jesus.  We must trust Him with ALL of our heart. It seems the old saying is true; if we give in an inch, the devil will take a mile.  One step out of our thought filter makes the next step easier.  The pride we have in our own thinking can be very destructive.  Prov.16:18   We may know this verse but don’t take it seriously until we have fallen.  Obad.3   Jesus gives us instruction on pride.  Lk.18:14   We divide our heart when we think too highly of self.  Rom.12:3   So as we work to perfect our heart, we can always depend and trust in our God to help us.  Ps.46:1,2
Along with pride our heart can contain jealousy and selfish ambition.  Jam.3:14   Great plans can proceed from a proud heart but no thought is taken for the good of others.  As we perfect our hearts we want to be like Jesus.  What did Jesus do?  He went about doing good.  We can be successful in a profession or whatever kind of work we involve ourselves in but if we are perfecting our heart, others are on our mind with their welfare.  Eph.2:10   God did not create us to serve ourselves.
We see others succeeding—maybe even growing spiritually as they work at perfecting their heart—and we become jealous.  Prov.14:30   Envy instills many evil passions in the heart that divides the heart from perfection to worldliness.  It is a passion that can creep in unaware.  Gal.5:26
One divider of our heart is money.  1 Tim.6:10   This is a common Scripture in studying money.  It is not the money but the love of it that divides our heart.  Money or treasure is a real test of our heart.  Money is precious to us.  It is difficult for people to trust God to care for their needs enough to let go of it and tithe.  Excuses abound and in our heart we think we are being wise.  Matt.6:21   Malachi gives us such a rich explanation of our giving.  Mal.3:10   Some say this is the O.T. but the N.T. tells us to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees.  Matt.5:20   We cannot let money and treasures divide our heart.  We think, then plan, and then too often want more.  Lk.12:34  Money can become an obsession with us.
Sometimes we do enough of the “right” things then we think we are just fine with God.  Jam.1:26   Our heart is deceived and thus divided.  This verse reminds us that as we think in our heart—we speak.  Our tongue is hard to bridle but can we say that our thoughts are hard to bridle?  When we lose the focus of keeping our thoughts within the area of our filter, our words will be out of control.  Just this one fault could make our “religion” of no value.  Our speech shows what is on the inside.
With the media so easily accessible today, our heart can easily be divided with impure desires.  In early days the hearts were so filled with evil desires that finally God just gave them over to the desires of their hearts.  Rom.1:24   As we spend hours soaking up what we see and hear without filtering it in God’s way, we become desensitized; our hearts become hard and we forget to whom we belong. 1 Cor.6:19,20   We might listen to the wrong one and begin to doubt.  Lk.24:38   We no longer can perfect or even are interested in perfecting our hearts.  Our hearts can be hardened.  Heb.3:8,12   Our choices determine our master.  Who are we serving—self and our own desires or the One who will save us and take us with Him for all eternity?  We exchange a bit of pleasure now for an eternity of pleasure with a perfected heart.
There are times when our choices of friends becomes a divider.  Jam.4:4   We have a desire to perfect our heart and yet we love our friends and thus let them lead us.  We want to please them.  Gal.1:10   Maybe they keep us from services with entertainment which would be acceptable at a different time. 1 Cor.15:33    Friendships can cause us to participate in activities not acceptable to Jesus.  1 Pet.4:4     
Sometime we forget that God can see what we are thinking.  This was evident when some scribes were with Jesus.  They were reasoning in their hearts.  Jesus knew what they were thinking.  Mk.2:6,8   We can be full of excuses and justify our thoughts over and over.  It may work in the eyes of men; however, God knows our heart.  Lk.16:15   Those around us may think very highly of us but God may see a different side of us.  To perfect our heart, we must be open and sincere as we consciously attempt to be a true follower of Jesus.
Paul asked a question of the Galatians that we don’t want a necessity of that same question to be asked of us.  Gal.3:3   We don’t want that joyful beginning of perfecting our heart through the help of the Holy Spirit and then fall back to the world.  Jesus’ parable of the seed indicated this state of affairs with the seed that fell on the rock.  Matt.13:20,21   If we let our heart become divided, this is what will happen.
May we keep the goal of perfecting our heart and keep pressing on toward that goal.  Phil.3:12   Jesus suffered and left us an example.  Follow Him.  1 Pet.2:21

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