Tuesday, September 20, 2011



First, we saw how Satan roams the earth seeking to make those of God fall into sin.  Next we attempted to identify sin as sin.  Too often we are guilty of attitudes, words, and actions that we don’t associate as sin because they have become a part of us.  So now it is important to see how we can have victory and be an overcomer.  We don’t have to fall for Satan’s lies and deceptions.

Paul states a wonderful and encouraging promise in 2 Thess.3:3.  We can never overcome Satan alone.  God understands and provides a way of escape if we will but take it  1 Cor.10:13   We still have work to do to over come the temptations that Satan throws in front of us.  It entails a fight.  1 Tim.6:12

A fight needs protection and that is given to us in the form of armor in Ephesians.  Our first protective gear is the girdle which wraps the others together.  Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  We have to believe in Jesus as there is no other way to God.  Jhn.14:6   Our breastplate protects our heart.  Phil.3:9   It is dangerous to think of ourselves as righteous.  2 Tim.2:22   Evil or good comes from our heart.  Lk.6:45

We are told to stand firm in our belief.  Eph.6:11   We are also told to “go.”  Matt.28:19   As temptations come from every side, we must have our shield of faith up to protect us and give us the victory.  Protection of the head is so important.  Spiritually, that is salvation.  1 Thess.5:8   All of our armor so far has been defensive.  The one piece of armor that is offensive is the “sword of the Spirit.”  Scripture defines that for us.  Eph.6:17   How we do need the Word for ourselves as well as others.  Heb.4:12

The Word of God gives us many things to keep us strong so we can overcome Satan and his deceitful ways.  We can become so involved in so many things of this world that we become entangled and are unable to give first place to our Lord.  2 Tim.2:4   It is true that as Christians we must take care of our responsibilities here on earth as a good example to those of the world.  However, our mind is set on things above as our priority.  Col.3:2    Decisions regarding our earthly responsibilities must be pleasing to Jesus.

Our friendships are very important as we seek to overcome sin.  If we are constantly with those of a false religion, unbelievers, or those of worldly ways, we cannot expect to grow in Christ.  Jam.4:4   They can be lovely people but does our relationship with them cause us to walk more closely with our Lord.  We need to be good examples to them and perhaps win them to Christ.  Too often Satan wields his influence and we become weaker Christians because of that relationship.  It is a Christian friend that will strengthen us in the Lord.  2 Cor.6:17   But “We are strong,” we say  1 Cor.10:12

One method that Satan uses is to distort our feelings and attitudes.  This is our human side.  How many in the world do you know that lack peace in their heart because they are at odds with another person.  “I can’t help it” is our plea.  Then we need to overcome that with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Gal.5:16   The Holy Spirit will help us take every thought captive.  2 Cor.10:5   Give old “self” up and be Spirit-controlled. 

We can overcome by a thorough study of love, forgiveness, and forbearance (put up with or overlook).  We love a child.  How many times we have to overlook and forgive when they make a mess.  As that child gets older, we still love them and still forgive them and overlook some mistakes they make.  Why can’t we do that with a brother or sister in Christ or for that matter, someone we want to win to Christ.  The reason—Satan has a hold on our heart.  Sin is sin but we don’t recognize it in ourselves.  We may have been subject to these feelings and attitudes before we wanted to follow Christ but not now as a Christian.  Gal.2:18   What if Jesus were walking beside us (He is!).  Is this the way He would react?   Gal.2:20

If we busy ourselves with good, we won’t have time for worldly desires.  As we learn through our Bible study, we will dislike things that are evil.  Rom.12:9   We won’t give ourselves opportunity to fall into Satan’s snares.  Rom.13:14;  Rom.16:19  

Peter gives some guidelines to keep us from stumbling.  2 Pet.1:10   So what are “these things”?  We need to apply all diligence to faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.  God has provided what we need to attain these.  2 Pet.1:3,4   We do not receive them automatically nor do we achieve them instantly.  It is a lifetime process without excuse.  Just because I failed today does not mean I quit.  Repent and keep moving toward that goal.  Phil.3:14

Jesus understands for He lived on this earth in human form and was also tempted as we are tempted.  Heb.4:15   We forget the power put within us when we became a Christian.  Eph.3:20   We can say with Paul as stated in Phil.4:13  

We can have victory.  We can overcome.  1 Cor.15:57

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