Wednesday, February 5, 2014



In the olden days a separator was used to separate the cream from the milk.  They could be used in a different way.  Often a recipe calls for the white of an egg to be separated from the yolk.  Separately they have a different purpose.  So it is in the life of a Christian.  We are in the world with human beings but we have a different purpose.  God expects Christians to be separated from the world.  2 Cor.6:17

As we think of separation many opposites in the Scripture come to mind.  Jesus is the Light of the world.  Jhn.8:12   Darkness is the opposite and Jesus explained the difference that by walking with Him, we would never walk in darkness.  Light and darkness are used to contrast the purity and holiness of God with the sinfulness and wickedness of this world from which we must separate ourselves.  1 Jhn.1:5-7

Another contrast is the wise and the foolish.  Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish builders in Matt.7:24-27 gives a good example of this contrast.  This happens today.  People are flooded out year after year but go back to that same place.  This happens in our spiritual life.  Sometimes we call upon the Lord in times of stress in pain or problems, only to leave the Lord after that time is over.  The foolish and wise virgins provide another example.  We must be prepared to meet our Lord at any time for we know not when He will come.  The foolish virgins were unprepared.  Matt.25:11-13   The foolish virgins had to leave to get prepared but in the meantime the groom (Jesus) came and the door was shut.  It was too late.

The above two parables give us an important lesson to be wise.  On the other hand, let us look at another angle of this.  We need to stay humble for the wisdom is not in us but in God.  1 Cor.1:25   Paul goes on to explain in 1 Cor.1:26-29.  Our wisdom is in God so any boasting is not in us but in our Lord.  1 Cor.1:30,31

A definite distinction exists between the blind and those who can see.  We need no physical examples of these for they are very evident.  However, perhaps we had better look as the distinction in a spiritual light.  The blind have no understanding and too often are void of any attempt to understand.  Matt.13:13   In Jhn.9:39 Jesus explained that He came to give understanding to those who wanted to understand but there were those that thought they knew (Pharisees) but were actually blind in their understanding.  As Christians we must take care not to be drawn in with the blind.  They think they understand, but don’t.  Matt.15:14

Worldly is a term often used as opposed to spiritual.  1 Cor.3:3   The worldly describes a person that has jealousy and quarrelling in their life.  They are acting just like people in the world.  This indicates the need of a separation, a disassociation of those living in the Spirit or in the world.  Many characteristics are found in Scripture describing both spiritual and worldly.  These are far apart in nature and will be dealt with in a future lesson.  1 Cor.2:13,14 explains the difference.  If a Christian does not disassociate or separate from those with worldly characteristics, they will find themselves engulfed in them and beginning to conform themselves to those in the world.  Rom.12:2

This brings us to righteousness verses unrighteousness.  Righteousness is rightness.  It is morally right, virtuous, innocent, just.  Job asks a question in Job 9:2.  We are created in the image of God who is righteous; but mankind fell into sin.  Now we are to be made new through Jesus that we might become righteous again.  2 Cor.5:21   It is not our righteousness but that of Jesus.  Eph.4:23,24

Unrighteousness is wickedness.  If we confess God, we have to turn away from wickedness.  2 Tim.2:19   This is an important separation.  Rom.6:13   What a praise that we can be forgiven.  Heb.8:12; 1 Jhn.1:9

Many more cases of separation could be made and will be in future lessons.  To review, however, we want to follow the Light (Jesus) and stay away from darkness (sin); we must use the wisdom of God and be prepared when Christ returns; be ready to see (understand) the Truth so we won’t be blind; live and walk in the Spirit rather than conform to the world; and accept the righteousness of Jesus as He takes our sin upon Himself.

Rev. 18:4   …”Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues.  Be ye separate!     



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