Matt.5:10,11 The persecutions that took place during the first century are almost unimaginable to us today in our culture. We must realize that in some places in the world today atrocities are still taking place. Even in the O.T. prophets were persecuted and killed because they foretold the coming of Jesus. Acts 7:52 The Jews of old would not listen to the prophets. They ridiculed them and mocked them. 2 Chron.36:16 The same is happening today with faithful preachers of the Word.
Jealousy has caused persecution from the beginning. Cain killed Abel because God was pleased with Abel’s sacrifice but not the sacrifice of Cain. 1 Jhn.3:12 Job as well as other prophets suffered because they believed. Jam.5:10,11
Jesus was an example of suffering even before His crucifixion. Jhn.10:20 He was constantly followed by the Pharisees to see if they could catch him in some failure of keeping the law. Later He was accused of blasphemy when He said that He was the Son of God. Matt.9:2,3 Jesus had to suffer unbearably as He was crucified for us. Heb.2:10 He is our Master and as Jesus suffered so will we for His name. Jhn.15:20 The reaction of our Lord should be our example if we follow in His steps. 1 Pet.2:21-23
The apostles went through great persecution as well as Jesus. Acts 4:1-3 This did not stop them from proclaiming the gospel. Acts 4:19,20 They continued throughout their entire lifetime. Paul, an apostle born out of season, went through numerous times of persecutions which are listed in 2 Cor.11:23. Paul goes on to list specifically. His reaction to those persecutions is notated in 2 Cor.4:8-11. We need to remember the reaction of Jesus and the apostles as we go through our trials. Are our trials for Jesus or for a poor choice on our part without the leading of the Holy Spirit. We may have prayed and thought we had God’s guidance but the Holy Spirit will never lead us in a way that is contrary to the Word of God.
Today and in our culture what are some of the ways trials may come. Matt.6:33 As we put Christ and His church first in our lives we may have conflict with our families. Matt.10:37 Someone in our family may not be a believer and find it foolish to spend so much time in the Word or at church. Rom.1:21,22 We must continue steadfastly but in a gentle and humble way. Phil.1:27
As we follow Christ we may loose friends because we do not go with them anymore or we do not participate in those former things of the world. 1 Pet.4:4 Since we do not participate with them any more, they may even speak evil against us. 1 Pet.3:16,17
Jesus describes some ways in which trials may come. Lk.6:22 We could be ostracized because of our belief in Jesus and desire to follow the Truth. We may receive insults or ridiculed. Sometimes this happens because we go to church so often or because we carry or read our Bible so much. Would we be doing these things so much ourselves that others would notice our lives or do we just choose to blend in with the world?
Although we are told that we will suffer for Christ’s sake (Phil.1:29) we are not to seek persecution or provoke it in unnecessarily offensive ways. Whatever happens, we always are obligated to follow the first and second commandment. Lk.10:27 Those who have opposed us have a soul the same as we. Jesus came that the world might be saved. Do we further His purpose or negate it? Lk.19:10
When we live for Christ, we do not follow the world. Jhn.15:17-20 Do our trials really come because we are following the Lord? We need to be concerned with this question and use some introspection with it. Following the world can be found in 1 Jhn.2:15,16 As we consider the desire of the flesh we can follow some references that relate: One of the Biblical uses of “flesh” is our sinful nature. Rom.8:5-8; 1 Pet.2:11; Gal.5:13-16 The desire of the eyes gets us into a lot of trouble because of materialism. It can even be with “on sale” and “cheap.” Pride has always been a problem with mankind. Ps.10:4 No room for God presents many problems. What do we have of which we can be proud? 1 Cor.4:6,7 Pride causes disaster. Prov.13:10; Prov.16:18 So we must be careful what we consider trials—following our Lord or poor choices on our part.
If we stand firm in our faith and following in the steps of Jesus, we have help through the Holy Spirit. We can be conquerors. Rom.8:37-39 Paul calls our trials “light affliction” and just “for a moment.” 2 Cor.4:16-18 When we keep a Christian spirit midst trials, we show the strength of Christ because of our weakness. 2 Cor.12:10
Through our trials we can grow. Jam.1:2-4 We have a great promise if we endure. Growth, worthiness, and eternity are what matters—not self. 2 Tim.2:12
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