As we sincerely desire to follow
the first and second commandment (Lk.10:27) in order to please our Lord, we
will discover that humility will be necessary.
David desired this in Ps.131:1. To love our Lord with everything we have,
it is imperative that we understand “You are God and I am not”. As we come to grips with this fact, we bow
before our Creator in an attitude of humility.
This is His desire for us. Isa.66:1,2
God is our life. Acts 17:28
Our very existence depends on Almighty God. Isa.57:15 As God called Isaiah to go to the
people, his response was one exalting God’s greatness while realizing his own
insufficiency in humbleness. Isa.6:5
Scripture gives us examples of
men of God who were known for their humility.
Abraham recognized his unworthiness as he spoke to God. Gen.18:27 What a praise that in our unworthiness,
we can still talk/pray to our God! Moses
was known as the most humble man on the face of the earth. Num.12:3 There are times God has to teach us
humbleness through hardship. Moses had
an important question that we need to ask ourselves often. “Who am I?”
Ex.3:11 The key to our becoming humble is
realized as we look at Job. Job 42:2,6
When we understand that we have tried to take things into our own
hands without God, repentance in humility should follow.
As Mary, the mother of Jesus,
came to Elizabeth who was 6 months with her son, she exclaimed, “How has it happened that the mother of my
Lord would come to me?” In other
words, who am I? This was humility. Lk.1:43 When something really wonderful happens
to us, what is our thinking? To me? Thank-you, Lord. Or Yes, I deserve that. Elizabeth ’s
son, John the Baptist, had a humble attitude as Jesus came to be baptized by
him. Mk.1:7 John again expressed
humility later as John’s disciples had questions. John’s explanation is in Jhn.3:30. Paul, the apostle,
had a right to be proud. He was educated
at the feet of one of the greatest teachers of the Law, Gamaliel. When his life was changed to serve the Lord,
his accomplishments were great and very numerous as he won souls, established
congregations, and wrote many books of the N.T.
Yet Paul knew where it all originated.
It wasn’t him, it was the Lord working in and through him. In speaking with the Thessalonians in 1 Thess.2:6, Paul states that he did
not seek the glory of men. Seeking the
glory of men is opposite of humility, but a common habit today. He was humble as he spoke to the elders from Ephesus and was probably seeing
them for the last time. Acts 20:19
Jesus is our prime example. Jesus spoke of Himself as being humble. Matt.11:29 When we think of who He was – Immanuel
(God with us) Matt.1:23 – and the
fact that He came to earth to take on a human body just for us –Phil.2:6-8 - to take our sins upon
Himself who was perfect—Lk.19:10—how
can we not bow before Him in humility to worship our Lord and King. Not only do our words show humility but our
actions do as well. We find Jesus
performing one of the lowliest tasks of a slave as He washed the feet of His
disciples. Jhn.13:16,17
Scripture is full of examples
showing humility. What does this mean
for us? Humility is a requirement for
those who wish to please our Lord. Mic.6:8
We note that repentance is associated with humility in 2 Chron.7:14. This Scripture promises rewards if we follow
these requirements. Matt.5:3 promises a reward
if we have a spirit of humility and realize how really poor we are in a
spiritual way. To be “clothed” is an
expression used in several aspects of the Christian life. We are to be “clothed” (fully clad, covered,
engulfed) with humility. 1 Pet.5:5
Not much room is left for arrogance.
Jam.4:6 We all need God’s grace. We don’t need God’s opposition.
Humility has a great deal to do
with our relationship to others. It is
easy to be intimidated by someone who is arrogant. This isn’t the purpose of a Christian. Col.3:12-15 This verse is a good recipe for good
relationships, whether home, congregation, or neighbors. Jesus uses a little child as an example of
humility. We can relate to this as we
think of little children. Matt.18:4
This lesson began with the idea
of humility being associated with love of God and others. It would be difficult to have an honest love
for someone if we thought of ourselves as better. 1
Cor.13:4 Pride is not a
characteristic of love.
Scripture gives us some important
considerations as we examine ourselves in the matter of humility/pride. Rom:12:3 Do
not think of yourself more highly than you ought. When we realize that everything we have,
everything we are, and everything we can do comes from God, what reason would
we have to be proud? 1 Cor.4:7
What do you have that you did
not receive? The answer is nothing.
With regard to relationships we
are instructed in Phil.2:3 to regard one another as more important than
yourselves. It might be well for us to look around
and see where we fail in this capacity.
It is a fearful thing to think that we all probable fail in this. “I” either have more, know more, can do more,
etc. May the Lord help us change our
In a discussion of the home Peter
sums it up in 1 Pet.3:8. …all
of you…be humble in spirit. This
is the essence of good relationships.
Better to be humble now and exalted later than for the reverse to
happen. Matt.23:12
We have no need of pride. Let us ever be mindful of the words of Jesus
in Jhn.15:5. …for
apart from Me you can do nothing.