Let us begin with defining “fruit.” In a material sense, fruit is the product of a tree, vine, plant of some kind. A child is referred to as the “fruit of the womb. In a spiritual sense, fruit is the natural product of a spiritual person. Jesus speaks of fruit in John 15. We cannot bear fruit unless we abide in Jesus. Without Him we can do nothing. John 15:4,5
Fruit must have nourishment and it is from Christ and His Word that we receive our food.
False teachers as well as Christians are known by their fruits. Matt. 7:16-20 Spreading God’s Word is fruit as is righteousness. Prov.11:30 The work of our hands in the way of good deeds as well as our speech is a fruit. Prov.12:14; Isa.3:10 Righteousness bears a fruit in peace, quietness, and confidence. Isa.32:17
Jesus told the Sadducees to bear fruit worthy of repentance as they came to the Jordan where John the Baptist was baptizing for repentance. Matt.3:8 As we think of the fruit we bear in our lives, we do not want it said that there was “nothing but leaves.” When Jesus saw the barren fig tree, it was the time when figs would have been ripe—but there was no fruit.. Matt.21:19
Paul mentions a fruit for death but that was our old live. We have a new life in Christ so now we bear fruit to God. Rom.7:4-6 Our fruit can be in the form of good works to the glory of God and not to our own glory. Col.1:10 Our praise and confession of His name is a fruit of our lips. Heb.13:15 When Paul was taking financial gifts to help the Christians in Jerusalem , he mentions this financial gift as a fruit. Rom.15:28 Paul wanted to visit Rome so much because he wanted to “obtain fruit” there as in other places. He wanted to spread the gospel and win souls. Rom.15:16
Hopefully, we can see the importance of bearing fruit for the Lord. So far, most of the fruit has been fruit in action. Next we want to see the fruit that we bear in our attitude and dispositions. This fruit is seen by those of the world and becomes a great influence on their lives. We can be full of great deeds but if we fail in attitudes and disposition, we have failed. God expects both.
We have been given the indwelling Holy Spirit. This happened at the time of our baptism. Acts 2:38; 1 Thess.4:8 The Holy Spirit is our Helper to be able to bear fruit for our Lord. Jhn.14:16,23 “We will come and make our abode with him.” Jesus is with us as well as the Holy Spirit. Jhn.15:5 If we have the Spirit in us, then we need to live like it. Gal.5:25
The “fruit” of the Spirit is presented as a whole. We must have all nine or we will become weak in some. It is like a “fruit bowl.” It may contain many fruits but is presented in singular. It is fitting that Paul begins this list in Gal.5:22,23 with love. If we carefully look at the list, what would any of them be without love. Yet maybe this is the most difficult for us to possess and grow in all occasions. It is a necessity, though, as we study the Scriptures.
Jesus said that love is contained in the greatest two commandments. Lk.10:27 It is a quote from the O.T. The first commandment is a quote from Deut.6:5-9. The second one is a quote from Lev.19:18 These two commandments are quoted by Matthew in Matt.22:37,38. The importance is stressed in Matt.22:40. Mark also included these two commandments in Mk. 12:30,31 Jesus added in verse 31 that there was no commandment greater than these.
First, we must love God. How do we really know that we love God? 1Jhn.2:3,5 To know God is not to know about Him. I might know about Abraham Lincoln but I do not know him. We love Him when we keep His commandments. Our love for God has to be more than a claim. Titus 1:16 Our love shows that we know God. 1 Jhn.4:8 We know that there is just one God. Eph.4:6; 1 Tim.2:5 God works in us. Phil.2:13 We love Him and want to do all to His glory. 1 Cor.10:31 We want to bear fruit for God. Rom.7:4
Our love of God involves every part of us. First, we love God with ALL our heart. This is to love Him more than any being or thing. We would be willing to give up anything for the sake of God and His Son. The expression of today—He is number ONE. We put importance on things that are spiritual and eternal. Jhn.6:27; 1 Cor.1:30 We want to please God in everything we do. Heb.11:6
We love God with ALL our soul. We love and honor God with all of our life. Our comforts and earthly desires would never come before God’s desire for us. We would gladly surrender even our life rather than deny the God who gave us life in the first place and will give us a greater life eternally. It isn’t about our life here on earth. We gladly give of our time, of our finances, and whatever it takes to serve Him.
We love God with ALL our strength. We are willing to use our bodily strength to labor for Him and Christ’s church. We may become exhausted. We may have to give up our own labors for self but God is our all-in-all. Whatever we have the ability to do, we do it to the glory of God because we love Him.
We love God with ALL our mind. This is our intellect. We want to grow in our knowledge of Him and His Word. This spiritual knowledge will guide our every step and change our decisions in life. As we learn, we can pass the gospel on to others to save, to encourage, to comfort them in the struggles of life. We will also show our gratitude to God for His many blessings in life—not generically but specifically, large and small.
To quote Barnes: “True religion begins and ends in love to God and man. These are the two grand links that unite God to man, man to his fellows, and men again to God.” Love if the fulfilling of God’s law for us. Matt.22:40 We have addressed the first law. Next, we will study the second law—man to man.