Thursday, September 4, 2014



One:  unity, undivided, identical, the same, inseparable, harmonious.  Why so much emphasis on this word?  This was Jesus’ prayer for his disciples and for us.  As the Father (God) and the Son (Jesus) are one, so Jesus spoke of He and His disciples being oneJhn.17:11   Then Jesus extended this to believers, His church.  Jhn.17:20   I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word.  (Scripture)

Paul explained the oneness of His church in Gal.3:28.  Whatever we were before we became a Christian, that identity now makes no difference for we are one in Jesus.  A lot of enmity existed between Gentile and Jew.  That was erased through the cross.  Eph.2:16   This oneness is further explained in Eph.4:4,5

As we become a Christian, we are not alone.  We become part of Christ’s body, His church.  The “body” is used as an illustration of the church in Scripture.  Rom.12:4,5   This is fully illustrated in 1 Cor.12:12-20.  Each one of us is gifted in a different way but in our individuality we worship and work together as one.  Jesus’ disciples were different in personality and gifts and yet were one with Jesus as we have noted.

Paul had great joy if he could hear of the Philippians being of same mind, same love, united in spirit, and intent on one purpose.  Phil.2:2   This quote helps to define oneness in a Scriptural way.  As Paul wrote to the Romans he wanted them to be of the same mind with one another.  They could glorify God with one accord and one voice in this way.  Rom.15:5,6

Peter sums up our oneness  by being harmonious as well as sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and having a humble spirit.  1 Pet.3:8   If we are like-minded and live in peace, then God will be with us in love and peace.  2 Cor.13:11   Paul was in prison when he wrote to the Philippians, but he told them that whether he was released and was able to come and see them or if he remained imprisoned, he wanted to hear of them being firm in one spirit and with one mind as they strove together for the faith of the gospel.  Phil.1:27

As we are one in Christ, so we are one with each other.  Rom.12:5   We interact with one another.  Eph.4:25   This reminds us that “No man is an island.”  We might go off into the woods to meditate and worship but that does not suffice for our being part of the body of Christ.  Even Paul received encouragement when he was with other Christians.  Rom.1:12

Just because we are in the body of Christ, the church, this does not mean we don’t sin.  Jam.5:16   One of the well-known examples if given in Phil.4:2.  These two women were not living in oneness with one another.  This harms the church in the sight of the world.  Jhn.13:35   It must grieve the Holy Spirit.  Scripture instructs us against sins that distract from our oneness.

We cannot think we know all the answers.  That would be wise in our own estimation.  Rom.12:16   Another very common sin is judging one another.  Rom.14:13   It is true we must discern faithfulness in following the Word but even then Timothy was instructed to be gentle and not quarrelsome.  2 Tim.2:24   Are we exempt from that instruction?  When we “stand” for the Truth, hob-nailed boots are not the answer.  One goes, then two, then the false doctrine problem or moral problem goes before the church.  Doing this in love accomplishes much more to keep our oneness in Christ and save the soul in the wrong.

A method or decision does not follow our idea so we challenge another.  Gal.5:26   This causes us to speak against another one in Christ.  Jam.4:11   Complaining goes right along with this.  Jam.5:9   Rather we need to follow the instructions of Phil.2:3. 

To counteract these sins in our attitude against one another, we are given instruction.  Pursue peace and build up one another.  Rom.14:19; 1 Thess.5:11   As one in Christ, we have great care for one another.  1 Cor.12:25,26   We rejoice when our brother rejoices but have compassion when he is sad and needs comfort. 

In our differences it is so important that we just accept one another.  Rom.15:7; Rom.12:10   Our thinking is not the answer but we are subject to one another in Christ.  Eph.5:21   This attitude requires patience and forgiveness as we remember that is what Christ did and is doing for us.  Col.3:13; Eph.4:2

When we possess the sinful attitudes mentioned, we don’t really have a sincere love of the body of Christ of which we are all a part.  You don’t love your ear but not your foot.  Love is the answer to overcome our lack of these attitudes.  1 Jhn.4:7-12   Love will cause us to interact with one another properly.  Eph.4:32; Col.3:13;   1Pet.4:9

May we all be one as Jesus prayed in Jhn.17:21-23.  I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word.  Jhn.17:20


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