Scripture leaves us no choice in this
matter. We are to be separate from the
world even though we are IN the world; those in Christ can never be OF the
world. Jesus gave us this example. Heb.7:26 If we do not live a life separate from
the world, the time will come when the Lord will have to do the
separating. Matt.25:32 The night before
Jesus was crucified, He prayed for those following Him and for those that would
follow Him in the future. Jhn.17:20
He did not pray that God would take them out of the world. Jhn.17:15 Jesus prayed that His followers would be
kept from the evil one. The “evil one”
is very real. 1 Jhn.5:19 When we took
Jesus as our Savior, He took us out of the world. Jhn.15:19 Being out of the world, we no longer
follow those things of the world. We are
Since Jesus came and established His
church (Matt.16:18), Christians are
God’s people. Gal.6:15,16 However, the Jews as God’s people in the O.T.
were to live lives separate from the nations around them. These were idol worshippers and as the Jews
failed to heed in instructions of the Lord to be separate, they fell into many
wicked practices.
One example of living a separate life
that comes from the O.T. is Samson who took the Nazarite vow. The stipulations of the Nazarite vow give us
an excellent example that we need to follow in living a life separate from the
A Jew was not compelled to take the
Nazarite vow. It was voluntary. Num.6:2 The purpose was to separate himself to
the Lord. Rom.12:1 We come to Jesus
and present ourselves as a living sacrifice.
Some religions today think they will get to life eternal by giving their
life up to bomb a site. We offer
ourselves to live for Him.
A sacrifice is when you give up
something. 1 Pet.2:5 We make many
sacrifices with joy to One who has given us so much. This Scripture speaks of spiritual
sacrifices. Heb.13:15,16 Praise and
sharing are other sacrifices. When we
share, it is not “throw away things” but sharing of something that we might
have needed or been able to use—even financial.
Rom.6:13 We give up what would have made us an instrument
of unrighteousness to participate in godly endeavors. We no longer love the things of the
world. 1Jhn.2:15,16 A person
cannot love both the world and the Lord.
Matt.6:24 If this attempt is made, we make
ourselves an enemy of God. Jam.4:4
Num.6:3 Food and drink was changed when the Nazarite
vow was taken. Remember Daniel, although
not under the vow, would not partake of the food and drink of the Babylonians
when it was put before him. We are to
take care of our bodies for they are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Many would gasp at desecrating a church and
yet think nothing of doing the same to their bodies. 1
Cor.6:19,20 This was so important to Paul that he was
willing to give up meat altogether if it meant the saving of a soul. His eating would become an example that might
not be clear to a person just converted from idol worship. 1
A Jew under the Nazarite vow would
probably be noticed because of appearance.
A Christian follows the culture and style only up to a point. We have to think in global terms for
missionaries must make important decisions in this regard. God dressed Adam and Eve. Before sin came into the Garden, they didn’t
even know they were naked. Gen.3:11,21 Later on priests were given instructions
about their covering. Ex.28:42
God-given instructions involved undergarments to cover their flesh
down to their thighs. Both of these
times it is evident of the importance of covering the flesh. One of the differences in the world is the
display of too much flesh or being modest.
(modest—unpretentious, humble, simple, inconspicuous) 1
Tim.2:9 It seems to be a natural
things for women to love fine clothes.
Rather, God wants us to be known for our good deeds and not our
clothes. 1 Tim.2:10
The one under a Nazarite vow was evident
by open profession. Neither do we hide
the fact that we are a Christian. Matt.10:32,33 Part of becoming a Christian is in
confessing Jesus as the Son of God and wanting Him to be our Savior. 1
Jhn.4:15 The very life of one under
the Nazarite vow was evident. The way we
live is also to be evident that there is something different in our lives. Acts
Tim.4:12 Our example must
show that we are separate from the world in every aspect of our lives. May we be like the Thessalonians as Paul
prayed for them in his letter to them. 1 Thess.1:3 …work
of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness in hope.
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