Matt.5:8 So what is the meaning of “pure”? The Oxford Dictionary defines pure as unmixed, not morally corrupt, uncontaminated, above reproach. When we buy grape juice for communion, we don’t want grape juice mixed with apple juice and other juices. We want pure grape juice or fruit of the vine. Apples don’t grow on vines. The tabernacle and temple had many objects that were overlaid with pure gold. Ex.25:11
Sin corrupts purity. 1 Jhn.3:6; 3 Jhn.11 Paul warns against those things that are not proper. Rom.1:29-31 A person cannot be pure if he is guilty of these things, but also if he approves them in his friendships, reading, and watching. In this way he becomes guilty of the same. Rom.1:32 A pure person is morally pure in deed as well as thoughts. 1 Tim.5:1,2 No fornication or adultery should enter mind of a pure-minded person. 1 Cor.6:18; Matt.5:28
Our thoughts invent our actions. Phil.4:8; Prov.23:7 Our conscience need to be alleviated from things that are evil in the sight of our Lord. The blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience as we have faith in Him and forgiveness in our obedience to Him. Heb.9:14; Heb.10:22 David recognized this in Ps.32:1,2
God knows our hearts. Acts 15:8,9 As God accepted the Gentiles, He could read faith into their hearts and accepted them through their baptism. Our hearts are important to God as He looks into the heart of each of us. God does not see as we see. 1 Sam.16:7 Two of the woes Jesus gave against the Pharisees illustrates this. A person can look so good on the outside. They attend services; they read their Bibles; sometimes they may even teach. This was the Pharisee but listen to the first woe. Matt.23:25,26 Would you want to drink from a beautiful china cup into which a child had been making mud pies? A dead man’s tomb that has been opened to investigate would not be the greatest object upon which to look. This describes the second woe. Matt.23:27,28 We may chuckle at the first woe and cringe at the second woe; however, does this describe our hearts. What do people see on the outside compared to what God sees on the inside of our hearts.
Think of a beautiful Christian bride—a virgin dressed in pure white. She comes down the isle to become the wife of her Christian loved one. This is the church, the bride of Christ. We might have spring cleaning at the church but that isn’t the bride. The church are the Christians. Jesus wants a pure bride. We want to be that pure bride that comes down the isle to meet our beloved Jesus. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. 1 Cor.6:19,20
How can we prepare ourselves in purity for this grand occasion. We can pray as David prayed in Ps.51:10 We cannot be clean on the outside only; our heart must be totally pure. David describes the pure. Ps.15:2,3 This third verse should cause us to look at our heart. No slander, not doing any wrong to neighbor; no slur on our fellowman. We need to meditate on that one for awhile. Ask yourselves some questions.
Development of purity of heart will take some action on our part. Yes, we may have prayed that God would create in us a pure heart but this is not a passive situation. God will give us the power to do so but it will take action and spirit-control on our part. Jeremiah told Jerusalem to wash evil from your hearts. Jer.4:14 They needed to act.
As Christians, we have this marvelous hope of being with Jesus forever and forever. This takes preparation just as a bride prepares for her wedding. 1 Jhn.3:2,3 Job, thought to be the first book of the Bible that was written, recognized the hope of being with God as he recognized a Redeemer. Job.19:26,27; Job.19:25
Since we have this hope through the promises throughout Scripture, we have a responsibility. 2 Cor.7:1; Jam.4:8 As we assume this responsibility of becoming pure, our goal becomes new in Christ. Phil.1:17
Some were attempting to distract Paul from his goal in Christ. We can be distracted. Heb.12:1 Paul exhorted Timothy about this goal. 1 Tim.1:5 Timothy was young and so he was warned. 2 Tim.2:22 In spite of gaining years, don’t we still have some of these desires that render our heart useless for the Lord. We are to be an example, an instrument. 1 Tim.4:12; 2 Tim.2:21 Our minds can be led away so easily. 2 Cor.11:3 Purity necessitates the avoidance of worldly desires that we may have had in our “old life” without Christ. 1 Jhn.2:15-17
Pure religion is going to be from the heart and will not be contaminated with the world. It will be full of mercy toward those in need—not for personal glory but for the glory of the Lord. Purity will not be soiled with worldly desires but with godly goals. Jam.1:27
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