Tuesday, September 6, 2011



If we are going to be an overcomer, we have to be aware of what we are overcoming.  Of course we are speaking of sin.  Think of a beautiful white linen napkin but it is considered to be filthy.  That is the righteousness of you and I.  Isa.64:6   That is us at our very best!  We are all full of sin.  We sin in our words, our attitudes, our thoughts, our deeds.  Rom.3:23   We have a choice so what or who is behind all of this.  Paul gave some thoughts about this in Rom.7:15-20.

God asked Satan from where had he come.  Job 1:7   Our knowledge of Satan is not complete but the Scripture tells us enough to beware of him and his tactics.  We do know that Satan is evil.  Hell was prepared for him and he wants us to go with him when the world comes to an end.  Matt.25:41   He wants to hurt God.  In fact he wants to usurp God and His throne.  Isa.14:13,14  

Satan deceives the entire world.  Rev.12:9   He began his deception with Eve and has been deceiving man since that time.  With Job, Satan’s power was over outward circumstances and limited by God.  Job 1:12;  Job 2:6   Satan is called the father of lies.  Jhn.8:44   In this passage he is also called a murderer.  Satan’s deception is shown as he sometimes appears as an angel of light.  2 Cor.11:14,15   He prowls the earth as a lion to find someone he can cause to fall into darkness.  1 Pet.5:8   A lion does not growl at the beginning.  He quietly sneaks upon his prey—then growls and pounces.  This is Satan’s treatment with us.  Step by step, little by little we are drawn into sin.  We may not realize it.  Then all at once, Satan has us in his clutches.

Eph.6:12  helps us realize we are against power and authority of darkness or evil.  Col.1:13   A kingdom of darkness exists.  1 Cor.15:24-26   Satan blinds the eyes of the unbelievers so they can’t understand the gospel.  2 Cor.4:4   He is the ruler of the kingdom of the air.  The Ephesians used to walk as such but now know Christ and have accepted His salvation so are no longer slaves to disobedience.  Eph.2:2   What powers are spoken of in Col.2:15?   The power of Satan who thought he had won the battle until Christ arose from the dead and had victory over death. In order to have this victory over death, Jesus had to become a human and die.  Heb.2:14   The one who habitually sins and has not been saved by the blood is of the devil.  1 Jhn.3:8

To be an overcomer, we need to take this very seriously.  We must overcome a “spirit” that is the “prince of the power of the air” and works in the “children of disobedience.”  Eph.2:2   God has spirits sent out to help and protect Christians.  We’ve had experiences that seemed miraculous.  In fact we might call it a “God-thing.”  Heb.1:14   Satan also has spirits.  Before we became Christians we were in darkness just as the Ephesians.  Eph.5:8   Paul goes on to explain what children of the Light are.  Eph.5:9,10   To overcome darkness we need to have the fruit of goodness, righteousness, and truth.  We no longer try to please ourselves, but our desire is to please the Lord.

The Colossians were exhorted in the same way.  They were once alienated from God.  Col.1:21   Satan can lie to us and deceive us in believing that we are fine.  We even go to church so how could we be alienated from God.  Col.3:7,8   As we overcome Satan and his ways, we are a different person.  Col.3:9,10   Becoming “new” in Christ is not a single process nor is it automatic.  We grow in Christ as we follow Him.  Even though we were once living in darkness, now we are in the Light and when we fail, we receive mercy and can repent and continue to grow.  2 Pet.2:9,10  

One way Satan will deceive us is by false teachers.  2 Cor.11:13,14   This causes a loss of faith in the Truth.  Christians will even turn against each other when we are to be forgiving and forbearing with love for one another.  Matt.24:10-13   We have an expression that “wool is pulled over their eyes.”  Two Scriptures are similar in this respect.  Matt.13:15   Many do not want to hear the Truth.  Paul states the same truth in Acts 28:27   It sounds as if they are afraid they might be converted and so they don’t listen.  Gal.1:6-8   This “angel of light” or Satan distorts the gospel. 1 Jhn.4:5,6

Satan not only wants us to leave our pursuit of righteousness but he wants us to return to the ways of the world  1 Jhn.2:15,16   He wants to divide us and cause us to leave our love of the brethren.  1Jhn.3:10   Love is the way of Christ.  He wants us to be one in Him.  Our love for one another is evidence that we are disciples of Jesus.  Jhn.13:34,35  We must be wholly for the Lord in following Him completely.  Our good deeds will not erase poor attitudes nor will our righteous thoughts erase our words.  This is another lie that Satan puts in our heart.  We cannot become entangled in the world.  Heb.12:1   We must be overcomers and not become entangled in the world again.  2 Pet.2:20


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