Sunday, December 22, 2013


Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith, Mary Southerland

This eight-week daily devotional is truly a faith adventure by these three women known as Girlfriends in God.  They work together with the single purpose of increasing the reader’s faith by delving into forty names of God that are used in Scripture.

Each devotional begins with a Scripture that includes one of the names of God.  A down-to-earth example in real life is used to explain that particular name of God.  Then the event in Scripture where that name of God is used is discussed.  Each devotional is written by one of these women.  After five daily devotionals, a section called “Now It’s Your Turn” is used for the sixth day.  This section is a review of the names, reflections that apply personally, and Scripture studies with room for journaling.

These devotions will strengthen your faith and cause you to have a deeper realization of the many aspects of our great and awesome God.  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013



As we continue to develop this thirst for God and His Word, may we make sure that we are not part of this famine of which Amos speaks in Amos 8:11.  It seems that our country has come to the place of a famine for hearing the words of the Lord.  It is just foolishness to those in the world that do not take it as Truth or are just nonchalant about it.  1 Cor.1:18    Nothing could be more important to us.  It would be much better to be known as the Thessalonians were in 1 Thess.2:13. 

All of us have something that is precious to us.  It may be a picture, a letter, maybe an antique coin.  We can’t take those with us!  What could be more precious than something eternal?  When we think of the Word of God being written over almost 1500 years by 40 authors with no disagreement but perfectly joined together into our Bible, nothing could be more valuable and profitable to us concerning eternity.    Heb.1:1-3    This involves our life now.  Phil.2:16   God inspired it all.  2 Tim.3:16   He did so with a plan.  Let us have a plan for our  study.

Sometimes it is difficult to get into a mindset for study.  Gospel music might help but don’t get so involved with the words if it plays while studying or it will distract you.  A devotional book might be of value but don’t think that that is your Bible study.  Nothing takes the place of the Words of our Lord.

Prayer comes first.  God is pleased when we put Him first. Col.3:2    One way we do this is by studying His Word.  He will help us.  Ps.121:2   God will help us focus.  He will help our understanding.  Ask God for His help.

Here is a short list of ideas for study:  Many Bibles have a plan where you read a portion of the O.T. and then a portion of the N.T.  You might want to concentrate on a portion of the N.T. with a Psalm or Proverb included.  Studying one book is a very worthy study.  Another type of study would be to take a word, such as one of the fruit of the Spirit, and look up many Scriptures that would connect with that word.  You might want to take one of the men or women of faith and study their lives.

Many Bibles give an introduction to a book that includes the background.  That is profitable to read.  It is important to remember that any introduction or notes relating to verses for aid in understanding are written by man and not inspired by God.  Be like the Bereans. Search the Scriptures to see if those things are soActs 17:11   It is easy to get tied up in historical fact, rote learning, etc., that we forget the application to our lives.  Col.3:16   We want the Word of Christ to richly dwell within you.

Here are some of the tools for study that may be in your Bible.  Cross-references are in many Bibles.  It is either down the center of the page or across the bottom of the page.  It will give the Scripture by number and then list a few other Scriptures that pertain to the same subject.  It has often been said that the Scripture interprets itself with other Scriptures.  A deep study will reference these Scriptures in your cross-reference.

Another important tool that is within many Bibles is the concordance.  It is usually in the far back after Revelation.  It lists words in the Bible alphabetically.  Under each word are Scriptures that contain that word.  Some will apply to your study and some will not.  However, it is worth the effort to look them up.  As you do so, you will find yourself becoming more familiar with the arrangement of the books of the Bible.  This is important for you to learn as you study and will greatly ease your search.

Some Bibles will have an outline of a book inserted before the actual Scripture.  This may be helpful as a birds-eye view of the book.  Maps found in the back of your Bible or possibly throughout give you a more visual way of looking at the Scripture.  This would be of particular value in following the life of Paul, Jesus, or the Israelites.

You may not have commentaries.  They are usually large and sometimes multi-volumes.  They are written by man—not inspired by God. Be careful with these as they may contain false doctrine.  One little book that is inexpensive and contains a world of information is Halley’s Bible Handbook.  It would be helpful in many ways with your study and can be trusted.

An important tool is a personal notebook.  To be sure you are focusing on a particular verse, take notes on it.  What does this mean for me?  Write it out in your own words.  Maybe you want a section of your notebook that you list important Scriptures that apply to your life.  You may want to copy them out so you can go back and refer to them often to put them in your heart.

One way to saturate your heart with a passage is to read (study) it every day for a week until it is part of you.  Don’t be in a hurry.  It is more important that you are feeding your heart with God’s Word and letting it change your life than to cover a certain portion in a certain time.  Isa.40:8


Sunday, December 15, 2013



I realize these few lessons may be elementary to many followers.  It is much needed for my Bible class.  Perhaps you may find it useful to use for a class that you teach.

Do we awake in the morning; put our feet on the floor and then are thirsty for Jesus?  Does that sound strange to you?  David indicated his thirst for the Lord in Ps.42:1.  Jesus told us that we would be filled if we hunger and thirst after righteousness which is found from Scripture.  Matt.5:6   Perhaps getting up would not be such a drag if we truly were asking the Lord that we might be pleasing to Him that day.  Maybe we could even pray that we might be His instrument that day.  Rom.6:13   That hunger can be fed by the Word of God.  Matt.4:4

Obstacles to accomplish this are different for each one of us.  Perhaps we have many obligations with family or other people around us.  Of course there are always many things we need to do.  Satan provides all kinds of reasons or maybe we should say excuses to keep us from feeding on the Word of God. These temptations are common to man.  You are not alone; but we need to be overcomers. 1 Jhn.5:4   When we overcome by faith, we are not doing it ourselves.  We pray with faith that God will help us. Matt.21:22   We can overcome with eager determination and God’s help.  Habits can be bad but habits can also be good and productive.  Feeding on the Word of God and hiding it in our heart is a habit we need and that we should want to form.  It takes desire and determination with zeal.

Probably the first consideration would be the time of day.  Ps.88:13   Here we find David praying in the morning.  While some have a mind much clearer in the morning, others would find other times more profitable.  If we do not choose the first thing in the morning, it is easy to let the events of the day to push out our Bible study time and then the day is gone.  One lady with a baby was always up in the night with it.  She had her Bible already open and beside the chair where she would hold the baby.  She was ready to drink in the Word of God.  It may mean—get up earlier!  Would that be too much to ask, for the Lord that gave His life for you?  So plan for a good time you can be alone with God without distractions.  Schedule that time as you would schedule a doctor’s appointment.  That time is saved for your Lord.  That becomes a habit.  Eph.5:15,16   Our time is important to God.

Where can you study the best?  Find a place that is comfortable but where you can lay out the tools you will need for a real study.  Yes, you may need more than just your Bible to get the most out of your study.  You are not going to be lounging.  You will really be studying.  To grow in Christ, you want to be a student of God’s Word.  2 Tim.2:15   Paul was convinced that the Roman Christians were filled with knowledge.  This was not a worldly knowledge but spiritual knowledge of Scripture.  Rom.15:14   The purpose of our study is to grow in knowledge of the Word.
Now that you have decided on a time and place, it is absolutely necessary to be ready to concentrate on what you are doing.  This may sound foolish but first of all, our minds have a tendency to wander.  There is also a matter of comprehension.  If you read a verse and someone should ask you, “What did you just read?” could you tell them?  Now if someone told you something about someone, you might even remember the next day.  You remember a birthday, part of your grocery list, who is sick, etc.  You understood, thought about it, and were able to absorb it.  The same has to happen when we read Scripture.  We have our “thinking-cap” on.  We think about it, understand it as much as we can, absorb it into our minds and hearts and make the information or Scripture ours.  Heb.10:16   If this doesn’t happen, we have just gone through a routine.  It has not changed us nor has it helped us grow in Christ.  We need to pray that the Lord will help us before we start, but we have to be ready to help ourselves, too.  The Bible is powerful.  Heb.4:12   If we are really concentrating, the Bible can bring us joy, comfort, convict us, teach us, guide us, solve problems, and literally change our lives.  Be able to say what you just read—even to yourself.  Our glasses help us focus with our eyes.  Our mind must focus on the Scripture as we read.

Is your Bible one that is from several hundred years ago in its translation?  It may be difficult to understand if it came over with the Mayflower.  The King James is very good but the language is old.  Newer versions can be obtained cheaply.  Check with someone you trust as to what version might be best for you.  If someone is going to get a gift for you, would a new shirt or an understandable Bible be a better request. This could make a big difference in your understanding.  Rom.10:8

Now we have a time, place, our “thinking-caps” on, and an understandable Bible on hand.  We must have a plan for our study to be the most valuable.  You have a plan when you do a craft, cook a meal, or build something.  It is haphazard to put the Bible in front of you and just open it to where it falls.  Even though it is all inspired by God, the Bible is written with a plan.  2 Tim.3:16   It did not come by man.  2 Pet.1:21

The Old Testament of 39 books is a history of beginnings and of the Jewish people who were the ones through whom the Son of God, Jesus, would come.  It is our schoolmaster or tutor (teacher).  Gal.3:24   The New Testament with 27 books tells us of Jesus, His church, and the way we should live in Christ to the end of days.  One plan might include a portion of the O.T. and a portion of the N.T.  Another plan might begin with one of the gospels about Jesus (Matt., Mk., Lk., Jhn.).  Then go on with the history of the church in Acts and so on, but Read Your Bible!       

Tuesday, December 3, 2013



It is probably safe to say that everyone has something hidden in their heart.  Perhaps it is a childhood memory that brings a warm feeling to your heart.  It could be an accomplishment that was completed with a feeling of pride.  A time of marriage to your best friend, the awesome entrance into the world of a child’s birth. Sickness and death bring memories that we never forget.  So what is hidden in the recesses of your heart?

David gives us a jewel to hide in our heart – Thy Word. Then he provides the reason.  That I might not sin against You.  Ps.119:11   Oh, how we need to have those precious Scriptures deeply embedded in our hearts.  Jesus gave us such an example when Satan came to tempt Him.  Yes, Jesus, even though the Son of God but also a man such as we are, had Scripture deep within His heart.  With each temptation, Jesus had a Scripture ready for Satan. 

Could you even accomplish a forty-day fast?  Then a human statement was made, “He then became hungry.”  Satan knew just like Satan knows when we have a desire.  Jesus counteracted with a Scripture.  Matt.4:4   Satan failed with that one but he was ready with another temptation. 

Do you realize that this prince of the power of the air actually took the Man-Jesus high up to the pinnacle of the temple.  Remarkable!  The temptation: IF you are the Son of God--jump.  Then Satan quoted Scripture.  Remember, Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light and is full of deceit.  If Jesus had jumped, that would have gained awe from the masses that surrounded the temple.  Satan knew Jesus could call on angels to save Him and so did Jesus; but that was not the purpose of Jesus in coming to earth.  Lk.19:10   Again Jesus had an answer from the Scripture.  Matt.4:7  

Satan was not through with Jesus; just like Satan will keep prodding us to sin throughout our lives.  Satan wanted Jesus, the Son of God, to fall down and worship him.  He offered a great reward if Jesus would do that.  Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.  Didn’t he know he was offering this to the One who created the world?  But this temptation was to the Man-Jesus.  Maybe it sounds good on first thought; however, Jesus knew better and was ready with Scripture.  Matt.4:10   God always has the right answers in His Word—never Satan.

Notice that Satan moved on to another temptation after Scripture was quoted.  We, too, can send him on his way with the name of Jesus and the Words of God that we have stowed in our heart.  Just because we are a Christian, those Scriptures are not automatically put into our heart.  Nothing of value is easy.  It takes work.

We are so inadequate when it comes to fighting temptation, gaining in righteousness, and working for the Lord.  The good news is we are not alone.  1 Cor.10:13   The temptations we have are common to man.  We can have support groups, for others are going through similar circumstances.  God has provided a way out if we but grasp it and hang on to it.  God will never leave us.  We must never leave Him.  He gives this promise to the people of God in the O.T.  Deut.31:6   The promise is given by Jesus in Matt.28:20.

Now my question is this:  How will you ever know if you are not hiding the Word in your heart?  We can just go on with what someone tells us but that is never as good as when we experience it ourselves and load it into our mind for keeps.  Ps.42:1  This has to be a real desire and not just an occasional “wish I could remember” or “that would be nice.”  We can develop a craving, a yearning to increase in our knowledge of God’s Word.  This is a necessity.

Paul mentions that he is convinced that the Roman Christians are full of goodness and knowledge.  Rom.15:14   This isn’t knowledge of cooking, building, politics.  No, this is knowledge of the Scriptures.  Peter wanted the Christians to grow in grace (favor) and knowledge of the Lord.  2 Pet.3:18   In listing several things that Peter encouraged the Christians to use diligence (persistence) in obtaining, knowledge was one of them.  2 Pet.1:5   We can’t be haphazard in gaining knowledge.

Moses told the Israelites that obeying God was not too difficult.  It was in their mouth and in their heart.  Deut.30:11-14   You can’t obey if you don’t know and you can’t know unless you study.  A question is asked in Ps.119:9.  Although it mentions the young, it is true for all.  We stay on the path of purity and righteousness by living according to the Word. 

“Neglect” is a big word in Ps.119:16.  If a person really loves the Word, he will not neglect it, no matter what we might say.  David used Scripture as a lamp to light his way (Ps.119:105) so he would obey God’s Word.  Ps.119:101  

Can we say with Paul as he says in Rom.7:22?  Now is the time spoken of in Heb.10:16.  It is up to each individual.  Some ideas to help will be forthcoming.  Meanwhile, read you Bible every day.