Thursday, September 29, 2011



Let us begin with defining “fruit.”  In a material sense, fruit is the product of a tree, vine, plant of some kind.  A child is referred to as the “fruit of the womb.  In a spiritual sense, fruit is the natural product of a spiritual person.  Jesus speaks of fruit in John 15.  We cannot bear fruit unless we abide in Jesus.  Without Him we can do nothing.  John 15:4,5
Fruit must have nourishment and it is from Christ and His Word that we receive our food.

False teachers as well as Christians are known by their fruits.  Matt. 7:16-20   Spreading God’s Word is fruit as is righteousness.  Prov.11:30   The work of our hands in the way of good deeds as well as our speech is a fruit.  Prov.12:14;  Isa.3:10   Righteousness bears a fruit in peace, quietness, and confidence.  Isa.32:17  

Jesus told the Sadducees to bear fruit worthy of repentance as they came to the Jordan where John the Baptist was baptizing for repentance.  Matt.3:8  As we think of the fruit we bear in our lives, we do not want it said that there was “nothing but leaves.”  When Jesus saw the barren fig tree, it was the time when figs would have been ripe—but there was no fruit..  Matt.21:19  

Paul mentions a fruit for death but that was our old live.  We have a new life in Christ so now we bear fruit to God.  Rom.7:4-6   Our fruit can be in the form of good works to the glory of God and not to our own glory.  Col.1:10   Our praise and confession of His name is a fruit of our lips.  Heb.13:15   When Paul was taking financial gifts to help the Christians in Jerusalem, he mentions this financial gift as a fruit.  Rom.15:28   Paul wanted to visit Rome so much because he wanted to “obtain fruit” there as in other places.  He wanted to spread the gospel and win souls.  Rom.15:16

Hopefully, we can see the importance of bearing fruit for the Lord.  So far, most of the fruit has been fruit in action.  Next we want to see the fruit that we bear in our attitude and dispositions.  This fruit is seen by those of the world and becomes a great influence on their lives.  We can be full of great deeds but if we fail in attitudes and disposition, we have failed.  God expects both.

We have been given the indwelling Holy Spirit.  This happened at the time of our baptism.  Acts 2:38;  1 Thess.4:8   The Holy Spirit is our Helper to be able to bear fruit for our Lord.  Jhn.14:16,23   “We will come and make our abode with him.”  Jesus is with us as well as the Holy Spirit.  Jhn.15:5   If we have the Spirit in us, then we need to live like it.  Gal.5:25

The “fruit” of the Spirit is presented as a whole.  We must have all nine or we will become weak in some.  It is like a “fruit bowl.”  It may contain many fruits but is presented in singular.  It is fitting that Paul begins this list in Gal.5:22,23 with love.  If we carefully look at the list, what would any of them be without love.  Yet maybe this is the most difficult for us to possess and grow in all occasions.  It is a necessity, though, as we study the Scriptures.

Jesus said that love is contained in the greatest two commandments.  Lk.10:27   It is a quote from the O.T.  The first commandment is a quote from Deut.6:5-9.  The second one is a quote from Lev.19:18   These two commandments are quoted by Matthew in Matt.22:37,38.  The importance is stressed in Matt.22:40.  Mark also included these two commandments in Mk. 12:30,31  Jesus added in verse 31 that there was no commandment greater than these. 

First, we must love God.  How do we really know that we love God?  1Jhn.2:3,5   To know God is not to know about Him.  I might know about Abraham Lincoln but I do not know him.  We love Him when we keep His commandments.  Our love for God has to be more than a claim.  Titus 1:16   Our love shows that we know God.  1 Jhn.4:8  We know that there is just one God.  Eph.4:6;  1 Tim.2:5    God works in us.  Phil.2:13   We love Him and want to do all to His glory.  1 Cor.10:31   We want to bear fruit for God.  Rom.7:4

Our love of God involves every part of us.  First, we love God with ALL our heart.  This is to love Him more than any being or thing.  We would be willing to give up anything for the sake of God and His Son.  The expression of today—He is number ONE.  We put importance on things that are spiritual and eternal.  Jhn.6:27; 1 Cor.1:30   We want to please God in everything we do.  Heb.11:6

We love God with ALL our soul.  We love and honor God with all of our life.  Our comforts and earthly desires would never come before God’s desire for us.  We would gladly surrender even our life rather than deny the God who gave us life in the first place and will give us a greater life eternally.  It isn’t about our life here on earth.  We gladly give of our time, of our finances, and whatever it takes to serve Him.

We love God with ALL our strength.  We are willing to use our bodily strength to labor for Him and Christ’s church.  We may become exhausted.  We may have to give up our own labors for self but God is our all-in-all.  Whatever we have the ability to do, we do it to the glory of God because we love Him.

We love God with ALL our mind.  This is our intellect.  We want to grow in our knowledge of Him and His Word.  This spiritual knowledge will guide our every step and change our decisions in life.  As we learn, we can pass the gospel on to others to save, to encourage, to comfort them in the struggles of life.  We will also show our gratitude to God for His many blessings in life—not generically but specifically, large and small.

To quote Barnes: “True religion begins and ends in love to God and man.  These are the two grand links that unite God to man, man to his fellows, and men again to God.”  Love if the fulfilling of God’s law for us.  Matt.22:40   We have addressed the first law.  Next, we will study the second law—man to man.



From our first lesson, we realize that God is number ONE.   God is love and loved us before we even thought of loving Him.  We love Him with ALL our heart, soul, strength, and mind.  We know we love Him if we obey Him.  This is by far the most important commandment.  It was stated in the O.T. and Jesus repeated it in the N.T.

Right along with this first commandment comes the second commandment of importance.  Matt.22:39   “As yourself” reminds one of what is called the “Golden Rule.”   Matt.7:12   Loving someone who loves us back is fairly simple.  However to love someone who has nothing to do with us, or someone who is unkind—that is difficult.  We may have someone that completely misunderstands us and fails to listen to us.  Then there are those that are just unlovely and even those that are our enemies.  Do we have to love them?  Did God love us when we were sinners and very unlovely?    1Jhn.4:10,19   Yes, He loved us first when we were and are all sinners. 

Let us look at this difficult 2nd commandment of importance.  Remember, it was given in the O.T. as well as the N.T.  Lev.19:18   This is a big temptation that Satan puts in our hearts—we hold grudges against our brothers and sisters in Christ.  This should not be.  After this statement God reminds us that He is the Lord.  What He says matters.  But you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Our neighbor is not only our brothers and sisters in Christ but everyone.  Paul restates some of the Ten Commandments and then he says, “it is summed up” in loving our neighbor as ourselves.  Rom.13:9,10   But I don’t do any wrong to him, we say.  Maybe not, but if we think it and harbor it in our hearts, it is the same.  An example is when Jesus said if we are angry with someone, we have done the same as committing murder.  Or if we lust after someone, we have committed adultery.  What we think in our hearts is important to God.  Matt.5:21,22; Matt.5:27,28

As we remember the love that God gave to us.  This was grace—we neither deserved it not was it something we could earn.  Do we really believe we were in sin or do we just smooth it over.  1 Jhn.4:11,12   If we love one another, God abides in us.  Is this of importance to us?  Can we choose the ones we love?  That option is not found in the Bible.  We justify; we make excuses; we fall for Satan’s deception. 

A command concerning an enemy is found in Matt.5:44.  Quoted from W.D. Mounce:  “A child of God may have enemies but is not to be an enemy toward another person.”  An enemy is one who is hostile toward another.  Is one we consider an enemy really hostile toward us or are they just not reacting the way we think they should.  In any case, we are to love them and pray for them.  We are all human beings with many faults and weaknesses.  Our goal is to encourage, try to understand, forbear, forgive that we may all grow up together in Christ.  1 Thess.3:12; 1 Jhn.2:10,11

We have such a tendency to see the dot in our eye and the plank in our neighbor’s eye when it may be the other way around.  Matt.7:3-5   This is the way Satan wants us to think and act for love of one another is his enemy.  Jam.4:11   It would be difficult, if not impossible, to love one another as long as we are judging one another.  Rom.14:10

As Christ loved us, even to the point of calling us His brother, so we love others.  Mk.3:35   God called us His child.  1 Jhn.3:10,11,23   Could we ever ask for more?  Oh, how we love Him so in turn we love others.  1 Thess.3:12,13   We would say that we love God but do we?  1 Jhn.4:20,21

We are to especially love those of the household of faith—our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Gal.6:10   These are not the only ones we love.  We love all.  1 Thess.3:12   We are told to do everything in love.  That is all inclusive.  1 Cor.16:14   The importance of love is emphasized in Gal.5:14   Jesus, Himself, said that there is no other commandment greater than these two—love God with your ALL and also your neighbor.  Mk.12:31

Our own hearts can deceive us as our words indicate love, but not our deeds.  1 Jhn.3:17   We want to know God and know that we are born of Him.  This can only happen as we love one another.  1 Jhn.4:7,8   May this not be just words.

Adam Clark leaves us with a good quote on loving our neighbor:
“By this rule we are taught to bear with, love and forgive him; to rejoice in his felicity (happiness), mourn in his adversity, desire and delight in his prosperity, and promote it to the utmost of our power; instruct his ignorance, help him in his weakness, and risk even our life for his sake, and for the public good.  In a word, we must do everything in our power, through all the possible varieties of circumstances, for our neighbors, which we would wish them to do for us, were our situations reversed.”

May we learn and grow in our ability to love.  Lk.10:27

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



First, we saw how Satan roams the earth seeking to make those of God fall into sin.  Next we attempted to identify sin as sin.  Too often we are guilty of attitudes, words, and actions that we don’t associate as sin because they have become a part of us.  So now it is important to see how we can have victory and be an overcomer.  We don’t have to fall for Satan’s lies and deceptions.

Paul states a wonderful and encouraging promise in 2 Thess.3:3.  We can never overcome Satan alone.  God understands and provides a way of escape if we will but take it  1 Cor.10:13   We still have work to do to over come the temptations that Satan throws in front of us.  It entails a fight.  1 Tim.6:12

A fight needs protection and that is given to us in the form of armor in Ephesians.  Our first protective gear is the girdle which wraps the others together.  Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  We have to believe in Jesus as there is no other way to God.  Jhn.14:6   Our breastplate protects our heart.  Phil.3:9   It is dangerous to think of ourselves as righteous.  2 Tim.2:22   Evil or good comes from our heart.  Lk.6:45

We are told to stand firm in our belief.  Eph.6:11   We are also told to “go.”  Matt.28:19   As temptations come from every side, we must have our shield of faith up to protect us and give us the victory.  Protection of the head is so important.  Spiritually, that is salvation.  1 Thess.5:8   All of our armor so far has been defensive.  The one piece of armor that is offensive is the “sword of the Spirit.”  Scripture defines that for us.  Eph.6:17   How we do need the Word for ourselves as well as others.  Heb.4:12

The Word of God gives us many things to keep us strong so we can overcome Satan and his deceitful ways.  We can become so involved in so many things of this world that we become entangled and are unable to give first place to our Lord.  2 Tim.2:4   It is true that as Christians we must take care of our responsibilities here on earth as a good example to those of the world.  However, our mind is set on things above as our priority.  Col.3:2    Decisions regarding our earthly responsibilities must be pleasing to Jesus.

Our friendships are very important as we seek to overcome sin.  If we are constantly with those of a false religion, unbelievers, or those of worldly ways, we cannot expect to grow in Christ.  Jam.4:4   They can be lovely people but does our relationship with them cause us to walk more closely with our Lord.  We need to be good examples to them and perhaps win them to Christ.  Too often Satan wields his influence and we become weaker Christians because of that relationship.  It is a Christian friend that will strengthen us in the Lord.  2 Cor.6:17   But “We are strong,” we say  1 Cor.10:12

One method that Satan uses is to distort our feelings and attitudes.  This is our human side.  How many in the world do you know that lack peace in their heart because they are at odds with another person.  “I can’t help it” is our plea.  Then we need to overcome that with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Gal.5:16   The Holy Spirit will help us take every thought captive.  2 Cor.10:5   Give old “self” up and be Spirit-controlled. 

We can overcome by a thorough study of love, forgiveness, and forbearance (put up with or overlook).  We love a child.  How many times we have to overlook and forgive when they make a mess.  As that child gets older, we still love them and still forgive them and overlook some mistakes they make.  Why can’t we do that with a brother or sister in Christ or for that matter, someone we want to win to Christ.  The reason—Satan has a hold on our heart.  Sin is sin but we don’t recognize it in ourselves.  We may have been subject to these feelings and attitudes before we wanted to follow Christ but not now as a Christian.  Gal.2:18   What if Jesus were walking beside us (He is!).  Is this the way He would react?   Gal.2:20

If we busy ourselves with good, we won’t have time for worldly desires.  As we learn through our Bible study, we will dislike things that are evil.  Rom.12:9   We won’t give ourselves opportunity to fall into Satan’s snares.  Rom.13:14;  Rom.16:19  

Peter gives some guidelines to keep us from stumbling.  2 Pet.1:10   So what are “these things”?  We need to apply all diligence to faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.  God has provided what we need to attain these.  2 Pet.1:3,4   We do not receive them automatically nor do we achieve them instantly.  It is a lifetime process without excuse.  Just because I failed today does not mean I quit.  Repent and keep moving toward that goal.  Phil.3:14

Jesus understands for He lived on this earth in human form and was also tempted as we are tempted.  Heb.4:15   We forget the power put within us when we became a Christian.  Eph.3:20   We can say with Paul as stated in Phil.4:13  

We can have victory.  We can overcome.  1 Cor.15:57

Friday, September 16, 2011



We have seen how Satan wants to usurp God and hurt God by causing His children (Christians) to fall away into sin.  It is important that we recognize sin, for temptations come to us daily.  We can’t overcome unless we recognize sin as sin.  Sin is rebellion against God’s law which is the standard of righteousness.  1 Jhn.1:8   Self is put in the place of God.  When we do that, we are egotistical and selfish.

Sin is lawlessness.  1 Jhn.3:4-6   In Romans, Paul adds to a list of sins that even those that give hearty approval to those who practice sin are worthy of death.  When we get our entertainment from those who are acting out sin or are reading about characters involved in sin, we are giving our approval.  Rom.1:32   Great care must be given to what our eyes and ears consume for that will fill our minds and hearts.  Prov.23:7

God did not intend for us to sin.  He did not make us in that way.  Satan brought sin into the world and it remains with us.  Eccl.7:29   The Ephesians had formerly been guilty of sins that were the desires of the flesh and of the mind.  Eph.2:3   They received forgiveness through acceptance of Christ and the gospel.  We can, too.  Eph.2:4-7

James explains the path of sin in Jam.1:14,15   We are tempted, desire, enticed, then fall.  That fall leads to death if we do nothing about it.  We cannot keep on in our sin.  Yes, we will sin but when we realize a certain sin is in our life and we keep on sinning anyway, we have spurned the blood of Christ and there is no more sacrifice until we repent and change.  Heb.10:26

Living in sin is living in the flesh and in so doing, we cannot please God.  Rom.8:7,8   When we became a Christian we were given the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit and the flesh are opposed to one another.  Gal.5:17,18   We have freedom of choice but we must not use it for the flesh.  Gal.5:13   To keep from that, we need to walk by the Spirit.  Gal.5:16

Not being murderers or thieves, just of what sins are we guilty?  It is impossible to look at all of the sins in Scripture but looking at some of them may help us see ourselves in a different light. 

First, we have sins of action.  Sexual immorality is prevalent today with sins that are outside of marriage such as fornication and adultery.  1 Cor.6:18-20; Matt.15:19   Other sins of action are mentioned in these lists. 

Many sins are listed regarding the tongue:  Some of them are: strife, discord, dissention, faction.  These sins would cause problems between people.  They destroy fellowship as do malice, rage and anger as well as gossip, slander, and fault-finding.  Complaining and grumbling does not show the loving, thankful spirit of a Christian.  We find ourselves guilty of some of these and do not recognize that they are sins.  Jam.5:9; 1 Jhn.2:9; Eph.4:29-31

Sins of the heart cause many other sins.  Lack of forgiveness erases the forgiveness we receive and destroys love and fellowship of a brother.  Pride raises us above others as we become arrogant and full of conceit.  Rom.12:10   This mindset might put an end to pride. 

Being irreconcilable or difficult to be entreated causes love and fellowship to lack.  We not only need to be reconciled to God but also to our fellowman.  Being peaceful is often used in some versions as is the phrase “easily entreated.”  Jam.3:17; 2 Tim.2:24

Bitterness is a danger to the growth of a church.  It does not develop a peaceful situation.  When Peter would not give miraculous power to Simon, his answer is in Acts 8:23   The Ephesians were told to rid themselves of bitterness.  Eph.4:31 

This is such an age of entertainment that many become lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.  2 Tim.3:3-5   Without love and without self-control are also sins that are mentioned in this passage.  Many of our sins could be averted with both of these elements—love and self-control.  Self-control together with righteousness and judgment was such a touchy subject that the mention of it caused Felix to put off any further discussion with Paul.  Acts 24:25   Lack of love causes most of our heart problems, action sins, and tongue sins.  Paul told the Corinthians:  1 Cor.16:14

We could mention hypocrisy, love of money, ungratefulness, etc.  Almost every epistle lists sins of which we need to be aware.  Read the Bible!!

We need to resist even the appearance of evil.  1 Thess.5:22   We could become a stumbling block.  Rom.14:13   We can overcome.  Rom.12:21   Once we have been an overcomer, we should never become entangled in worldly things again.  2 Pet.2:20   We want to be children of God and not children of Satan.  1 Jhn.3:10

Tuesday, September 6, 2011



If we are going to be an overcomer, we have to be aware of what we are overcoming.  Of course we are speaking of sin.  Think of a beautiful white linen napkin but it is considered to be filthy.  That is the righteousness of you and I.  Isa.64:6   That is us at our very best!  We are all full of sin.  We sin in our words, our attitudes, our thoughts, our deeds.  Rom.3:23   We have a choice so what or who is behind all of this.  Paul gave some thoughts about this in Rom.7:15-20.

God asked Satan from where had he come.  Job 1:7   Our knowledge of Satan is not complete but the Scripture tells us enough to beware of him and his tactics.  We do know that Satan is evil.  Hell was prepared for him and he wants us to go with him when the world comes to an end.  Matt.25:41   He wants to hurt God.  In fact he wants to usurp God and His throne.  Isa.14:13,14  

Satan deceives the entire world.  Rev.12:9   He began his deception with Eve and has been deceiving man since that time.  With Job, Satan’s power was over outward circumstances and limited by God.  Job 1:12;  Job 2:6   Satan is called the father of lies.  Jhn.8:44   In this passage he is also called a murderer.  Satan’s deception is shown as he sometimes appears as an angel of light.  2 Cor.11:14,15   He prowls the earth as a lion to find someone he can cause to fall into darkness.  1 Pet.5:8   A lion does not growl at the beginning.  He quietly sneaks upon his prey—then growls and pounces.  This is Satan’s treatment with us.  Step by step, little by little we are drawn into sin.  We may not realize it.  Then all at once, Satan has us in his clutches.

Eph.6:12  helps us realize we are against power and authority of darkness or evil.  Col.1:13   A kingdom of darkness exists.  1 Cor.15:24-26   Satan blinds the eyes of the unbelievers so they can’t understand the gospel.  2 Cor.4:4   He is the ruler of the kingdom of the air.  The Ephesians used to walk as such but now know Christ and have accepted His salvation so are no longer slaves to disobedience.  Eph.2:2   What powers are spoken of in Col.2:15?   The power of Satan who thought he had won the battle until Christ arose from the dead and had victory over death. In order to have this victory over death, Jesus had to become a human and die.  Heb.2:14   The one who habitually sins and has not been saved by the blood is of the devil.  1 Jhn.3:8

To be an overcomer, we need to take this very seriously.  We must overcome a “spirit” that is the “prince of the power of the air” and works in the “children of disobedience.”  Eph.2:2   God has spirits sent out to help and protect Christians.  We’ve had experiences that seemed miraculous.  In fact we might call it a “God-thing.”  Heb.1:14   Satan also has spirits.  Before we became Christians we were in darkness just as the Ephesians.  Eph.5:8   Paul goes on to explain what children of the Light are.  Eph.5:9,10   To overcome darkness we need to have the fruit of goodness, righteousness, and truth.  We no longer try to please ourselves, but our desire is to please the Lord.

The Colossians were exhorted in the same way.  They were once alienated from God.  Col.1:21   Satan can lie to us and deceive us in believing that we are fine.  We even go to church so how could we be alienated from God.  Col.3:7,8   As we overcome Satan and his ways, we are a different person.  Col.3:9,10   Becoming “new” in Christ is not a single process nor is it automatic.  We grow in Christ as we follow Him.  Even though we were once living in darkness, now we are in the Light and when we fail, we receive mercy and can repent and continue to grow.  2 Pet.2:9,10  

One way Satan will deceive us is by false teachers.  2 Cor.11:13,14   This causes a loss of faith in the Truth.  Christians will even turn against each other when we are to be forgiving and forbearing with love for one another.  Matt.24:10-13   We have an expression that “wool is pulled over their eyes.”  Two Scriptures are similar in this respect.  Matt.13:15   Many do not want to hear the Truth.  Paul states the same truth in Acts 28:27   It sounds as if they are afraid they might be converted and so they don’t listen.  Gal.1:6-8   This “angel of light” or Satan distorts the gospel. 1 Jhn.4:5,6

Satan not only wants us to leave our pursuit of righteousness but he wants us to return to the ways of the world  1 Jhn.2:15,16   He wants to divide us and cause us to leave our love of the brethren.  1Jhn.3:10   Love is the way of Christ.  He wants us to be one in Him.  Our love for one another is evidence that we are disciples of Jesus.  Jhn.13:34,35  We must be wholly for the Lord in following Him completely.  Our good deeds will not erase poor attitudes nor will our righteous thoughts erase our words.  This is another lie that Satan puts in our heart.  We cannot become entangled in the world.  Heb.12:1   We must be overcomers and not become entangled in the world again.  2 Pet.2:20